#!/bin/bash # NOTE: Only working for Python 3.7 on MacOS. # NOTE: Please modify the wheel URL. DASK_VERSION=("2021.5.0" "2021.4.1" "2021.4.0" "2021.3.1" "2021.2.0" "2021.1.1" "2020.12.0") unset RAY_ADDRESS pip install --upgrade pip # Comment out the below block for testing. echo "Please run vi dask-on-ray-test.sh and modify the ray wheel properly." echo "Also make sure that you are in the right branch on your repo." echo "For example, if you are using releases/1.3.0 wheel, you should checkout to that repo." echo "Example: git checkout -b releases/1.3.0 upstream/releases/1.3.0" #exit 1 pip uninstall -y ray pip install -U https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ray-wheels/releases/1.4.0/0e95428a5975b774d266893102c39c8e137da5d8/ray-1.4.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl for dask_version in "${DASK_VERSION[@]}" do # The quotes are necessary here echo "==================================================" echo "Downloading Dask of version '${dask_version}'" pip uninstall -y dask pip install -U "dask[complete]==${dask_version}" printf "==================================================\n\n\n" echo "==================================================" echo "Running tests against dask version ${dask_version}" python -m pytest -v ../../python/ray/tests/test_dask_scheduler.py python -m pytest -v ../../python/ray/tests/test_dask_callback.py python -m pytest -v ../../python/ray/tests/test_dask_optimization.py printf "==================================================\n\n\n" done