#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re def parse_time_to_ms(time_string: str) -> float: """Given a time string with various unit, convert to ms in float: wrk time unit reference https://github.com/wg/wrk/blob/master/src/units.c#L17-L21 Example: "71.91ms" -> 71.91 "50us" -> 0.05 "1.5s" -> 1500 """ # Group 1 - (one or more digits + optional dot + one or more digits) # 71.91 / 50 / 1.5 # Group 2 - (All words) # ms / us / s parsed = re.split(r"(\d+.?\d+)(\w+)", time_string) values = [val for val in parsed if val] if values[1] == "ms": return float(values[0]) elif values[1] == "us": return float(values[0]) / 1000 elif values[1] == "s": return float(values[0]) * 1000 # Should not return here in common benchmark return values[1] def parse_size_to_KB(size_string: str) -> float: """Given a size string with various unit, convert to KB in float: wrk binary unit reference https://github.com/wg/wrk/blob/master/src/units.c#L29-L33 Example: "200.56KB" -> 200.56 "50MB" -> 51200 "0.5GB" -> 524288 """ # Group 1 - (one or more digits + optional dot + one or more digits) # 200.56 / 50 / 0.5 # Group 2 - (All words) # KB / MB / GB parsed = re.split(r"(\d+.?\d+)(\w+)", size_string) values = [val for val in parsed if val] if values[1] == "KB": return float(values[0]) elif values[1] == "MB": return float(values[0]) * 1024 elif values[1] == "GB": return float(values[0]) * 1024 * 1024 # Should not return here in common benchmark return values[1] def parse_metric_to_base(metric_string: str) -> float: """Given a metric string with various unit, convert to original base wrk metric unit reference https://github.com/wg/wrk/blob/master/src/units.c#L35-L39 Example: "71.91" -> 71.91 "1.32k" -> 1320 "1.5M" -> 1500000 """ parsed = re.split(r"(\d+.?\d+)(\w+)", metric_string) values = [val for val in parsed if val] if len(values) == 1: return float(values[0]) if values[1] == "k": return float(values[0]) * 1000 elif values[1] == "M": return float(values[0]) * 1000 * 1000 # Should not return here in common benchmark return values[1] def parse_wrk_decoded_stdout(decoded_out): """ Parse decoded wrk stdout to a dictionary. # Sample wrk stdout: # Running 10s test @ 8 threads and 96 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 72.32ms 6.00ms 139.00ms 91.60% Req/Sec 165.99 34.84 242.00 57.20% Latency Distribution 50% 70.78ms 75% 72.59ms 90% 75.67ms 99% 98.71ms 13306 requests in 10.10s, 1.95MB read Requests/sec: 1317.73 Transfer/sec: 198.19KB Returns: {'latency_avg_ms': 72.32, 'latency_stdev_ms': 6.0, 'latency_max_ms': 139.0, 'latency_+/-_stdev %': 91.6, 'req/sec_avg': 165.99, 'req/sec_stdev': 34.84, 'req/sec_max': 242.0, 'req/sec_+/-_stdev %': 57.2, 'P50_latency_ms': 70.78, 'P75_latency_ms': 72.59, 'P90_latency_ms': 75.67, 'P99_latency_ms': 98.71, 'requests/sec': 1317.73, 'transfer/sec_KB': 198.19 """ metrics_dict = {} for line in decoded_out.splitlines(): parsed = re.split(r"\s+", line.strip()) # Statistics section # Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev # Latency 72.32ms 6.00ms 139.00ms 91.60% # Req/Sec 165.99 34.84 242.00 57.20% if parsed[0] == "Latency" and len(parsed) == 5: metrics_dict["latency_avg_ms"] = parse_time_to_ms(parsed[1]) metrics_dict["latency_stdev_ms"] = parse_time_to_ms(parsed[2]) metrics_dict["latency_max_ms"] = parse_time_to_ms(parsed[3]) metrics_dict["latency_+/-_stdev %"] = float(parsed[4][:-1]) elif parsed[0] == "Req/Sec" and len(parsed) == 5: metrics_dict["req/sec_avg"] = parse_metric_to_base(parsed[1]) metrics_dict["req/sec_stdev"] = parse_metric_to_base(parsed[2]) metrics_dict["req/sec_max"] = parse_metric_to_base(parsed[3]) metrics_dict["req/sec_+/-_stdev %"] = float(parsed[4][:-1]) # Latency Distribution header, ignored elif parsed[0] == "Latency" and parsed[1] == "Distribution": continue # Percentile section # 50% 70.78ms # 75% 72.59ms # 90% 75.67ms # 99% 98.71ms elif parsed[0] == "50%": metrics_dict["P50_latency_ms"] = parse_time_to_ms(parsed[1]) elif parsed[0] == "75%": metrics_dict["P75_latency_ms"] = parse_time_to_ms(parsed[1]) elif parsed[0] == "90%": metrics_dict["P90_latency_ms"] = parse_time_to_ms(parsed[1]) elif parsed[0] == "99%": metrics_dict["P99_latency_ms"] = parse_time_to_ms(parsed[1]) # Summary section # Requests/sec: 1317.73 # Transfer/sec: 198.19KB elif parsed[0] == "Requests/sec:": metrics_dict["requests/sec"] = parse_metric_to_base(parsed[1]) elif parsed[0] == "Transfer/sec:": metrics_dict["transfer/sec_KB"] = parse_size_to_KB(parsed[1]) return metrics_dict