Benchmarks ========== Below we document key performance benchmarks for common AIR tasks and workflows. Bulk Ingest ----------- This task uses the DummyTrainer module to ingest 200GiB of synthetic data. We test out the performance across different cluster sizes. - `Bulk Ingest Script`_ - `Bulk Ingest Cluster Configuration`_ For this benchmark, we configured the nodes to have reasonable disk size and throughput to account for object spilling. .. code-block:: yaml aws: BlockDeviceMappings: - DeviceName: /dev/sda1 Ebs: Iops: 5000 Throughput: 1000 VolumeSize: 1000 VolumeType: gp3 .. list-table:: * - **Cluster Setup** - **# workers** - **Time taken** - **Throughput** - **Data Spilled** - **Command** * - 1 m5.4xlarge - 1 actor - 390 s - 0.51 GB/s - 205 GiB - `python --dataset-size-gib=200 --num-workers=1 --placement-strategy=SPREAD` * - 5 m5.4xlarge - 5 actors - 70 s - 2.85 GiB/s - 206 GiB - `python --dataset-size-gib=200 --num-workers=5 --placement-strategy=SPREAD` * - 20 m5.4xlarge nodes - 20 actors - 3.8 s - 52.6 GiB/s - 0 GB - `python --dataset-size-gib=200 --num-workers=20 --placement-strategy=SPREAD` XGBoost Batch Prediction ------------------------ This task uses the BatchPredictor module to process different amounts of data using an XGBoost model. We test out the performance across different cluster sizes and data sizes. - `XGBoost Prediction Script`_ - `XGBoost Cluster Configuration`_ .. TODO: Add script for generating data and running the benchmark. .. list-table:: * - **Cluster Setup** - **# workers** - **Data Size** - **# of rows** - **Time taken** - **Throughput** - **Command** * - 1 m5.4xlarge - 1 actor - 10 GB - 26M rows - 275 s - 94.5k rows/sec - `python --size 10GB` * - 10 m5.4xlarge nodes - 10 actors (12 CPUs each) - 100 GB - 260M rows - 331 s - 786k rows/sec - `python --size 100GB` XGBoost training ---------------- This task uses the XGBoostTrainer module to train on different sizes of data with different amounts of parallelism. XGBoost parameters were kept as defaults for xgboost==1.6.1 this task. - `XGBoost Training Script`_ - `XGBoost Cluster Configuration`_ .. list-table:: * - **Cluster Setup** - **# workers** - **Data Size** - **# of rows** - **Time taken** - **Command** * - 1 m5.4xlarge - 1 actor - 10 GB - 26M rows - 692 s - `python --size 10GB` * - 10 m5.4xlarge nodes - 10 actors (12 CPUs each) - 100 GB - 260M rows - 693 s - `python --size 100GB` .. _`Bulk Ingest Script`: .. _`Bulk Ingest Cluster Configuration`: .. _`XGBoost Training Script`: .. _`XGBoost Prediction Script`: .. _`XGBoost Cluster Configuration`: