Development Tips ================ .. note:: Unless otherwise stated, directory and file paths are relative to the project root directory. Compilation ----------- To speed up compilation, be sure to install Ray with the following commands: .. code-block:: shell cd python pip install -e . --verbose The ``-e`` means "editable", so changes you make to files in the Ray directory will take effect without reinstalling the package. In contrast, if you do ``python install``, files will be copied from the Ray directory to a directory of Python packages (often something like ``$HOME/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ray``). This means that changes you make to files in the Ray directory will not have any effect. If you run into **Permission Denied** errors when running ``pip install``, you can try adding ``--user``. You may also need to run something like ``sudo chown -R $USER $HOME/anaconda3`` (substituting in the appropriate path). If you make changes to the C++ or Python files, you will need to run the build so C++ code is recompiled and/or Python files are redeployed in the ``python`` directory. However, you do not need to rerun ``pip install -e .``. Instead, you can recompile much more quickly by running the following: .. code-block:: shell bash This command is not enough to recompile all C++ unit tests. To do so, see `Testing locally`_. .. _python-develop: Developing Ray (Python Only) ---------------------------- .. note:: Unless otherwise stated, directory and file paths are relative to the project root directory. RLlib, Tune, Autoscaler, and most Python files do not require you to build and compile Ray. Follow these instructions to develop Ray's Python files locally. 1. Pip install the **latest Ray wheels.** See :ref:`install-nightlies` for instructions. 2. Fork and clone the project to your machine. Connect your repository to the upstream (main project) ray repository. .. code-block:: shell git clone[your username]/ray.git cd ray git remote add upstream # Make sure you are up-to-date on master. 4. Run ``python python/ray/``. This sets up links between the ``tune`` dir (among other directories) in your local repo and the one bundled with the ``ray`` package. .. warning:: Do not run ``pip uninstall ray`` or ``pip install -U`` (for Ray or Ray wheels) if setting up your environment this way. To uninstall or upgrade, you must ``rm -rf`` the installation site (usually a ``site-packages/ray`` location). Using a local repository for dependencies ----------------------------------------- If you'd like to build Ray with custom dependencies (for example, with a different version of Cython), you can modify your ``.bzl`` file as follows: .. code-block:: python http_archive( name = "cython", ..., ) if False else native.new_local_repository( name = "cython", build_file = "bazel/BUILD.cython", path = "../cython", ) This replaces the existing ``http_archive`` rule with one that references a sibling of your Ray directory (named ``cython``) using the build file provided in the Ray repository (``bazel/BUILD.cython``). If the dependency already has a Bazel build file in it, you can use ``native.local_repository`` instead, and omit ``build_file``. To test switching back to the original rule, change ``False`` to ``True``. Debugging --------- Starting processes in a debugger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When processes are crashing, it is often useful to start them in a debugger. Ray currently allows processes to be started in the following: - valgrind - the valgrind profiler - the perftools profiler - gdb - tmux To use any of these tools, please make sure that you have them installed on your machine first (``gdb`` and ``valgrind`` on MacOS are known to have issues). Then, you can launch a subset of ray processes by adding the environment variable ``RAY_{PROCESS_NAME}_{DEBUGGER}=1``. For instance, if you wanted to start the raylet in ``valgrind``, then you simply need to set the environment variable ``RAY_RAYLET_VALGRIND=1``. To start a process inside of ``gdb``, the process must also be started inside of ``tmux``. So if you want to start the raylet in ``gdb``, you would start your Python script with the following: .. code-block:: bash RAY_RAYLET_GDB=1 RAY_RAYLET_TMUX=1 python You can then list the ``tmux`` sessions with ``tmux ls`` and attach to the appropriate one. You can also get a core dump of the ``raylet`` process, which is especially useful when filing `issues`_. The process to obtain a core dump is OS-specific, but usually involves running ``ulimit -c unlimited`` before starting Ray to allow core dump files to be written. Inspecting Redis shards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To inspect Redis, you can use the global state API. The easiest way to do this is to start or connect to a Ray cluster with ``ray.init()``, then query the API like so: .. code-block:: python ray.init() ray.nodes() # Returns current information about the nodes in the cluster, such as: # [{'ClientID': '2a9d2b34ad24a37ed54e4fcd32bf19f915742f5b', # 'IsInsertion': True, # 'NodeManagerAddress': '', # 'NodeManagerPort': 43280, # 'ObjectManagerPort': 38062, # 'ObjectStoreSocketName': '/tmp/ray/session_2019-01-21_16-28-05_4216/sockets/plasma_store', # 'RayletSocketName': '/tmp/ray/session_2019-01-21_16-28-05_4216/sockets/raylet', # 'Resources': {'CPU': 8.0, 'GPU': 1.0}}] To inspect the primary Redis shard manually, you can also query with commands