#!/usr/bin/env bash # Cause the script to exit if a single command fails. set -e # Show explicitly which commands are currently running. set -x ROOT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}")"; pwd) run_testng() { local exit_code if "$@"; then exit_code=0 else exit_code=$? fi # exit_code == 2 means there are skipped tests. if [ $exit_code -ne 2 ] && [ $exit_code -ne 0 ] ; then exit $exit_code fi } pushd "$ROOT_DIR"/.. echo "Linting Java code with checkstyle." # NOTE(hchen): The `test_tag_filters` option causes bazel to ignore caches. # Thus, we add the `build_tests_only` option to avoid re-building everything. bazel test //java:all --test_tag_filters="checkstyle" --build_tests_only echo "Build java maven deps." bazel build //java:gen_maven_deps echo "Build test jar." bazel build //java:all_tests_deploy.jar echo "Running tests under cluster mode." # TODO(hchen): Ideally, we should use the following bazel command to run Java tests. However, if there're skipped tests, # TestNG will exit with code 2. And bazel treats it as test failure. # bazel test //java:all_tests --action_env=ENABLE_MULTI_LANGUAGE_TESTS=1 --config=ci || cluster_exit_code=$? ENABLE_MULTI_LANGUAGE_TESTS=1 run_testng java -cp "$ROOT_DIR"/../bazel-bin/java/all_tests_deploy.jar org.testng.TestNG -d /tmp/ray_java_test_output "$ROOT_DIR"/testng.xml echo "Running tests under single-process mode." # bazel test //java:all_tests --jvmopt="-Dray.run-mode=SINGLE_PROCESS" --config=ci || single_exit_code=$? run_testng java -Dray.run-mode="SINGLE_PROCESS" -cp "$ROOT_DIR"/../bazel-bin/java/all_tests_deploy.jar org.testng.TestNG -d /tmp/ray_java_test_output "$ROOT_DIR"/testng.xml popd pushd "$ROOT_DIR" echo "Testing maven install." mvn -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=WARN clean install -DskipTests # Ensure mvn test works mvn test -pl test -Dtest="io.ray.test.HelloWorldTest" popd