import logging import numpy as np import ray from ray.rllib.utils.sgd import standardized from ray.rllib.agents import with_common_config from ray.rllib.agents.mbmpo.mbmpo_torch_policy import MBMPOTorchPolicy from ray.rllib.agents.trainer_template import build_trainer from ray.rllib.evaluation.metrics import get_learner_stats from ray.rllib.execution.common import STEPS_SAMPLED_COUNTER, \ STEPS_TRAINED_COUNTER, LEARNER_INFO, _get_shared_metrics from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch from ray.rllib.execution.metric_ops import CollectMetrics from ray.util.iter import from_actors from ray.rllib.agents.mbmpo.model_ensemble import DynamicsEnsembleCustomModel from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import DEFAULT_POLICY_ID from ray.rllib.utils.torch_ops import convert_to_torch_tensor from ray.rllib.evaluation.metrics import collect_episodes from ray.rllib.agents.mbmpo.model_vector_env import custom_model_vector_env from ray.rllib.evaluation.metrics import collect_metrics from ray.rllib.agents.mbmpo.utils import calculate_gae_advantages logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # yapf: disable # __sphinx_doc_begin__ DEFAULT_CONFIG = with_common_config({ # If true, use the Generalized Advantage Estimator (GAE) # with a value function, see "use_gae": True, # GAE(lambda) parameter "lambda": 1.0, # Initial coefficient for KL divergence "kl_coeff": 0.0005, # Size of batches collected from each worker "rollout_fragment_length": 200, # Stepsize of SGD "lr": 1e-3, # Share layers for value function "vf_share_layers": False, # Coefficient of the value function loss "vf_loss_coeff": 0.5, # Coefficient of the entropy regularizer "entropy_coeff": 0.0, # PPO clip parameter "clip_param": 0.5, # Clip param for the value function. Note that this is sensitive to the # scale of the rewards. If your expected V is large, increase this. "vf_clip_param": 10.0, # If specified, clip the global norm of gradients by this amount "grad_clip": None, # Target value for KL divergence "kl_target": 0.01, # Whether to rollout "complete_episodes" or "truncate_episodes" "batch_mode": "complete_episodes", # Which observation filter to apply to the observation "observation_filter": "NoFilter", # Number of Inner adaptation steps for the MAML algorithm "inner_adaptation_steps": 1, # Number of MAML steps per meta-update iteration (PPO steps) "maml_optimizer_steps": 8, # Inner Adaptation Step size "inner_lr": 1e-3, # Horizon of Environment (200 in MB-MPO paper) "horizon": 200, # Dynamics Ensemble Hyperparameters "dynamics_model": { "custom_model": DynamicsEnsembleCustomModel, # Number of Transition-Dynamics Models for Ensemble "ensemble_size": 5, # Hidden Layers for Model Ensemble "fcnet_hiddens": [512, 512], # Model Learning Rate "lr": 1e-3, # Max number of training epochs per MBMPO iter "train_epochs": 500, # Model Batch Size "batch_size": 500, # Training/Validation Split "valid_split_ratio": 0.2, # Normalize Data (obs, action, and deltas) "normalize_data": True, }, # Workers sample from dynamics models "custom_vector_env": custom_model_vector_env, # How many enviornments there are per worker (vectorized) "num_worker_envs": 20, # How many iterations through MAML per MBMPO iteration "num_maml_steps": 10, }) # __sphinx_doc_end__ # yapf: enable # Select Metric Keys for MAML Stats Tracing METRICS_KEYS = [ "episode_reward_mean", "episode_reward_min", "episode_reward_max" ] class MetaUpdate: def __init__(self, workers, num_steps, maml_steps, metric_gen): """Computes the MetaUpdate step in MAML, adapted for MBMPO for multiple MAML Iterations Arguments: workers (WorkerSet): Set of Workers num_steps (int): Number of meta-update steps per MAML Iteration maml_steps (int): MAML Iterations per MBMPO Iteration