like the following. .. code-block:: python r_primary = ray.worker.global_worker.redis_client r_primary.keys("*") To inspect other Redis shards, you will need to create a new Redis client. For example (assuming the relevant IP address is ```` and the relevant port is ``1234``), you can do this as follows. .. code-block:: python import redis r = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=1234) You can find a list of the relevant IP addresses and ports by running .. code-block:: python r_primary.lrange('RedisShards', 0, -1) .. _backend-logging: Backend logging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``raylet`` process logs detailed information about events like task execution and object transfers between nodes. To set the logging level at runtime, you can set the ``RAY_BACKEND_LOG_LEVEL`` environment variable before starting Ray. For example, you can do: .. code-block:: shell export RAY_BACKEND_LOG_LEVEL=debug ray start This will print any ``RAY_LOG(DEBUG)`` lines in the source code to the ``raylet.err`` file, which you can find in the `Temporary Files`_. Testing locally --------------- Testing for Python development ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suppose that one of the tests in a file of tests, e.g., ``python/ray/tests/``, is failing. You can run just that test file locally as follows: .. code-block:: shell python -m pytest -v python/ray/tests/ However, this will run all of the tests in the file, which can take some time. To run a specific test that is failing, you can do the following instead: .. code-block:: shell python -m pytest -v python/ray/tests/ When running tests, usually only the first test failure matters. A single test failure often triggers the failure of subsequent tests in the same file. Testing for C++ development ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To compile and run all C++ tests, you can run: .. code-block:: shell bazel test $(bazel query 'kind(cc_test, ...)') Alternatively, you can also run one specific C++ test. You can use: .. code-block:: shell bazel test $(bazel query 'kind(cc_test, ...)') --test_filter=ClientConnectionTest --test_output=streamed Building the Docs ----------------- If you make changes that require documentation changes, don't forget to update the documentation! When you make documentation changes, build them locally to verify they render correctly. `Sphinx `_ is used to generate the documentation. .. code-block:: shell cd doc pip install -r requirements-doc.txt make html Once done, the docs will be in ``doc/_build/html``. For example, on Mac OSX, you can open the docs (assuming you are still in the ``doc`` directory) using ``open _build/html/index.html``. Creating a pull request ----------------------- To create a pull request (PR) for your change, first go through the `PR template`_ checklist and ensure you've completed all the steps. When you push changes to GitHub, the formatting and verification script ``ci/travis/`` is run first. For pushing to your fork, you can skip this step with ``git push --no-verify``. Before submitting the PR, you should run this script. If it fails, the push operation will not proceed. This script requires *specific versions* of the following tools. Installation commands are shown for convenience: * `yapf `_ version ``0.23.0`` (``pip install yapf==0.23.0``) * `flake8 `_ version ``3.7.7`` (``pip install flake8==3.7.7``) * `flake8-quotes `_ (``pip install flake8-quotes``) * `clang-format `_ version ``7.0.0`` (download this version of Clang from `here `_) **Note:** On MacOS X, don't use HomeBrew to install ``clang-format``, as the only version available is too new. The Ray project automatically runs continuous integration (CI) tests once a PR is opened using `Travis-CI `_ with multiple CI test jobs. Understand CI test jobs ----------------------- The `Travis CI`_ test folder contains all integration test scripts and they invoke other test scripts via ``pytest``, ``bazel``-based test or other bash scripts. Some of the examples include: * Raylet integration tests commands: * ``src/ray/test/`` * ``src/ray/test/`` * Bazel test command: * ``bazel test --build_tests_only //:all`` * Ray serving test commands: * ``python -m pytest python/ray/serve/tests`` * ``python python/ray/serve/examples/`` If a Travis-CI build exception doesn't appear to be related to your change, please visit `this link `_ to check recent tests known to be flaky. Format and Linting ------------------ Installation instructions for the tools mentioned here are discussed above in `Creating a pull request`_. **Running the linter locally:** To run the Python linter on a specific file, run ``flake8`` as in this example, ``flake8 python/ray/``. **Autoformatting code**. We use `yapf `_ for linting. The config file is ``.style.yapf``. We recommend running ``scripts/`` prior to pushing a PR to format any changed files. Note that some projects, such as dataframes and rllib, are currently excluded. **Running CI linter:** The Travis CI linter script has multiple components to run. We recommend running ``ci/travis/``, which runs both linters for Python and C++ codes. In addition, there are other formatting checkers for components like the following: * Python REAME format: .. code-block:: shell cd python python check --restructuredtext --strict --metadata * Bazel format: .. code-block:: shell ./ci/travis/ .. _`issues`: .. _`Temporary Files`: .. _`PR template`: .. _`Travis CI`: