import gym from gym.spaces import Discrete, MultiDiscrete import numpy as np import tree from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf() def convert_to_non_tf_type(stats): """Converts values in `stats` to non-Tensor numpy or python types. Args: stats (any): Any (possibly nested) struct, the values in which will be converted and returned as a new struct with all tf (eager) tensors being converted to numpy types. Returns: Any: A new struct with the same structure as `stats`, but with all values converted to non-tf Tensor types. """ # The mapping function used to numpyize torch Tensors. def mapping(item): if isinstance(item, (tf.Tensor, tf.Variable)): return item.numpy() else: return item return tree.map_structure(mapping, stats) def explained_variance(y, pred): _, y_var = tf.nn.moments(y, axes=[0]) _, diff_var = tf.nn.moments(y - pred, axes=[0]) return tf.maximum(-1.0, 1 - (diff_var / y_var)) def get_placeholder(*, space=None, value=None, name=None, time_axis=False): from ray.rllib.models.catalog import ModelCatalog if space is not None: if isinstance(space, (gym.spaces.Dict, gym.spaces.Tuple)): return ModelCatalog.get_action_placeholder(space, None) return tf1.placeholder( shape=(None, ) + ((None, ) if time_axis else ()) + space.shape, dtype=tf.float32 if space.dtype == np.float64 else space.dtype, name=name, ) else: assert value is not None shape = value.shape[1:] return tf1.placeholder( shape=(None, ) + ((None, ) if time_axis else ()) + (shape if isinstance( shape, tuple) else tuple(shape.as_list())), dtype=tf.float32 if value.dtype == np.float64 else value.dtype, name=name, ) def huber_loss(x, delta=1.0): """Reference:""" return tf.where( tf.abs(x) < delta, tf.math.square(x) * 0.5, delta * (tf.abs(x) - 0.5 * delta)) def one_hot(x, space): if isinstance(space, Discrete): return tf.one_hot(x, space.n) elif isinstance(space, MultiDiscrete): return tf.concat( [tf.one_hot(x[:, i], n) for i, n in enumerate(space.nvec)], axis=-1) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported space for `one_hot`: {}".format(space)) def reduce_mean_ignore_inf(x, axis): """Same as tf.reduce_mean() but ignores -inf values.""" mask = tf.not_equal(x, tf.float32.min) x_zeroed = tf.where(mask, x, tf.zeros_like(x)) return (tf.reduce_sum(x_zeroed, axis) / tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast(mask, tf.float32), axis)) def minimize_and_clip(optimizer, objective, var_list, clip_val=10.0): """Minimized `objective` using `optimizer` w.r.t. variables in `var_list` while ensure the norm of the gradients for each variable is clipped to `clip_val` """ # Accidentally passing values < 0.0 will break all gradients. assert clip_val > 0.0, clip_val if tf.executing_eagerly(): tape = optimizer.tape grads_and_vars = list( zip(list(tape.gradient(objective, var_list)), var_list)) else: grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients( objective, var_list=var_list) for i, (grad, var) in enumerate(grads_and_vars): if grad is not None: grads_and_vars[i] = (tf.clip_by_norm(grad, clip_val), var) return grads_and_vars def make_tf_callable(session_or_none, dynamic_shape=False): """Returns a function that can be executed in either graph or eager mode. The function must take only positional args. If eager is enabled, this will act as just a function. Otherwise, it will build a function that executes a session run with placeholders internally. Args: session_or_none (tf.Session): tf.Session if in graph mode, else None. dynamic_shape (bool): True if the placeholders should have a dynamic batch dimension. Otherwise they will be fixed shape. Returns: a Python function that can be called in either mode. """ if tf.executing_eagerly(): assert session_or_none is None else: assert session_or_none is not None def make_wrapper(fn): # Static-graph mode: Create placeholders and make a session call each # time the wrapped function is called. Return this session call's # outputs. if session_or_none is not None: args_placeholders = [] kwargs_placeholders = {} symbolic_out = [None] def call(*args, **kwargs): args_flat = [] for a in args: if type(a) is list: args_flat.extend(a) else: args_flat.append(a) args = args_flat if symbolic_out[0] is None: with session_or_none.graph.as_default(): for i, v in enumerate(args): if dynamic_shape: if len(v.shape) > 0: shape = (None, ) + v.shape[1:] else: shape = () else: shape = v.shape args_placeholders.append( tf1.placeholder( dtype=v.dtype, shape=shape, name="arg_{}".format(i))) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if dynamic_shape: if len(v.shape) > 0: shape = (None, ) + v.shape[1:] else: shape = () else: shape = v.shape kwargs_placeholders[k] = \ tf1.placeholder( dtype=v.dtype, shape=shape, name="kwarg_{}".format(k)) symbolic_out[0] = fn(*args_placeholders, **kwargs_placeholders) feed_dict = dict(zip(args_placeholders, args)) feed_dict.update( {kwargs_placeholders[k]: kwargs[k] for k in kwargs.keys()}) ret =[0], feed_dict) return ret return call # Eager mode (call function as is). else: return fn return make_wrapper def scope_vars(scope, trainable_only=False): """ Get variables inside a scope The scope can be specified as a string Parameters ---------- scope: str or VariableScope scope in which the variables reside. trainable_only: bool whether or not to return only the variables that were marked as trainable. Returns ------- vars: [tf.Variable] list of variables in `scope`. """ return tf1.get_collection( tf1.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES if trainable_only else tf1.GraphKeys.VARIABLES, scope=scope if isinstance(scope, str) else