import asyncio import json import os import time from typing import Optional, Tuple import yaml import click from ray.autoscaler._private.cli_logger import add_click_logging_options, cli_logger, cf from ray.dashboard.modules.job.common import JobStatus from ray.dashboard.modules.job.sdk import JobSubmissionClient def _get_sdk_client( address: Optional[str], create_cluster_if_needed: bool = False ) -> JobSubmissionClient: if address is None: if "RAY_ADDRESS" not in os.environ: raise ValueError( "Address must be specified using either the --address flag " "or RAY_ADDRESS environment variable." ) address = os.environ["RAY_ADDRESS"] cli_logger.labeled_value("Job submission server address", address) return JobSubmissionClient(address, create_cluster_if_needed) def _log_big_success_msg(success_msg): cli_logger.newline() cli_logger.success("-" * len(success_msg)) cli_logger.success(success_msg) cli_logger.success("-" * len(success_msg)) cli_logger.newline() def _log_big_error_msg(success_msg): cli_logger.newline() cli_logger.error("-" * len(success_msg)) cli_logger.error(success_msg) cli_logger.error("-" * len(success_msg)) cli_logger.newline() def _log_job_status(client: JobSubmissionClient, job_id: str): status = client.get_job_status(job_id) if status.status == JobStatus.SUCCEEDED: _log_big_success_msg(f"Job '{job_id}' succeeded") elif status.status == JobStatus.STOPPED: cli_logger.warning(f"Job '{job_id}' was stopped") elif status.status == JobStatus.FAILED: _log_big_error_msg(f"Job '{job_id}' failed") if status.message is not None: cli_logger.print(f"Status message: {status.message}") else: # Catch-all. cli_logger.print(f"Status for job '{job_id}': {status.status}") if status.message is not None: cli_logger.print(f"Status message: {status.message}") async def _tail_logs(client: JobSubmissionClient, job_id: str): async for lines in client.tail_job_logs(job_id): print(lines, end="") _log_job_status(client, job_id)"job") def job_cli_group(): pass @job_cli_group.command("submit", help="Submit a job to be executed on the cluster.") @click.option( "--address", type=str, default=None, required=False, help=( "Address of the Ray cluster to connect to. Can also be specified " "using the RAY_ADDRESS environment variable." ), ) @click.option( "--job-id", type=str, default=None, required=False, help=("Job ID to specify for the job. " "If not provided, one will be generated."), ) @click.option( "--runtime-env", type=str, default=None, required=False, help="Path to a local YAML file containing a runtime_env definition.", ) @click.option( "--runtime-env-json", type=str, default=None, required=False, help="JSON-serialized runtime_env dictionary.", ) @click.option( "--working-dir", type=str, default=None, required=False, help=( "Directory containing files that your job will run in. Can be a " "local directory or a remote URI to a .zip file (S3, GS, HTTP). " "If specified, this overrides the option in --runtime-env." ), ) @click.option( "--no-wait", is_flag=True, type=bool, default=False, help="If set, will not stream logs and wait for the job to exit.", ) @add_click_logging_options @click.argument("entrypoint", nargs=-1, required=True, type=click.UNPROCESSED) def job_submit( address: Optional[str], job_id: Optional[str], runtime_env: Optional[str], runtime_env_json: Optional[str], working_dir: Optional[str], entrypoint: Tuple[str], no_wait: bool, ): """Submits a job to be run on the cluster. Example: >>> ray job submit -- python --arg=val """ client = _get_sdk_client(address, create_cluster_if_needed=True) final_runtime_env = {} if runtime_env is not None: if runtime_env_json is not None: raise ValueError( "Only one of --runtime_env and " "--runtime-env-json can be provided." ) with open(runtime_env, "r") as f: final_runtime_env = yaml.safe_load(f) elif runtime_env_json is not None: final_runtime_env = json.loads(runtime_env_json) if working_dir is not None: if "working_dir" in final_runtime_env: cli_logger.warning( "Overriding runtime_env working_dir with --working-dir option" ) final_runtime_env["working_dir"] = working_dir job_id = client.submit_job( entrypoint=" ".join(entrypoint), job_id=job_id, runtime_env=final_runtime_env ) _log_big_success_msg(f"Job '{job_id}' submitted successfully") with"Next steps"): cli_logger.print("Query the logs of the job:") with cli_logger.indented(): cli_logger.print(cf.bold(f"ray job logs {job_id}")) cli_logger.print("Query the status of the job:") with cli_logger.indented(): cli_logger.print(cf.bold(f"ray job status {job_id}")) cli_logger.print("Request the job to be stopped:") with cli_logger.indented(): cli_logger.print(cf.bold(f"ray job stop {job_id}")) cli_logger.newline() sdk_version = client.get_version() # sdk version 0 does not have log streaming if not no_wait: if int(sdk_version) > 0: cli_logger.print( "Tailing logs until the job exits " "(disable with --no-wait):" ) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(_tail_logs(client, job_id)) else: cli_logger.warning( "Tailing logs is not enabled for job sdk client version " f"{sdk_version}. Please upgrade your ray to latest version " "for this feature." ) @job_cli_group.command("status", help="Get the status of a running job.") @click.option( "--address", type=str, default=None, required=False, help=( "Address of the Ray cluster to connect to. Can also be specified " "using the RAY_ADDRESS environment variable." ), ) @click.argument("job-id", type=str) @add_click_logging_options def job_status(address: Optional[str], job_id: str): """Queries for the current status of a job. Example: >>> ray job status """ client = _get_sdk_client(address) _log_job_status(client, job_id) @job_cli_group.command("stop", help="Attempt to stop a running job.") @click.option( "--address", type=str, default=None, required=False, help=( "Address of the Ray cluster to connect to. Can also be specified " "using the RAY_ADDRESS environment variable." ), ) @click.option( "--no-wait", is_flag=True, type=bool, default=False, help="If set, will not wait for the job to exit.", ) @click.argument("job-id", type=str) @add_click_logging_options def job_stop(address: Optional[str], no_wait: bool, job_id: str): """Attempts to stop a job. Example: >>> ray job stop """ client = _get_sdk_client(address) cli_logger.print(f"Attempting to stop job {job_id}") client.stop_job(job_id) if no_wait: return else: cli_logger.print( f"Waiting for job '{job_id}' to exit " f"(disable with --no-wait):" ) while True: status = client.get_job_status(job_id) if status.status in {JobStatus.STOPPED, JobStatus.SUCCEEDED, JobStatus.FAILED}: _log_job_status(client, job_id) break else: cli_logger.print(f"Job has not exited yet. Status: {status}") time.sleep(1) @job_cli_group.command("logs", help="Get the logs of a running job.") @click.option( "--address", type=str, default=None, required=False, help=( "Address of the Ray cluster to connect to. Can also be specified " "using the RAY_ADDRESS environment variable." ), ) @click.argument("job-id", type=str) @click.option( "-f", "--follow", is_flag=True, type=bool, default=False, help="If set, follow the logs (like `tail -f`).", ) @add_click_logging_options def job_logs(address: Optional[str], job_id: str, follow: bool): """Gets the logs of a job. Example: >>> ray job logs """ client = _get_sdk_client(address) sdk_version = client.get_version() # sdk version 0 did not have log streaming if follow: if int(sdk_version) > 0: asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(_tail_logs(client, job_id)) else: cli_logger.warning( "Tailing logs is not enabled for job sdk client version " f"{sdk_version}. Please upgrade your ray to latest version " "for this feature." ) else: print(client.get_job_logs(job_id), end="")