from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import logging from ray import tune from ray.rllib.agents.trainer import with_common_config from ray.rllib.agents.trainer_template import build_trainer from ray.rllib.agents.dqn.dqn_policy import DQNTFPolicy from ray.rllib.agents.dqn.simple_q_policy import SimpleQPolicy from ray.rllib.optimizers import SyncReplayOptimizer from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import DEFAULT_POLICY_ID from ray.rllib.utils.schedules import ConstantSchedule, LinearSchedule logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # yapf: disable # __sphinx_doc_begin__ DEFAULT_CONFIG = with_common_config({ # === Model === # Number of atoms for representing the distribution of return. When # this is greater than 1, distributional Q-learning is used. # the discrete supports are bounded by v_min and v_max "num_atoms": 1, "v_min": -10.0, "v_max": 10.0, # Whether to use noisy network "noisy": False, # control the initial value of noisy nets "sigma0": 0.5, # Whether to use dueling dqn "dueling": True, # Whether to use double dqn "double_q": True, # Postprocess model outputs with these hidden layers to compute the # state and action values. See also the model config in "hiddens": [256], # N-step Q learning "n_step": 1, # === Exploration === # Max num timesteps for annealing schedules. Exploration is annealed from # 1.0 to exploration_fraction over this number of timesteps scaled by # exploration_fraction "schedule_max_timesteps": 100000, # Minimum env steps to optimize for per train call. This value does # not affect learning, only the length of iterations. "timesteps_per_iteration": 1000, # Fraction of entire training period over which the exploration rate is # annealed "exploration_fraction": 0.1, # Final value of random action probability "exploration_final_eps": 0.02, # Update the target network every `target_network_update_freq` steps. "target_network_update_freq": 500, # Use softmax for sampling actions. Required for off policy estimation. "soft_q": False, # Softmax temperature. Q values are divided by this value prior to softmax. # Softmax approaches argmax as the temperature drops to zero. "softmax_temp": 1.0, # If True parameter space noise will be used for exploration # See "parameter_noise": False, # Extra configuration that disables exploration. "evaluation_config": { "exploration_fraction": 0, "exploration_final_eps": 0, }, # === Replay buffer === # Size of the replay buffer. Note that if async_updates is set, then # each worker will have a replay buffer of this size. "buffer_size": 50000, # If True prioritized replay buffer will be used. "prioritized_replay": True, # Alpha parameter for prioritized replay buffer. "prioritized_replay_alpha": 0.6, # Beta parameter for sampling from prioritized replay buffer. "prioritized_replay_beta": 0.4, # Fraction of entire training period over which the beta parameter is # annealed "beta_annealing_fraction": 0.2, # Final value of beta "final_prioritized_replay_beta": 0.4, # Epsilon to add to the TD errors when updating priorities. "prioritized_replay_eps": 1e-6, # Whether to LZ4 compress observations "compress_observations": True, # === Optimization === # Learning rate for adam optimizer "lr": 5e-4, # Learning rate schedule "lr_schedule": None, # Adam epsilon hyper parameter "adam_epsilon": 1e-8, # If not None, clip gradients during optimization at this value "grad_norm_clipping": 40, # How many steps of the model to sample before learning starts. "learning_starts": 1000, # Update the replay buffer with this many samples at once. Note that # this setting applies per-worker if num_workers > 1. "sample_batch_size": 4, # Size of a batched sampled from replay buffer for training. Note that # if async_updates is set, then each worker returns gradients for a # batch of this size. "train_batch_size": 32, # === Parallelism === # Number of workers for collecting samples with. This only makes sense # to increase if your environment is particularly slow to sample, or if # you"re using the Async or Ape-X optimizers. "num_workers": 0, # Whether to use a distribution of epsilons across workers for exploration. "per_worker_exploration": False, # Whether to compute priorities on workers. "worker_side_prioritization": False, # Prevent iterations from going lower than this time span "min_iter_time_s": 1, }) # __sphinx_doc_end__ # yapf: enable def make_optimizer(workers, config): return SyncReplayOptimizer( workers, learning_starts=config["learning_starts"], buffer_size=config["buffer_size"], prioritized_replay=config["prioritized_replay"], prioritized_replay_alpha=config["prioritized_replay_alpha"], prioritized_replay_beta=config["prioritized_replay_beta"], schedule_max_timesteps=config["schedule_max_timesteps"], beta_annealing_fraction=config["beta_annealing_fraction"], final_prioritized_replay_beta=config["final_prioritized_replay_beta"], prioritized_replay_eps=config["prioritized_replay_eps"], train_batch_size=config["train_batch_size"], sample_batch_size=config["sample_batch_size"], **config["optimizer"]) def