(Experimental) OpenAI gym environment for https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla To run, first download and unpack the Carla binaries from this URL: https://github.com/carla-simulator/carla/releases/tag/0.7.0 Note that currently you also need to clone the Python code from `carla/benchmark_branch` which includes the Carla planner. Then, you can try running env.py to drive the car. Run one of the train_* scripts to attempt training. $ pkill -9 Carla $ export CARLA_SERVER=/PATH/TO/CARLA_0.7.0/CarlaUE4.sh $ export CARLA_PY_PATH=/PATH/TO/CARLA_BENCHMARK_BRANCH_REPO/PythonClient $ python env.py Check out the scenarios.py file for different training and test scenarios that can be used.