from __future__ import print_function import os import signal import socket import struct import subprocess import sys import unittest import random import time import tempfile import threading import plasma USE_VALGRIND = False def random_object_id(): return "".join([chr(random.randint(0, 255)) for _ in range(plasma.PLASMA_ID_SIZE)]) def generate_metadata(length): metadata = length * ["\x00"] if length > 0: metadata[0] = chr(random.randint(0, 255)) metadata[-1] = chr(random.randint(0, 255)) for _ in range(100): metadata[random.randint(0, length - 1)] = chr(random.randint(0, 255)) return buffer("".join(metadata)) def write_to_data_buffer(buff, length): if length > 0: buff[0] = chr(random.randint(0, 255)) buff[-1] = chr(random.randint(0, 255)) for _ in range(100): buff[random.randint(0, length - 1)] = chr(random.randint(0, 255)) def create_object(client, data_size, metadata_size, seal=True): object_id = random_object_id() metadata = generate_metadata(metadata_size) memory_buffer = client.create(object_id, data_size, metadata) write_to_data_buffer(memory_buffer, data_size) if seal: client.seal(object_id) return object_id, memory_buffer, metadata def assert_get_object_equal(unit_test, client1, client2, object_id, memory_buffer=None, metadata=None): if memory_buffer is not None: unit_test.assertEqual(memory_buffer[:], client2.get(object_id)[:]) if metadata is not None: unit_test.assertEqual(metadata[:], client2.get_metadata(object_id)[:]) unit_test.assertEqual(client1.get(object_id)[:], client2.get(object_id)[:]) unit_test.assertEqual(client1.get_metadata(object_id)[:], client2.get_metadata(object_id)[:]) # Check if the redis-server binary is present. redis_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "../../common/thirdparty/redis-3.2.3/src/redis-server") if not os.path.exists(redis_path): raise Exception("You do not have the redis-server binary. Run `make test` in the plasma directory to get it.") class TestPlasmaClient(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Start Plasma. plasma_store_executable = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "../build/plasma_store") store_name = "/tmp/store{}".format(random.randint(0, 10000)) command = [plasma_store_executable, "-s", store_name] if USE_VALGRIND: self.p = subprocess.Popen(["valgrind", "--track-origins=yes", "--leak-check=full", "--show-leak-kinds=all", "--error-exitcode=1"] + command) time.sleep(2.0) else: self.p = subprocess.Popen(command) # Connect to Plasma. self.plasma_client = plasma.PlasmaClient(store_name) def tearDown(self): # Kill the plasma store process. if USE_VALGRIND: self.p.send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) self.p.wait() if self.p.returncode != 0: os._exit(-1) else: self.p.kill() def test_create(self): # Create an object id string. object_id = random_object_id() # Create a new buffer and write to it. length = 50 memory_buffer = self.plasma_client.create(object_id, length) for i in range(length): memory_buffer[i] = chr(i % 256) # Seal the object. self.plasma_client.seal(object_id) # Get the object. memory_buffer = self.plasma_client.get(object_id) for i in range(length): self.assertEqual(memory_buffer[i], chr(i % 256)) def test_create_with_metadata(self): for length in range(1000): # Create an object id string. object_id = random_object_id() # Create a random metadata string. metadata = generate_metadata(length) # Create a new buffer and write to it. memory_buffer = self.plasma_client.create(object_id, length, metadata) for i in range(length): memory_buffer[i] = chr(i % 256) # Seal the object. self.plasma_client.seal(object_id) # Get the object. memory_buffer = self.plasma_client.get(object_id) for i in range(length): self.assertEqual(memory_buffer[i], chr(i % 256)) # Get the metadata. metadata_buffer = self.plasma_client.get_metadata(object_id) self.assertEqual(len(metadata), len(metadata_buffer)) for i in range(len(metadata)): self.assertEqual(metadata[i], metadata_buffer[i]) def test_contains(self): fake_object_ids = [random_object_id() for _ in range(100)] real_object_ids = [random_object_id() for _ in range(100)] for object_id in real_object_ids: self.assertFalse(self.plasma_client.contains(object_id)) memory_buffer = self.plasma_client.create(object_id, 100) self.plasma_client.seal(object_id) self.assertTrue(self.plasma_client.contains(object_id)) for