import copy import logging import os import sys import yaml # Env variables: # RAY_REPO Repo to use for finding the wheel # RAY_BRANCH Branch to find the wheel # RAY_TEST_REPO Repo to use for test scripts # RAY_TEST_BRANCH Branch for test scripts # FILTER_FILE File filter # FILTER_TEST Test name filter # RELEASE_TEST_SUITE Release test suite (e.g. manual, nightly) class ReleaseTest: def __init__(self, name: str, smoke_test: bool = False, retry: int = 0): = name self.smoke_test = smoke_test self.retry = retry def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return def __contains__(self, item): return def __iter__(self): return iter( def __len__(self): return len( class SmokeTest(ReleaseTest): def __init__(self, name: str, retry: int = 0): super(SmokeTest, self).__init__( name=name, smoke_test=True, retry=retry) CORE_NIGHTLY_TESTS = { "~/ray/release/nightly_tests/nightly_tests.yaml": [ "shuffle_10gb", "shuffle_50gb", "shuffle_50gb_large_partition", "shuffle_100gb", "non_streaming_shuffle_100gb", "non_streaming_shuffle_50gb_large_partition", "non_streaming_shuffle_50gb", "dask_on_ray_10gb_sort", "dask_on_ray_100gb_sort", SmokeTest("dask_on_ray_large_scale_test_no_spilling"), SmokeTest("dask_on_ray_large_scale_test_spilling"), "stress_test_placement_group", "shuffle_1tb_1000_partition", "non_streaming_shuffle_1tb_1000_partition", "shuffle_1tb_5000_partitions", # TODO(sang): It doesn't even work without spilling # as it hits the scalability limit. # "non_streaming_shuffle_1tb_5000_partitions", "decision_tree_autoscaling", "autoscaling_shuffle_1tb_1000_partitions", SmokeTest("stress_test_many_tasks"), SmokeTest("stress_test_dead_actors"), "shuffle_data_loader", "dask_on_ray_1tb_sort", "many_nodes_actor_test", ], "~/ray/benchmarks/benchmark_tests.yaml": [ "single_node", "object_store", "many_actors_smoke_test", "many_tasks_smoke_test", "many_pgs_smoke_test", ], "~/ray/release/nightly_tests/dataset/dataset_test.yaml": [ "inference", "shuffle_data_loader", ], } NIGHTLY_TESTS = { # "~/ray/release/horovod_tests/horovod_tests.yaml": [ # SmokeTest("horovod_test"), # ], # Should we enable this? "~/ray/release/golden_notebook_tests/golden_notebook_tests.yaml": [ "dask_xgboost_test", "modin_xgboost_test", "torch_tune_serve_test", ], "~/ray/release/nightly_tests/nightly_tests.yaml": [ "dask_on_ray_large_scale_test_no_spilling", "dask_on_ray_large_scale_test_spilling", ], "~/ray/release/long_running_tests/long_running_tests.yaml": [ SmokeTest("actor_deaths"), SmokeTest("apex"), SmokeTest("impala"), SmokeTest("many_actor_tasks"), SmokeTest("many_drivers"), SmokeTest("many_ppo"), SmokeTest("many_tasks"), SmokeTest("many_tasks_serialized_ids"), SmokeTest("node_failures"), SmokeTest("pbt"), # SmokeTest("serve"), # SmokeTest("serve_failure"), ], "~/ray/release/microbenchmark/microbenchmark.yaml": [ "microbenchmark", ], "~/ray/release/sgd_tests/sgd_tests.yaml": [ "sgd_gpu", ], "~/ray/release/tune_tests/scalability_tests/tune_tests.yaml": [ "bookkeeping_overhead", "durable_trainable", SmokeTest("long_running_large_checkpoints"), SmokeTest("network_overhead"), "result_throughput_cluster", "result_throughput_single_node", "xgboost_sweep", ], "~/ray/release/xgboost_tests/xgboost_tests.yaml": [ "train_small", "train_moderate", "train_gpu", "tune_small", "tune_4x32", "tune_32x4", "ft_small_elastic", "ft_small_non_elastic", "distributed_api_test", ], "~/ray/release/rllib_tests/rllib_tests.yaml": [ SmokeTest("learning_tests"), SmokeTest("stress_tests"), "multi_gpu_learning_tests", "multi_gpu_with_lstm_learning_tests", "multi_gpu_with_attention_learning_tests", # We'll have these as per-PR tests soon. # "example_scripts_on_gpu_tests", ], "~/ray/release/serve_tests/serve_tests.yaml": [ "single_deployment_1k_noop_replica", "multi_deployment_1k_noop_replica", "serve_micro_benchmark", ], "~/ray/release/runtime_env_tests/runtime_env_tests.yaml": [ "rte_many_tasks_actors", "wheel_urls", ], } WEEKLY_TESTS = { "~/ray/benchmarks/benchmark_tests.yaml": [ "many_actors", "many_tasks", "many_pgs", "many_nodes", ], "~/ray/release/nightly_tests/nightly_tests.yaml": [ "stress_test_many_tasks", "stress_test_dead_actors", ], "~/ray/release/horovod_tests/horovod_tests.yaml": [ "horovod_test", ], "~/ray/release/long_running_distributed_tests" "/long_running_distributed.yaml": [ "pytorch_pbt_failure", ], # Full long running tests (1 day runtime) "~/ray/release/long_running_tests/long_running_tests.yaml": [ "actor_deaths", "apex", "impala", "many_actor_tasks", "many_drivers", "many_ppo", "many_tasks", "many_tasks_serialized_ids", "node_failures", "pbt", "serve", "serve_failure", ], "~/ray/release/tune_tests/scalability_tests/tune_tests.yaml": [ "network_overhead", "long_running_large_checkpoints", ], "~/ray/release/rllib_tests/rllib_tests.yaml": [ "learning_tests", "stress_tests", ], } MANUAL_TESTS = { "~/ray/release/long_running_tests/long_running_tests.yaml": [ SmokeTest("serve"), SmokeTest("serve_failure"), ] } SUITES = { "core-nightly": CORE_NIGHTLY_TESTS, "nightly": NIGHTLY_TESTS, "weekly": WEEKLY_TESTS, "manual": MANUAL_TESTS, } DEFAULT_STEP_TEMPLATE = { "env": { "ANYSCALE_CLOUD_ID": "cld_4F7k8814aZzGG8TNUGPKnc", "ANYSCALE_PROJECT": "prj_2xR6uT6t7jJuu1aCwWMsle", "RELEASE_AWS_BUCKET": "ray-release-automation-results", "RELEASE_AWS_LOCATION": "dev", "RELEASE_AWS_DB_NAME": "ray_ci", "RELEASE_AWS_DB_TABLE": "release_test_result", "AWS_REGION": "us-west-2" }, "agents": { "queue": "runner_queue_branch" }, "plugins": [{ "docker#v3.8.0": { "image": "rayproject/ray", "propagate-environment": True } }], "commands": [] } def ask_configuration(): RAY_BRANCH = os.environ.get("RAY_BRANCH", "master") RAY_REPO = os.environ.get("RAY_REPO", "") RAY_VERSION = os.environ.get("RAY_VERSION", "") RAY_TEST_BRANCH = os.environ.get("RAY_TEST_BRANCH", RAY_BRANCH) RAY_TEST_REPO = os.environ.get("RAY_TEST_REPO", RAY_REPO) RELEASE_TEST_SUITE = os.environ.get("RELEASE_TEST_SUITE", "nightly") FILTER_FILE = os.environ.get("FILTER_FILE", "") FILTER_TEST = os.environ.get("FILTER_TEST", "") input_ask_step = { "input": "Input required: Please specify tests to run", "fields": [ { "text": ("Please specify the Ray repository used " "to find the wheel."), "hint": ("Repository from which to fetch the latest " "commits to find the Ray wheels. Usually you don't " "need to change this."), "default": RAY_REPO, "key": "ray_repo" }, { "text": ("Please specify the Ray branch used " "to find the wheel."), "hint": "For releases, this will be e.g. `releases/1.x.0`", "default": RAY_BRANCH, "key": "ray_branch" }, { "text": ("Please specify the Ray version used " "to find the wheel."), "hint": ("Leave empty for latest master. For releases, " "specify the release version."), "required": False, "default": RAY_VERSION, "key": "ray_version" }, { "text": ("Please specify the Ray repository used " "to find the tests you would like to run."), "hint": ("If you're developing a new release test, this " "will most likely be your GitHub fork."), "default": RAY_TEST_REPO, "key": "ray_test_repo" }, { "text": ("Please specify the Ray branch used " "to find the tests you would like to run."), "hint": ("If you're developing a new release test, this " "will most likely be a branch living on your " "GitHub fork."), "default": RAY_TEST_BRANCH, "key": "ray_test_branch" }, { "select": ("Please specify the release test suite containing " "the tests you would like to run."), "hint": ("Check in the `` if you're " "unsure which suite contains your tests."), "required": True, "options": sorted(SUITES.keys()), "default": RELEASE_TEST_SUITE, "key": "release_test_suite" }, { "text": ("Please specify a filter for the test files " "that should be included in this build."), "hint": ("Only test files (e.g. xgboost_tests.yml) that " "match this string will be included in the test"), "default": FILTER_FILE, "required": False, "key": "filter_file" }, { "text": ("Please specify a filter for the test names " "that should be included in this build."), "hint": ("Only test names (e.g. tune_4x32) that match " "this string will be included in the test"), "default": FILTER_TEST, "required": False, "key": "filter_test" }, ], "key": "input_ask_step", } run_again_step = { "commands": [ f"export {v}=$(buildkite-agent meta-data get \"{k}\")" for k, v in { "ray_branch": "RAY_BRANCH", "ray_repo": "RAY_REPO", "ray_version": "RAY_VERSION", "ray_test_branch": "RAY_TEST_BRANCH", "ray_test_repo": "RAY_TEST_REPO", "release_test_suite": "RELEASE_TEST_SUITE", "filter_file": "FILTER_FILE", "filter_test": "FILTER_TEST", }.items() ] + [ "export AUTOMATIC=1", "python3 -m pip install --user pyyaml", "git clone -b $${RAY_TEST_BRANCH} $${RAY_TEST_REPO} ~/ray", ("python3 ~/ray/release/.buildkite/ " "| buildkite-agent pipeline upload"), ], "label": ":pipeline: Again", "agents": { "queue": "runner_queue_branch" }, "depends_on": "input_ask_step", "key": "run_again_step", } return [ input_ask_step, run_again_step, ] def build_pipeline(steps): all_steps = [] RAY_BRANCH = os.environ.get("RAY_BRANCH", "master") RAY_REPO = os.environ.get("RAY_REPO", "") RAY_VERSION = os.environ.get("RAY_VERSION", "") RAY_TEST_BRANCH = os.environ.get("RAY_TEST_BRANCH", RAY_BRANCH) RAY_TEST_REPO = os.environ.get("RAY_TEST_REPO", RAY_REPO) FILTER_FILE = os.environ.get("FILTER_FILE", "") FILTER_TEST = os.environ.get("FILTER_TEST", "") f"Building pipeline \n" f"Ray repo/branch to test:\n" f" RAY_REPO = {RAY_REPO}\n" f" RAY_BRANCH = {RAY_BRANCH}\n\n" f" RAY_VERSION = {RAY_VERSION}\n\n" f"Ray repo/branch containing the test configurations and scripts:" f" RAY_TEST_REPO = {RAY_TEST_REPO}\n" f" RAY_TEST_BRANCH = {RAY_TEST_BRANCH}\n\n" f"Filtering for these tests:\n" f" FILTER_FILE = {FILTER_FILE}\n" f" FILTER_TEST = {FILTER_TEST}\n\n") for test_file, test_names in steps.items(): if FILTER_FILE and FILTER_FILE not in test_file: continue test_base = os.path.basename(test_file) for test_name in test_names: if FILTER_TEST and FILTER_TEST not in test_name: continue if not isinstance(test_name, ReleaseTest): test_name = ReleaseTest(name=test_name)"Adding test: {test_base}/{test_name}") cmd = str(f"RAY_REPO=\"{RAY_REPO}\" " f"RAY_BRANCH=\"{RAY_BRANCH}\" " f"RAY_VERSION=\"{RAY_VERSION}\" " f"python release/ " f"--category {RAY_BRANCH} " f"--test-config {test_file} " f"--test-name {test_name}") if test_name.smoke_test:"This test will run as a smoke test.") cmd += " --smoke-test" step_conf = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_STEP_TEMPLATE) if test_name.retry:"This test will be retried up to " f"{test_name.retry} times.") step_conf["retry"] = { "automatic": [{ "exit_status": "*", "limit": test_name.retry }] } step_conf["commands"] = [ "pip install -q -r release/requirements.txt", "pip install -U boto3 botocore", f"git clone -b {RAY_TEST_BRANCH} {RAY_TEST_REPO} ~/ray", cmd, ] step_conf["label"] = f"{test_name} ({RAY_BRANCH}) - " \ f"{RAY_TEST_BRANCH}/{test_base}" all_steps.append(step_conf) return all_steps def alert_pipeline(stats: bool = False): step_conf = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_STEP_TEMPLATE) cmd = "python release/" if stats: cmd += " --stats" step_conf["commands"] = [ "pip install -q -r release/requirements.txt", "pip install -U boto3 botocore", cmd, ] step_conf["label"] = f"Send periodic alert (stats_only = {stats})" return [step_conf] if __name__ == "__main__": alert = os.environ.get("RELEASE_ALERT", "0") ask_for_config = not bool(int(os.environ.get("AUTOMATIC", "0"))) if alert in ["1", "stats"]: steps = alert_pipeline(alert == "stats") elif ask_for_config: steps = ask_configuration() else: TEST_SUITE = os.environ.get("RELEASE_TEST_SUITE", "nightly") PIPELINE_SPEC = SUITES[TEST_SUITE] steps = build_pipeline(PIPELINE_SPEC) yaml.dump({"steps": steps}, sys.stdout)