#!/bin/bash set -x # Cause the script to exit if a single command fails. set -e TP_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}")"; pwd)/../ BOOST_VERSION=1.65.1 BOOST_VERSION_UNDERSCORE=1_65_1 # Download and compile boost if it isn't already present. if [[ ! -d $TP_DIR/pkg/boost ]]; then # The wget command frequently fails, so retry up to 20 times. for COUNT in {1..20}; do # Attempt to wget boost and break from the retry loop if it succeeds. wget --progress=dot:giga --no-check-certificate http://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/$BOOST_VERSION/source/boost_$BOOST_VERSION_UNDERSCORE.tar.gz -O $TP_DIR/build/boost_$BOOST_VERSION_UNDERSCORE.tar.gz && break # If none of the retries succeeded at getting boost, then fail. if [[ $COUNT == 20 ]]; then exit 1 fi done tar xf $TP_DIR/build/boost_$BOOST_VERSION_UNDERSCORE.tar.gz -C $TP_DIR/build/ rm -rf $TP_DIR/build/boost_$BOOST_VERSION_UNDERSCORE.tar.gz # Compile boost. pushd $TP_DIR/build/boost_$BOOST_VERSION_UNDERSCORE ./bootstrap.sh ./bjam cxxflags=-fPIC cflags=-fPIC variant=release link=static --prefix=$TP_DIR/pkg/boost --with-filesystem --with-system --with-regex install > /dev/null popd fi