check_config_and_setup_param_noise(config): """Update the config based on settings. Rewrites sample_batch_size to take into account n_step truncation, and also adds the necessary callbacks to support parameter space noise exploration. """ # Update effective batch size to include n-step adjusted_batch_size = max(config["sample_batch_size"], config.get("n_step", 1)) config["sample_batch_size"] = adjusted_batch_size if config.get("parameter_noise", False): if config["batch_mode"] != "complete_episodes": raise ValueError("Exploration with parameter space noise requires " "batch_mode to be complete_episodes.") if config.get("noisy", False): raise ValueError( "Exploration with parameter space noise and noisy network " "cannot be used at the same time.") if config["callbacks"]["on_episode_start"]: start_callback = config["callbacks"]["on_episode_start"] else: start_callback = None def on_episode_start(info): # as a callback function to sample and pose parameter space # noise on the parameters of network policies = info["policy"] for pi in policies.values(): pi.add_parameter_noise() if start_callback: start_callback(info) config["callbacks"]["on_episode_start"] = tune.function( on_episode_start) if config["callbacks"]["on_episode_end"]: end_callback = config["callbacks"]["on_episode_end"] else: end_callback = None def on_episode_end(info): # as a callback function to monitor the distance # between noisy policy and original policy policies = info["policy"] episode = info["episode"] episode.custom_metrics["policy_distance"] = policies[ DEFAULT_POLICY_ID].model.pi_distance if end_callback: end_callback(info) config["callbacks"]["on_episode_end"] = tune.function(on_episode_end) def get_initial_state(config): return { "last_target_update_ts": 0, "num_target_updates": 0, } def make_exploration_schedule(config, worker_index): # Use either a different `eps` per worker, or a linear schedule. if config["per_worker_exploration"]: assert config["num_workers"] > 1, \ "This requires multiple workers" if worker_index >= 0: # Exploration constants from the Ape-X paper exponent = ( 1 + worker_index / float(config["num_workers"] - 1) * 7) return ConstantSchedule(0.4**exponent) else: # local ev should have zero exploration so that eval rollouts # run properly return ConstantSchedule(0.0) return LinearSchedule( schedule_timesteps=int( config["exploration_fraction"] * config["schedule_max_timesteps"]), initial_p=1.0, final_p=config["exploration_final_eps"]) def setup_exploration(trainer): trainer.exploration0 = make_exploration_schedule(trainer.config, -1) trainer.explorations = [ make_exploration_schedule(trainer.config, i) for i in range(trainer.config["num_workers"]) ] def update_worker_explorations(trainer): global_timestep = trainer.optimizer.num_steps_sampled exp_vals = [trainer.exploration0.value(global_timestep)] trainer.workers.local_worker().foreach_trainable_policy( lambda p, _: p.set_epsilon(exp_vals[0])) for i, e in enumerate(trainer.workers.remote_workers()): exp_val = trainer.explorations[i].value(global_timestep) e.foreach_trainable_policy.remote(lambda p, _: p.set_epsilon(exp_val)) exp_vals.append(exp_val) trainer.train_start_timestep = global_timestep trainer.cur_exp_vals = exp_vals def add_trainer_metrics(trainer, result): global_timestep = trainer.optimizer.num_steps_sampled result.update( timesteps_this_iter=global_timestep - trainer.train_start_timestep, info=dict({ "min_exploration": min(trainer.cur_exp_vals), "max_exploration": max(trainer.cur_exp_vals), "num_target_updates": trainer.state["num_target_updates"], }, **trainer.optimizer.stats())) def update_target_if_needed(trainer, fetches): global_timestep = trainer.optimizer.num_steps_sampled if global_timestep - trainer.state["last_target_update_ts"] > \ trainer.config["target_network_update_freq"]: trainer.workers.local_worker().foreach_trainable_policy( lambda p, _: p.update_target()) trainer.state["last_target_update_ts"] = global_timestep trainer.state["num_target_updates"] += 1 def collect_metrics(trainer): if trainer.config["per_worker_exploration"]: # Only collect metrics from the third of workers with lowest eps result = trainer.collect_metrics( selected_workers=trainer.workers.remote_workers()[ -len(trainer.workers.remote_workers()) // 3:]) else: result = trainer.collect_metrics() return result def disable_exploration(trainer): trainer.evaluation_workers.local_worker().foreach_policy( lambda p, _: p.set_epsilon(0)) GenericOffPolicyTrainer = build_trainer( name="GenericOffPolicyAlgorithm", default_policy=None, default_config=DEFAULT_CONFIG, validate_config=check_config_and_setup_param_noise, get_initial_state=get_initial_state, make_policy_optimizer=make_optimizer, before_init=setup_exploration, before_train_step=update_worker_explorations, after_optimizer_step=update_target_if_needed, after_train_result=add_trainer_metrics, collect_metrics_fn=collect_metrics, before_evaluate_fn=disable_exploration) DQNTrainer = GenericOffPolicyTrainer.with_updates( name="DQN", default_policy=DQNTFPolicy, default_config=DEFAULT_CONFIG) SimpleQTrainer = DQNTrainer.with_updates(default_policy=SimpleQPolicy)