import unittest

import ray
import ray.rllib.algorithms.dqn as dqn
import ray.rllib.algorithms.ppo as ppo
from ray.rllib.examples.env.memory_leaking_env import MemoryLeakingEnv
from ray.rllib.examples.policy.memory_leaking_policy import MemoryLeakingPolicy
from ray.rllib.policy.policy import PolicySpec
from ray.rllib.utils.debug.memory import check_memory_leaks

class TestMemoryLeaks(unittest.TestCase):
    """Generically tests our memory leak diagnostics tools."""

    def setUpClass(cls):

    def tearDownClass(cls):

    def test_leaky_env(self):
        """Tests, whether our diagnostics tools can detect leaks in an env."""
        config = ppo.DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
        # Make sure we have an env to test on the local worker.
        # Otherwise, `check_memory_leaks` will complain.
        config["create_env_on_driver"] = True
        config["env"] = MemoryLeakingEnv
        config["env_config"] = {
            "static_samples": True,
        algo = ppo.PPO(config=config)
        results = check_memory_leaks(algo, to_check={"env"}, repeats=150)
        assert results["env"]

    def test_leaky_policy(self):
        """Tests, whether our diagnostics tools can detect leaks in a policy."""
        config = dqn.DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy()
        # Make sure we have an env to test on the local worker.
        # Otherwise, `check_memory_leaks` will complain.
        config["create_env_on_driver"] = True
        config["env"] = "CartPole-v0"
        config["multiagent"]["policies"] = {
            "default_policy": PolicySpec(policy_class=MemoryLeakingPolicy),
        algo = dqn.DQN(config=config)
        results = check_memory_leaks(algo, to_check={"policy"}, repeats=300)
        assert results["policy"]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import pytest
    import sys

    sys.exit(pytest.main(["-v", __file__]))