metric_gen (Iterator): Generates metrics dictionary Returns: metrics (dict): MBMPO metrics for logging """ self.workers = workers self.num_steps = num_steps self.step_counter = 0 self.maml_optimizer_steps = maml_steps self.metric_gen = metric_gen self.metrics = {} def __call__(self, data_tuple): """Arguments: data_tuple (tuple): 1st element is samples collected from MAML Inner adaptation steps and 2nd element is accumulated metrics """ # Metaupdate Step print("Meta-Update Step") samples = data_tuple[0] adapt_metrics_dict = data_tuple[1] self.postprocess_metrics( adapt_metrics_dict, prefix="MAMLIter{}".format(self.step_counter)) # MAML Meta-update for i in range(self.maml_optimizer_steps): fetches = self.workers.local_worker().learn_on_batch(samples) fetches = get_learner_stats(fetches) # Update KLS def update(pi, pi_id): assert "inner_kl" not in fetches, ( "inner_kl should be nested under policy id key", fetches) if pi_id in fetches: assert "inner_kl" in fetches[pi_id], (fetches, pi_id) pi.update_kls(fetches[pi_id]["inner_kl"]) else: logger.warning("No data for {}, not updating kl".format(pi_id)) self.workers.local_worker().foreach_trainable_policy(update) # Modify Reporting Metrics metrics = _get_shared_metrics()[LEARNER_INFO] = fetches metrics.counters[STEPS_TRAINED_COUNTER] += samples.count if self.step_counter == self.num_steps: td_metric = self.workers.local_worker().foreach_policy( fit_dynamics)[0] # Sync workers with meta policy self.workers.sync_weights() # Sync TD Models with workers sync_ensemble(self.workers) sync_stats(self.workers) metrics.counters[STEPS_SAMPLED_COUNTER] = td_metric[ STEPS_SAMPLED_COUNTER] # Modify to CollectMetrics res = self.metric_gen.__call__(None) res.update(self.metrics) self.step_counter = 0 print("MB-MPO Iteration Completed") return [res] else: print("MAML Iteration {} Completed".format(self.step_counter)) self.step_counter += 1 # Sync workers with meta policy print("Syncing Weights with Workers") self.workers.sync_weights() return [] def postprocess_metrics(self, metrics, prefix=""): """Appends prefix to current metrics Arguments: metrics (dict): Dictionary of current metrics prefix (str): Prefix string to be appended """ for key in metrics.keys(): self.metrics[prefix + "_" + key] = metrics[key] def post_process_metrics(prefix, workers, metrics): """Update Current Dataset Metrics and filter out specific keys Arguments: prefix (str): Prefix string to be appended workers (WorkerSet): Set of workers metrics (dict): Current metrics dictionary """ res = collect_metrics(remote_workers=workers.remote_workers()) for key in METRICS_KEYS: metrics[prefix + "_" + key] = res[key] return metrics def inner_adaptation(workers, samples): # Each worker performs one gradient descent for i, e in enumerate(workers.remote_workers()): e.learn_on_batch.remote(samples[i]) def fit_dynamics(policy, pid): return def sync_ensemble(workers): """Syncs dynamics ensemble weights from main to workers Arguments: workers (WorkerSet): Set of workers, including main """ def get_ensemble_weights(worker): policy_map = worker.policy_map policies = policy_map.keys() def policy_ensemble_weights(policy): model = policy.dynamics_model return { k: v.cpu().detach().numpy() for k, v in model.state_dict().items() } return { pid: policy_ensemble_weights(policy) for pid, policy in policy_map.items() if pid in policies } def set_ensemble_weights(policy, pid, weights): weights = weights[pid] weights = convert_to_torch_tensor(weights, device=policy.device) model = policy.dynamics_model model.load_state_dict(weights) if workers.remote_workers(): weights = ray.put(get_ensemble_weights(workers.local_worker())) set_func = ray.put(set_ensemble_weights) for e in workers.remote_workers(): e.foreach_policy.remote(set_func, weights=weights) def sync_stats(workers): def get_normalizations(worker): policy = worker.policy_map[DEFAULT_POLICY_ID] return policy.dynamics_model.normalizations def set_normalizations(policy, pid, normalizations): policy.dynamics_model.set_norms(normalizations) if workers.remote_workers(): normalization_dict = ray.put( get_normalizations(workers.local_worker())) set_func = ray.put(set_normalizations) for e in workers.remote_workers(): e.foreach_policy.remote( set_func, normalizations=normalization_dict) def post_process_samples(samples, config): # Instead of using NN for value function, we use regression split_lst = [] for sample in samples: indexes = np.asarray(sample["dones"]).nonzero()[0] indexes = indexes + 1 reward_list = np.split(sample["rewards"], indexes)[:-1] observation_list = np.split(sample["obs"], indexes)[:-1] paths = [] for i in range(0, len(reward_list)): paths.append({ "rewards": reward_list[i], "observations": observation_list[i] }) paths = calculate_gae_advantages(paths, config["gamma"], config["lambda"]) advantages = np.concatenate([path["advantages"] for path in paths]) sample["advantages"] = standardized(advantages) split_lst.append(sample.count) return samples, split_lst # Similar to MAML Execution Plan def execution_plan(workers, config): # Train TD Models workers.local_worker().foreach_policy(fit_dynamics) # Sync workers policy with workers workers.sync_weights() # Sync TD Models and normalization stats with workers sync_ensemble(workers) sync_stats(workers) # Dropping metrics from the first iteration episodes, to_be_collected = collect_episodes( workers.local_worker(), workers.remote_workers(), [], timeout_seconds=9999) # Metrics Collector metric_collect = CollectMetrics( workers, min_history=0, timeout_seconds=config["collect_metrics_timeout"]) inner_steps = config["inner_adaptation_steps"] def inner_adaptation_steps(itr): buf = [] split = [] metrics = {} for samples in itr: print("Collecting Samples, Inner Adaptation {}".format(len(split))) # Processing Samples (Standardize Advantages) samples, split_lst = post_process_samples(samples, config) buf.extend(samples) split.append(split_lst) adapt_iter = len(split) - 1 prefix = "DynaTrajInner_" + str(adapt_iter) metrics = post_process_metrics(prefix, workers, metrics) if len(split) > inner_steps: out = SampleBatch.concat_samples(buf) out["split"] = np.array(split) buf = [] split = [] yield out, metrics metrics = {} else: inner_adaptation(workers, samples) # Iterator for Inner Adaptation Data gathering (from pre->post adaptation) rollouts = from_actors(workers.remote_workers()) rollouts = rollouts.batch_across_shards() rollouts = rollouts.transform(inner_adaptation_steps) # Metaupdate Step with outer combine loop for multiple MAML iterations train_op = rollouts.combine( MetaUpdate(workers, config["num_maml_steps"], config["maml_optimizer_steps"], metric_collect)) return train_op def get_policy_class(config): return MBMPOTorchPolicy def validate_config(config): config["framework"] = "torch" if config["framework"] != "torch": raise ValueError("MB-MPO not supported in Tensorflow yet!") if config["inner_adaptation_steps"] <= 0: raise ValueError("Inner Adaptation Steps must be >=1.") if config["maml_optimizer_steps"] <= 0: raise ValueError("PPO steps for meta-update needs to be >=0") if config["entropy_coeff"] < 0: raise ValueError("entropy_coeff must be >=0") if config["batch_mode"] != "complete_episodes": raise ValueError("truncate_episodes not supported") if config["num_workers"] <= 0: raise ValueError("Must have at least 1 worker/task.") MBMPOTrainer = build_trainer( name="MBMPO", default_config=DEFAULT_CONFIG, default_policy=MBMPOTorchPolicy, get_policy_class=get_policy_class, execution_plan=execution_plan, validate_config=validate_config)