import collections import copy import ray from ray.rllib.agents.dqn.dqn import DQNTrainer, \ DEFAULT_CONFIG as DQN_CONFIG, calculate_rr_weights from ray.rllib.agents.dqn.learner_thread import LearnerThread from ray.rllib.execution.common import STEPS_TRAINED_COUNTER, \ _get_shared_metrics, _get_global_vars from ray.rllib.evaluation.worker_set import WorkerSet from ray.rllib.execution.rollout_ops import ParallelRollouts from ray.rllib.execution.concurrency_ops import Concurrently, Enqueue, Dequeue from ray.rllib.execution.replay_ops import StoreToReplayBuffer, Replay from ray.rllib.execution.train_ops import UpdateTargetNetwork from ray.rllib.execution.metric_ops import StandardMetricsReporting from ray.rllib.execution.replay_buffer import ReplayActor from ray.rllib.utils import merge_dicts from ray.rllib.utils.actors import create_colocated from ray.rllib.utils.typing import SampleBatchType # yapf: disable # __sphinx_doc_begin__ APEX_DEFAULT_CONFIG = merge_dicts( DQN_CONFIG, # see also the options in, which are also supported { "optimizer": merge_dicts( DQN_CONFIG["optimizer"], { "max_weight_sync_delay": 400, "num_replay_buffer_shards": 4, "debug": False }), "n_step": 3, "num_gpus": 1, "num_workers": 32, "buffer_size": 2000000, "learning_starts": 50000, "train_batch_size": 512, "rollout_fragment_length": 50, "target_network_update_freq": 500000, "timesteps_per_iteration": 25000, "exploration_config": {"type": "PerWorkerEpsilonGreedy"}, "worker_side_prioritization": True, "min_iter_time_s": 30, # If set, this will fix the ratio of replayed from a buffer and learned # on timesteps to sampled from an environment and stored in the replay # buffer timesteps. Otherwise, replay will proceed as fast as possible. "training_intensity": None, }, ) # __sphinx_doc_end__ # yapf: enable # Update worker weights as they finish generating experiences. class UpdateWorkerWeights: def __init__(self, learner_thread, workers, max_weight_sync_delay): self.learner_thread = learner_thread self.workers = workers self.steps_since_update = collections.defaultdict(int) self.max_weight_sync_delay = max_weight_sync_delay self.weights = None def __call__(self, item: ("ActorHandle", SampleBatchType)): actor, batch = item self.steps_since_update[actor] += batch.count if self.steps_since_update[actor] >= self.max_weight_sync_delay: # Note that it's important to pull new weights once # updated to avoid excessive correlation between actors. if self.weights is None or self.learner_thread.weights_updated: self.learner_thread.weights_updated = False self.weights = ray.put( self.workers.local_worker().get_weights()) actor.set_weights.remote(self.weights, _get_global_vars()) self.steps_since_update[actor] = 0 # Update metrics. metrics = _get_shared_metrics() metrics.counters["num_weight_syncs"] += 1 def apex_execution_plan(workers: WorkerSet, config: dict): # Create a number of replay buffer actors. num_replay_buffer_shards = config["optimizer"]["num_replay_buffer_shards"] replay_actors = create_colocated(ReplayActor, [ num_replay_buffer_shards, config["learning_starts"], config["buffer_size"], config["train_batch_size"], config["prioritized_replay_alpha"], config["prioritized_replay_beta"], config["prioritized_replay_eps"], config["multiagent"]["replay_mode"], config["replay_sequence_length"], ], num_replay_buffer_shards) # Start the learner thread. learner_thread = LearnerThread(workers.local_worker()) learner_thread.start() # Update experience priorities post learning. def update_prio_and_stats(item: ("ActorHandle", dict, int)): actor, prio_dict, count = item actor.update_priorities.remote(prio_dict) metrics = _get_shared_metrics() # Manually update the steps trained counter since the learner thread # is executing outside the pipeline. metrics.counters[STEPS_TRAINED_COUNTER] += count metrics.timers["learner_dequeue"] = learner_thread.queue_timer metrics.timers["learner_grad"] = learner_thread.grad_timer metrics.timers["learner_overall"] = learner_thread.overall_timer # We execute the following steps concurrently: # (1) Generate rollouts and store them in our replay buffer actors. Update # the weights of the worker that generated the batch. rollouts = ParallelRollouts(workers, mode="async", num_async=2) store_op = rollouts \ .for_each(StoreToReplayBuffer(actors=replay_actors)) # Only need to update workers if there are remote workers. if workers.remote_workers(): store_op = store_op.zip_with_source_actor() \ .for_each(UpdateWorkerWeights( learner_thread, workers, max_weight_sync_delay=( config["optimizer"]["max_weight_sync_delay"]) )) # (2) Read experiences from the replay buffer actors and send to the # learner thread via its in-queue. post_fn = config.get("before_learn_on_batch") or (lambda b, *a: b) replay_op = Replay(actors=replay_actors, num_async=4) \ .for_each(lambda x: post_fn(x, workers, config)) \ .zip_with_source_actor() \ .for_each(Enqueue(learner_thread.inqueue)) # (3) Get priorities back from learner thread and apply them to the # replay buffer actors. update_op = Dequeue( learner_thread.outqueue, check=learner_thread.is_alive) \ .for_each(update_prio_and_stats) \ .for_each(UpdateTargetNetwork( workers, config["target_network_update_freq"], by_steps_trained=True)) if config["training_intensity"]: # Execute (1), (2) with a fixed intensity ratio. rr_weights = calculate_rr_weights(config) + ["*"] merged_op = Concurrently( [store_op, replay_op, update_op], mode="round_robin", output_indexes=[2], round_robin_weights=rr_weights) else: # Execute (1), (2), (3) asynchronously as fast as possible. Only output # items from (3) since metrics aren't available before then. merged_op = Concurrently( [store_op, replay_op, update_op], mode="async", output_indexes=[2]) # Add in extra replay and learner metrics to the training result. def add_apex_metrics(result): replay_stats = ray.get(replay_actors[0].stats.remote( config["optimizer"].get("debug"))) exploration_infos = workers.foreach_trainable_policy( lambda p, _: p.get_exploration_info()) result["info"].update({ "exploration_infos": exploration_infos, "learner_queue": learner_thread.learner_queue_size.stats(), "learner": copy.deepcopy(learner_thread.stats), "replay_shard_0": replay_stats, }) return result # Only report metrics from the workers with the lowest 1/3 of epsilons. selected_workers = workers.remote_workers()[ -len(workers.remote_workers()) // 3:] return StandardMetricsReporting( merged_op, workers, config, selected_workers=selected_workers).for_each(add_apex_metrics) ApexTrainer = DQNTrainer.with_updates( name="APEX", default_config=APEX_DEFAULT_CONFIG, execution_plan=apex_execution_plan)