from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from ray.rllib.policy.dynamic_tf_policy import DynamicTFPolicy from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy, LEARNER_STATS_KEY from ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy import TFPolicy from ray.rllib.utils import add_mixins from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override, DeveloperAPI @DeveloperAPI def build_tf_policy(name, loss_fn, get_default_config=None, postprocess_fn=None, stats_fn=None, optimizer_fn=None, gradients_fn=None, apply_gradients_fn=None, grad_stats_fn=None, extra_action_fetches_fn=None, extra_action_feed_fn=None, extra_learn_fetches_fn=None, extra_learn_feed_fn=None, before_init=None, before_loss_init=None, after_init=None, make_model=None, action_sampler_fn=None, mixins=None, get_batch_divisibility_req=None, obs_include_prev_action_reward=True): """Helper function for creating a dynamic tf policy at runtime. Functions will be run in this order to initialize the policy: 1. Placeholder setup: postprocess_fn 2. Loss init: loss_fn, stats_fn 3. Optimizer init: optimizer_fn, gradients_fn, apply_gradients_fn, grad_stats_fn This means that you can e.g., depend on any policy attributes created in the running of `loss_fn` in later functions such as `stats_fn`. In eager mode (to be implemented), the following functions will be run repeatedly on each eager execution: loss_fn, stats_fn This means that these functions should not define any variables internally, otherwise they will fail in eager mode execution. Variable should only be created in make_model (if defined). Arguments: name (str): name of the policy (e.g., "PPOTFPolicy") loss_fn (func): function that returns a loss tensor the policy, and dict of experience tensor placeholdes get_default_config (func): optional function that returns the default config to merge with any overrides postprocess_fn (func): optional experience postprocessing function that takes the same args as Policy.postprocess_trajectory() stats_fn (func): optional function that returns a dict of TF fetches given the policy and batch input tensors optimizer_fn (func): optional function that returns a tf.Optimizer given the policy and config gradients_fn (func): optional function that returns a list of gradients given (policy, optimizer, loss). If not specified, this defaults to optimizer.compute_gradients(loss) apply_gradients_fn (func): optional function that returns an apply gradients op given (policy, optimizer, grads_and_vars) grad_stats_fn (func): optional function that returns a dict of TF fetches given the policy, batch input, and gradient tensors extra_action_fetches_fn (func): optional function that returns a dict of TF fetches given the policy object extra_action_feed_fn (func): optional function that returns a feed dict to also feed to TF when computing actions extra_learn_fetches_fn (func): optional function that returns a dict of extra values to fetch and return when learning on a batch extra_learn_feed_fn (func): optional function that returns a feed dict to also feed to TF when learning on a batch before_init (func): optional function to run at the beginning of policy init that takes the same arguments as the policy constructor before_loss_init (func): optional function to run prior to loss init that takes the same arguments as the policy constructor after_init (func): optional function to run at the end of policy init that takes the same arguments as the policy constructor make_model (func): optional function that returns a ModelV2 object given (policy, obs_space, action_space, config). All policy variables should be created in this function. If not specified, a default model will be created. action_sampler_fn (func): optional function that returns a tuple of action and action prob tensors given (policy, model, input_dict, obs_space, action_space, config). If not specified, a default action distribution will be used. mixins (list): list of any class mixins for the returned policy class. These mixins will be applied in order and will have higher precedence than the DynamicTFPolicy class get_batch_divisibility_req (func): optional function that returns the divisibility requirement for sample batches obs_include_prev_action_reward (bool): whether to include the previous action and reward in the model input Returns: a DynamicTFPolicy instance that uses the specified args """ original_kwargs = locals().copy() base = add_mixins(DynamicTFPolicy, mixins) class policy_cls(base): def __init__(self, obs_space, action_space, config, existing_model=None, existing_inputs=None): if get_default_config: config = dict(get_default_config(), **config) if before_init: before_init(self, obs_space, action_space, config) def before_loss_init_wrapper(policy, obs_space, action_space, config): if before_loss_init: before_loss_init(policy, obs_space, action_space, config) if extra_action_fetches_fn is None: self._extra_action_fetches = {} else: self._extra_action_fetches = extra_action_fetches_fn(self) DynamicTFPolicy.__init__( self, obs_space, action_space, config, loss_fn, stats_fn=stats_fn, grad_stats_fn=grad_stats_fn, before_loss_init=before_loss_init_wrapper, make_model=make_model, action_sampler_fn=action_sampler_fn, existing_model=existing_model, existing_inputs=existing_inputs, get_batch_divisibility_req=get_batch_divisibility_req, obs_include_prev_action_reward=obs_include_prev_action_reward) if after_init: after_init(self, obs_space, action_space, config) @override(Policy) def postprocess_trajectory(self, sample_batch, other_agent_batches=None, episode=None): if not postprocess_fn: return sample_batch return postprocess_fn(self, sample_batch, other_agent_batches, episode) @override(TFPolicy) def optimizer(self): if optimizer_fn: return optimizer_fn(self, self.config) else: return TFPolicy.optimizer(self) @override(TFPolicy) def gradients(self, optimizer, loss): if gradients_fn: return gradients_fn(self, optimizer, loss) else: return TFPolicy.gradients(self, optimizer, loss) @override(TFPolicy) def build_apply_op(self, optimizer, grads_and_vars): if apply_gradients_fn: return apply_gradients_fn(self, optimizer, grads_and_vars) else: return TFPolicy.build_apply_op(self, optimizer, grads_and_vars) @override(TFPolicy) def extra_compute_action_fetches(self): return dict( TFPolicy.extra_compute_action_fetches(self), **self._extra_action_fetches) @override(TFPolicy) def extra_compute_action_feed_dict(self): if extra_action_feed_fn: return extra_action_feed_fn(self) else: return TFPolicy.extra_compute_action_feed_dict(self) @override(TFPolicy) def extra_compute_grad_fetches(self): if extra_learn_fetches_fn: # auto-add empty learner stats dict if needed return dict({ LEARNER_STATS_KEY: {} }, **extra_learn_fetches_fn(self)) else: return TFPolicy.extra_compute_grad_fetches(self) @override(TFPolicy) def extra_compute_grad_feed_dict(self): if extra_learn_feed_fn: return extra_learn_feed_fn(self) else: return TFPolicy.extra_compute_grad_feed_dict(self) @staticmethod def with_updates(**overrides): return build_tf_policy(**dict(original_kwargs, **overrides)) policy_cls.with_updates = with_updates policy_cls.__name__ = name policy_cls.__qualname__ = name return policy_cls