object_id in fake_object_ids: self.assertFalse(self.plasma_client.contains(object_id)) for object_id in real_object_ids: self.assertTrue(self.plasma_client.contains(object_id)) # def test_individual_delete(self): # length = 100 # # Create an object id string. # object_id = random_object_id() # # Create a random metadata string. # metadata = generate_metadata(100) # # Create a new buffer and write to it. # memory_buffer = self.plasma_client.create(object_id, length, metadata) # for i in range(length): # memory_buffer[i] = chr(i % 256) # # Seal the object. # self.plasma_client.seal(object_id) # # Check that the object is present. # self.assertTrue(self.plasma_client.contains(object_id)) # # Delete the object. # self.plasma_client.delete(object_id) # # Make sure the object is no longer present. # self.assertFalse(self.plasma_client.contains(object_id)) # # def test_delete(self): # # Create some objects. # object_ids = [random_object_id() for _ in range(100)] # for object_id in object_ids: # length = 100 # # Create a random metadata string. # metadata = generate_metadata(100) # # Create a new buffer and write to it. # memory_buffer = self.plasma_client.create(object_id, length, metadata) # for i in range(length): # memory_buffer[i] = chr(i % 256) # # Seal the object. # self.plasma_client.seal(object_id) # # Check that the object is present. # self.assertTrue(self.plasma_client.contains(object_id)) # # # Delete the objects and make sure they are no longer present. # for object_id in object_ids: # # Delete the object. # self.plasma_client.delete(object_id) # # Make sure the object is no longer present. # self.assertFalse(self.plasma_client.contains(object_id)) def test_illegal_functionality(self): # Create an object id string. object_id = random_object_id() # Create a new buffer and write to it. length = 1000 memory_buffer = self.plasma_client.create(object_id, length) # Make sure we cannot access memory out of bounds. self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda : memory_buffer[length]) # Seal the object. self.plasma_client.seal(object_id) # This test is commented out because it currently fails. # # Make sure the object is ready only now. # def illegal_assignment(): # memory_buffer[0] = chr(0) # self.assertRaises(Exception, illegal_assignment) # Get the object. memory_buffer = self.plasma_client.get(object_id) # Make sure the object is read only. def illegal_assignment(): memory_buffer[0] = chr(0) self.assertRaises(Exception, illegal_assignment) def test_subscribe(self): # Subscribe to notifications from the Plasma Store. sock = self.plasma_client.subscribe() for i in [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000]: object_ids = [random_object_id() for _ in range(i)] for object_id in object_ids: # Create an object and seal it to trigger a notification. self.plasma_client.create(object_id, 1000) self.plasma_client.seal(object_id) # Check that we received notifications for all of the objects. for object_id in object_ids: message_data = self.plasma_client.get_next_notification() self.assertEqual(object_id, message_data) class TestPlasmaManager(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Start two PlasmaStores. plasma_store_executable = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "../build/plasma_store") store_name1 = "/tmp/store{}".format(random.randint(0, 10000)) store_name2 = "/tmp/store{}".format(random.randint(0, 10000)) manager_name1 = "/tmp/manager{}".format(random.randint(0, 10000)) manager_name2 = "/tmp/manager{}".format(random.randint(0, 10000)) plasma_store_command1 = [plasma_store_executable, "-s", store_name1] plasma_store_command2 = [plasma_store_executable, "-s", store_name2] if USE_VALGRIND: self.p2 = subprocess.Popen(["valgrind", "--track-origins=yes", "--leak-check=full", "--show-leak-kinds=all", "--error-exitcode=1"] + plasma_store_command1) self.p3 = subprocess.Popen(["valgrind", "--track-origins=yes", "--leak-check=full", "--show-leak-kinds=all", "--error-exitcode=1"] + plasma_store_command2) else: self.p2 = subprocess.Popen(plasma_store_command1) self.p3 = subprocess.Popen(plasma_store_command2) # Start a Redis server. redis_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "../../common/thirdparty/redis-3.2.3/src/redis-server") redis_port = 6379 with open(os.devnull, "w") as FNULL: self.redis_process = subprocess.Popen([redis_path, "--port", str(redis_port)], stdout=FNULL) time.sleep(0.1) # Start two PlasmaManagers. self.port1 = random.randint(10000, 50000) self.port2 = random.randint(10000, 50000) plasma_manager_executable = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "../build/plasma_manager") plasma_manager_command1 = [plasma_manager_executable, "-s", store_name1, "-m", manager_name1, "-h", "", "-p", str(self.port1), "-r", "{addr}:{port}".format(addr="", port=redis_port)] plasma_manager_command2 = [plasma_manager_executable, "-s", store_name2, "-m", manager_name2, "-h", "", "-p", str(self.port2), "-r", "{addr}:{port}".format(addr="", port=redis_port)] if USE_VALGRIND: self.p4 = subprocess.Popen(["valgrind", "--track-origins=yes", "--leak-check=full", "--show-leak-kinds=all", "--error-exitcode=1"] + plasma_manager_command1) self.p5 = subprocess.Popen(["valgrind", "--track-origins=yes", "--leak-check=full", "--show-leak-kinds=all", "--error-exitcode=1"] + plasma_manager_command2) else: self.p4 = subprocess.Popen(plasma_manager_command1) self.p5 = subprocess.Popen(plasma_manager_command2) # Connect two PlasmaClients. self.client1 = plasma.PlasmaClient(store_name1, manager_name1) self.client2 = plasma.PlasmaClient(store_name2, manager_name2) def tearDown(self): # Kill the PlasmaStore and PlasmaManager processes. if USE_VALGRIND: self.p4.send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) self.p4.wait() self.p5.send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) self.p5.wait() self.p2.send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) self.p2.wait() self.p3.send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) self.p3.wait() if self.p2.returncode != 0 or self.p3.returncode != 0 or self.p4.returncode != 0 or self.p5.returncode != 0: print("aborting due to valgrind error") os._exit(-1) else: self.p2.kill() self.p3.kill() self.p4.kill() self.p5.kill() self.redis_process.kill() # def test_fetch(self): # if self.redis_process is None: # print("Cannot test fetch without a running redis instance.") # self.assertTrue(False) # for _ in range(100): # # Create an object. # object_id1, memory_buffer1, metadata1 = create_object(self.client1, 2000, 2000) # # Fetch the object from the other plasma store. # # TODO(swang): This line is a hack! It makes sure that the entry will be # # in the object table once we call the fetch operation. Remove once # # retries are implemented by Ray common. # time.sleep(0.1) # successes = self.client2.fetch([object_id1]) # self.assertEqual(successes, [True]) # # Compare the two buffers. # assert_get_object_equal(self, self.client1, self.client2, object_id1, # memory_buffer=memory_buffer1, metadata=metadata1) # # Fetch in the other direction. These should return quickly because # # client1 already has the object. # successes = self.client1.fetch([object_id1]) # self.assertEqual(successes, [True]) # assert_get_object_equal(self, self.client2, self.client1, object_id1, # memory_buffer=memory_buffer1, metadata=metadata1) # def test_fetch_multiple(self): # if self.redis_process is None: # print("Cannot test fetch without a running redis instance.") # self.assertTrue(False) # for _ in range(20): # # Create two objects and a third fake one that doesn't exist. # object_id1, memory_buffer1, metadata1 = create_object(self.client1, 2000, 2000) # missing_object_id = random_object_id() # object_id2, memory_buffer2, metadata2 = create_object(self.client1, 2000, 2000) # object_ids = [object_id1, missing_object_id, object_id2] # # Fetch the objects from the other plasma store. The second object ID # # should timeout since it does not exist. # # TODO(swang): This line is a hack! It makes sure that the entry will be # # in the object table once we call the fetch operation. Remove once # # retries are implemented by Ray common. # time.sleep(0.1) # successes = self.client2.fetch(object_ids) # self.assertEqual(successes, [True, False, True]) # # Compare the buffers of the objects that do exist. # assert_get_object_equal(self, self.client1, self.client2, object_id1, # memory_buffer=memory_buffer1, metadata=metadata1) # assert_get_object_equal(self, self.client1, self.client2, object_id2, # memory_buffer=memory_buffer2, metadata=metadata2) # # Fetch