News Reader =========== This example shows how to implement a simple news reader using Ray. The RSS feed reader app consists of a simple ``Vue.js`` `frontend`_ and a backend consisting of a Flask server and a Ray actor. View the `code for this example`_. To run this example, you will need to install `NPM`_ and a few python dependencies. .. code-block:: bash pip install atoma pip install flask pip install flask-cors Navigate to the ``ray/doc/examples/newsreader`` directory and start the Flask server. .. code-block:: bash python Clone the client code. .. code-block:: bash git clone Start the client. .. code-block:: bash cd qreader; npm install; npm run dev Once the ``qreader`` is running, you can visit the dashboard which should open once its running. If it fails to open on its own, you can visit it at the url listed in the screen output. You can now add a channel by clicking "Add channel". For example, try pasting ```` into the field. Star some of the articles in the channel. Each time you star an article, you can see the Flask server responding in its terminal. Now we will view our database. Navigate back to the ``ray/doc/examples/newsreader`` directory. Access the database by running ``sqlite3 newsreader.db`` in the terminal. This will start a sqlite session. View all the articles in the ``news`` table by running ``SELECT * FROM news;``. For more details on commands in sqlite, you can run `.help` in the database. .. _`frontend`: .. _`code for this example`: .. _`NPM`: