#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "event_loop.h" #include "io.h" #include "photon.h" #include "photon_algorithm.h" #include "photon_scheduler.h" #include "state/db.h" #include "state/task_table.h" #include "state/object_table.h" #include "utarray.h" #include "uthash.h" UT_icd task_ptr_icd = {sizeof(task *), NULL, NULL, NULL}; UT_icd worker_icd = {sizeof(worker), NULL, NULL, NULL}; UT_icd byte_icd = {sizeof(uint8_t), NULL, NULL, NULL}; local_scheduler_state *init_local_scheduler( event_loop *loop, const char *redis_addr, int redis_port, const char *plasma_store_socket_name, const char *plasma_manager_socket_name) { local_scheduler_state *state = malloc(sizeof(local_scheduler_state)); state->loop = loop; state->worker_index = NULL; /* Add scheduler info. */ utarray_new(state->workers, &worker_icd); /* Connect to Redis if a Redis address is provided. */ if (redis_addr != NULL) { state->db = db_connect(redis_addr, redis_port, "photon", "", -1); db_attach(state->db, loop, false); } else { state->db = NULL; } /* Connect to Plasma. This method will retry if Plasma hasn't started yet. * Pass in a NULL manager address and port. */ state->plasma_conn = plasma_connect(plasma_store_socket_name, plasma_manager_socket_name, PLASMA_DEFAULT_RELEASE_DELAY); /* Subscribe to notifications about sealed objects. */ int plasma_fd = plasma_subscribe(state->plasma_conn); /* Add the callback that processes the notification to the event loop. */ event_loop_add_file(loop, plasma_fd, EVENT_LOOP_READ, process_plasma_notification, state); /* Add scheduler state. */ state->algorithm_state = make_scheduling_algorithm_state(); utarray_new(state->input_buffer, &byte_icd); return state; }; void free_local_scheduler(local_scheduler_state *s) { if (s->db != NULL) { db_disconnect(s->db); } plasma_disconnect(s->plasma_conn); worker_index *current_worker_index, *temp_worker_index; HASH_ITER(hh, s->worker_index, current_worker_index, temp_worker_index) { HASH_DEL(s->worker_index, current_worker_index); free(current_worker_index); } utarray_free(s->workers); free_scheduling_algorithm_state(s->algorithm_state); utarray_free(s->input_buffer); event_loop_destroy(s->loop); free(s); } void assign_task_to_worker(local_scheduler_state *state, task_spec *spec, int worker_index, bool from_global_scheduler) { CHECK(worker_index < utarray_len(state->workers)); worker *w = (worker *) utarray_eltptr(state->workers, worker_index); write_message(w->sock, EXECUTE_TASK, task_spec_size(spec), (uint8_t *) spec); /* Update the global task table. */ if (state->db != NULL) { retry_info retry; memset(&retry, 0, sizeof(retry)); retry.num_retries = 0; retry.timeout = 100; retry.fail_callback = NULL; task *task = alloc_task(spec, TASK_STATUS_RUNNING, get_db_client_id(state->db)); if (from_global_scheduler) { task_table_update(state->db, task, (retry_info *) &retry, NULL, NULL); } else { task_table_add_task(state->db, task, (retry_info *) &retry, NULL, NULL); } } } void process_plasma_notification(event_loop *loop, int client_sock, void *context, int events) { local_scheduler_state *s = context; /* Read the notification from Plasma. */ object_id obj_id; int error = read_bytes(client_sock, (uint8_t *) &obj_id, sizeof(obj_id)); if (error < 0) { /* The store has closed the socket. */ LOG_DEBUG( "The plasma store has closed the object notification socket, or some " "other error has occurred."); event_loop_remove_file(loop, client_sock); close(client_sock); return; } handle_object_available(s, s->algorithm_state, obj_id); } void process_message(event_loop *loop, int client_sock, void *context, int events) { local_scheduler_state *s = context; int64_t type; read_buffer(client_sock, &type, s->input_buffer); LOG_DEBUG("New event of type %" PRId64, type); switch (type) { case SUBMIT_TASK: { task_spec *spec = (task_spec *) utarray_front(s->input_buffer); handle_task_submitted(s, s->algorithm_state, spec); } break; case TASK_DONE: { } break; case GET_TASK: { worker_index *wi; HASH_FIND_INT(s->worker_index, &client_sock, wi); handle_worker_available(s, s->algorithm_state, wi->worker_index); } break; case DISCONNECT_CLIENT: { LOG_INFO("Disconnecting client on fd %d", client_sock); event_loop_remove_file(loop, client_sock); } break; case LOG_MESSAGE: { } break; default: /* This code should be unreachable. */ CHECK(0); } } void new_client_connection(event_loop *loop, int listener_sock, void *context, int events) { local_scheduler_state *s = context; int new_socket = accept_client(listener_sock); event_loop_add_file(loop, new_socket, EVENT_LOOP_READ, process_message, s); LOG_DEBUG("new connection with fd %d", new_socket); /* Add worker to list of workers. */ /* TODO(pcm): Where shall we free this? */ worker_index *new_worker_index = malloc(sizeof(worker_index)); new_worker_index->sock = new_socket; new_worker_index->worker_index = utarray_len(s->workers); HASH_ADD_INT(s->worker_index, sock, new_worker_index); worker worker; memset(&worker, 0, sizeof(worker)); worker.sock = new_socket; utarray_push_back(s->workers, &worker); } /* We need this code so we can clean up when we get a SIGTERM signal. */ local_scheduler_state *g_state; void signal_handler(int signal) { if (signal == SIGTERM) { free_local_scheduler(g_state); exit(0); } } /* End of the cleanup code. */ void handle_task_scheduled_callback(task *original_task, void *user_context) { handle_task_scheduled(g_state, g_state->algorithm_state, task_task_spec(original_task)); } void start_server(const char *socket_name, const char *redis_addr, int redis_port, const char *plasma_store_socket_name, const char *plasma_manager_socket_name) { int fd = bind_ipc_sock(socket_name, true); event_loop *loop = event_loop_create(); g_state = init_local_scheduler(loop, redis_addr, redis_port, plasma_store_socket_name, plasma_manager_socket_name); /* Register a callback for registering new clients. */ event_loop_add_file(loop, fd, EVENT_LOOP_READ, new_client_connection, g_state); /* Subscribe to receive notifications about tasks that are assigned to this * local scheduler by the global scheduler. TODO(rkn): we also need to get any * tasks that were assigned to this local scheduler before the call to * subscribe. */ retry_info retry; memset(&retry, 0, sizeof(retry)); retry.num_retries = 0; retry.timeout = 100; retry.fail_callback = NULL; if (g_state->db != NULL) { task_table_subscribe(g_state->db, get_db_client_id(g_state->db), TASK_STATUS_SCHEDULED, handle_task_scheduled_callback, NULL, &retry, NULL, NULL); } /* Run event loop. */ event_loop_run(loop); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); /* Path of the listening socket of the local scheduler. */ char *scheduler_socket_name = NULL; /* IP address and port of redis. */ char *redis_addr_port = NULL; /* Socket name for the local Plasma store. */ char *plasma_store_socket_name = NULL; /* Socket name for the local Plasma manager. */ char *plasma_manager_socket_name = NULL; int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s:r:p:m:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 's': scheduler_socket_name = optarg; break; case 'r': redis_addr_port = optarg; break; case 'p': plasma_store_socket_name = optarg; break; case 'm': plasma_manager_socket_name = optarg; break; default: LOG_FATAL("unknown option %c", c); } } if (!scheduler_socket_name) { LOG_FATAL("please specify socket for incoming connections with -s switch"); } if (!plasma_store_socket_name) { LOG_FATAL( "please specify socket for connecting to Plasma store with -p switch"); } if (!redis_addr_port) { /* Start the local scheduler without connecting to Redis. In this case, all * submitted tasks will be queued and scheduled locally. */ if (plasma_manager_socket_name) { LOG_FATAL( "if a plasma manager socket name is provided with the -m switch, " "then a redis address must be provided with the -r switch"); } start_server(scheduler_socket_name, NULL, -1, plasma_store_socket_name, NULL); } else { /* Parse the Redis address into an IP address and a port. */ char redis_addr[16] = {0}; char redis_port[6] = {0}; int num_assigned = sscanf(redis_addr_port, "%15[0-9.]:%5[0-9]", redis_addr, redis_port); if (num_assigned != 2) { LOG_FATAL( "if a redis address is provided with the -r switch, it should be " "formatted like"); } if (!plasma_manager_socket_name) { LOG_FATAL( "please specify socket for connecting to Plasma manager with -m " "switch"); } start_server(scheduler_socket_name, &redis_addr[0], atoi(redis_port), plasma_store_socket_name, plasma_manager_socket_name); } }