in the other direction. The fake object still does not exist. # successes = self.client1.fetch(object_ids) # self.assertEqual(successes, [True, False, True]) # assert_get_object_equal(self, self.client2, self.client1, object_id1, # memory_buffer=memory_buffer1, metadata=metadata1) # assert_get_object_equal(self, self.client2, self.client1, object_id2, # memory_buffer=memory_buffer2, metadata=metadata2) def test_wait(self): # Test timeout. obj_id0 = random_object_id() self.client1.wait([obj_id0], timeout=100, num_returns=1) # If we get here, the test worked. # Test wait if local objects available. obj_id1 = random_object_id() self.client1.create(obj_id1, 1000) self.client1.seal(obj_id1) ready, waiting = self.client1.wait([obj_id1], timeout=100, num_returns=1) self.assertEqual(len(ready), 1) self.assertEqual(ready[0], obj_id1) self.assertEqual(len(waiting), 0) # Test wait if only one object available and only one object waited for. obj_id2 = random_object_id() self.client1.create(obj_id2, 1000) # Don't seal. ready, waiting = self.client1.wait([obj_id2, obj_id1], timeout=100, num_returns=1) self.assertEqual(len(ready), 1) self.assertEqual(ready[0], obj_id1) self.assertEqual(len(waiting), 1) self.assertEqual(waiting[0], obj_id2) # Test wait if object is sealed later. obj_id3 = random_object_id() def finish(): self.client2.create(obj_id3, 1000) self.client2.seal(obj_id3) self.client2.transfer("", self.port1, obj_id3) t = threading.Timer(0.1, finish) t.start() ready, waiting = self.client1.wait([obj_id3, obj_id2, obj_id1], timeout=1000, num_returns=2) self.assertEqual(len(ready), 2) self.assertTrue((ready[0] == obj_id1 and ready[1] == obj_id3) or (ready[0] == obj_id3 and ready[1] == obj_id1)) self.assertEqual(len(waiting), 1) self.assertTrue(waiting[0] == obj_id2) # Test if the appropriate number of objects is shown if some objects are not ready ready, wait = self.client1.wait([obj_id3, obj_id2, obj_id1], 100, 3) self.assertEqual(len(ready), 2) self.assertTrue((ready[0] == obj_id1 and ready[1] == obj_id3) or (ready[0] == obj_id3 and ready[1] == obj_id1)) self.assertEqual(len(waiting), 1) self.assertTrue(waiting[0] == obj_id2) # Don't forget to seal obj_id2. self.client1.seal(obj_id2) def test_transfer(self): for _ in range(100): # Create an object. object_id1, memory_buffer1, metadata1 = create_object(self.client1, 2000, 2000) # Transfer the buffer to the the other PlasmaStore. self.client1.transfer("", self.port2, object_id1) # Compare the two buffers. assert_get_object_equal(self, self.client1, self.client2, object_id1, memory_buffer=memory_buffer1, metadata=metadata1) # # Transfer the buffer again. # self.client1.transfer("", self.port2, object_id1) # # Compare the two buffers. # assert_get_object_equal(self, self.client1, self.client2, object_id1, # memory_buffer=memory_buffer1, metadata=metadata1) # Create an object. object_id2, memory_buffer2, metadata2 = create_object(self.client2, 20000, 20000) # Transfer the buffer to the the other PlasmaStore. self.client2.transfer("", self.port1, object_id2) # Compare the two buffers. assert_get_object_equal(self, self.client1, self.client2, object_id2, memory_buffer=memory_buffer2, metadata=metadata2) def test_illegal_functionality(self): # Create an object id string. object_id = random_object_id() # Create a new buffer. # memory_buffer = self.client1.create(object_id, 20000) # This test is commented out because it currently fails. # # Transferring the buffer before sealing it should fail. # self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda : self.manager1.transfer(1, object_id)) def test_stresstest(self): a = time.time() object_ids = [] for i in range(10000): # TODO(pcm): increase this to 100000 object_id = random_object_id() object_ids.append(object_id) self.client1.create(object_id, 1) self.client1.seal(object_id) for object_id in object_ids: self.client1.transfer("", self.port2, object_id) b = time.time() - a print("it took", b, "seconds to put and transfer the objects") if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: # pop the argument so we don't mess with unittest's own argument parser if sys.argv[-1] == "valgrind": arg = sys.argv.pop() USE_VALGRIND = True print("Using valgrind for tests") unittest.main(verbosity=2)