import unittest import ray import numpy as np import time import subprocess32 as subprocess import os import sys from numpy.testing import assert_equal import test_functions import ray.array.remote as ra import ray.array.distributed as da RAY_TEST_OBJECTS = [[1, "hello", 3.0], 42, 43L, "hello world", 42.0, 1L << 62, (1.0, "hi"), None, (None, None), ("hello", None), True, False, (True, False), u"\u262F", {True: "hello", False: "world"}, {"hello" : "world", 1: 42, 1.0: 45}, {}, np.int8(3), np.int32(4), np.int64(5), np.uint8(3), np.uint32(4), np.uint64(5), np.float32(1.0), np.float64(1.0)] class UserDefinedType(object): def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def deserialize(primitives): return "user defined type" def serialize(self): return "user defined type" class SerializationTest(unittest.TestCase): def roundTripTest(self, data): serialized, _ = ray.serialization.serialize(ray.worker.global_worker.handle, data) result = ray.serialization.deserialize(ray.worker.global_worker.handle, serialized) assert_equal(data, result) def numpyTypeTest(self, typ): self.roundTripTest(np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(100, 100)).astype(typ)) self.roundTripTest(np.array(0).astype(typ)) self.roundTripTest(np.empty((0,)).astype(typ)) def testSerialize(self): ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=0) for val in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS: self.roundTripTest(val) self.roundTripTest(np.zeros((100, 100))) self.numpyTypeTest("int8") self.numpyTypeTest("uint8") self.numpyTypeTest("int16") self.numpyTypeTest("uint16") self.numpyTypeTest("int32") self.numpyTypeTest("uint32") self.numpyTypeTest("float32") self.numpyTypeTest("float64") ref0 = ray.put(0) ref1 = ray.put(0) ref2 = ray.put(0) ref3 = ray.put(0) a = np.array([[ref0, ref1], [ref2, ref3]]) capsule, _ = ray.serialization.serialize(ray.worker.global_worker.handle, a) result = ray.serialization.deserialize(ray.worker.global_worker.handle, capsule) self.assertTrue((a == result).all()) self.roundTripTest(ref0) self.roundTripTest([ref0, ref1, ref2, ref3]) self.roundTripTest({"0": ref0, "1": ref1, "2": ref2, "3": ref3}) self.roundTripTest((ref0, 1)) ray.worker.cleanup() class ObjStoreTest(unittest.TestCase): # Test setting up object stores, transfering data between them and retrieving data to a client def testObjStore(self): node_ip_address = "" scheduler_address =, num_workers=0, worker_path=None) ray.connect(node_ip_address, scheduler_address, mode=ray.SCRIPT_MODE) objstore_addresses = [objstore_info["address"] for objstore_info in ray.scheduler_info()["objstores"]] w1 = ray.worker.Worker() w2 = ray.worker.Worker() ray.reusables._cached_reusables = [] # This is a hack to make the test run. ray.connect(node_ip_address, scheduler_address, objstore_address=objstore_addresses[0], mode=ray.SCRIPT_MODE, worker=w1) ray.reusables._cached_reusables = [] # This is a hack to make the test run. ray.connect(node_ip_address, scheduler_address, objstore_address=objstore_addresses[1], mode=ray.SCRIPT_MODE, worker=w2) # putting and getting an object shouldn't change it for data in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS: objectid = ray.put(data, w1) result = ray.get(objectid, w1) self.assertEqual(result, data) # putting an object, shipping it to another worker, and getting it shouldn't change it for data in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS: objectid = ray.put(data, w1) result = ray.get(objectid, w2) self.assertEqual(result, data) # putting an object, shipping it to another worker, and getting it shouldn't change it for data in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS: objectid = ray.put(data, w2) result = ray.get(objectid, w1) self.assertEqual(result, data) ARRAY_TEST_OBJECTS = [np.zeros([10, 20]), np.random.normal(size=[45, 25]), ("a", np.random.normal(size=[10, 10])), ["a", np.random.normal(size=[10, 10])]] # putting an array, shipping it to another worker, and getting it shouldn't change it for data in ARRAY_TEST_OBJECTS: objectid = ray.put(data, w1) result = ray.get(objectid, w2) assert_equal(result, data) # putting an array, shipping it to another worker, and getting it shouldn't change it for data in ARRAY_TEST_OBJECTS: objectid = ray.put(data, w2) result = ray.get(objectid, w1) assert_equal(result, data) # This test fails. See # getting multiple times shouldn't matter # for data in [np.zeros([10, 20]), np.random.normal(size=[45, 25]), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("float64")), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("float32")), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("int64")), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("int32"))]: # objectid = worker.put(data, w1) # result = worker.get(objectid, w2) # result = worker.get(objectid, w2) # result = worker.get(objectid, w2) # assert_equal(result, data) # Getting a buffer after modifying it before it finishes should return updated buffer objectid = ray.libraylib.get_objectid(w1.handle) buf = ray.libraylib.allocate_buffer(w1.handle, objectid, 100) buf[0][0] = 1 ray.libraylib.finish_buffer(w1.handle, objectid, buf[1], 0) completedbuffer = ray.libraylib.get_buffer(w1.handle, objectid) self.assertEqual(completedbuffer[0][0], 1) # We started multiple drivers manually, so we will disconnect them manually. ray.disconnect(worker=w1) ray.disconnect(worker=w2) ray.worker.cleanup() class WorkerTest(unittest.TestCase): def testPutGet(self): ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=0) for i in range(100): value_before = i * 10 ** 6 objectid = ray.put(value_before) value_after = ray.get(objectid) self.assertEqual(value_before, value_after) for i in range(100): value_before = i * 10 ** 6 * 1.0 objectid = ray.put(value_before) value_after = ray.get(objectid) self.assertEqual(value_before, value_after) for i in range(100): value_before = "h" * i objectid = ray.put(value_before) value_after = ray.get(objectid) self.assertEqual(value_before, value_after) for i in range(100): value_before = [1] * i objectid = ray.put(value_before) value_after = ray.get(objectid) self.assertEqual(value_before, value_after) ray.worker.cleanup() class APITest(unittest.TestCase): def testObjectIDAliasing(self): reload(test_functions) ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=3) ref = test_functions.test_alias_f.remote() assert_equal(ray.get(ref), np.ones([3, 4, 5])) ref = test_functions.test_alias_g.remote() assert_equal(ray.get(ref), np.ones([3, 4, 5])) ref = test_functions.test_alias_h.remote() assert_equal(ray.get(ref), np.ones([3, 4, 5])) ray.worker.cleanup() def testKeywordArgs(self): reload(test_functions) ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=1) x = test_functions.keyword_fct1.remote(1) self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "1 hello") x = test_functions.keyword_fct1.remote(1, "hi") self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "1 hi") x = test_functions.keyword_fct1.remote(1, b="world") self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "1 world") x = test_functions.keyword_fct2.remote(a="w", b="hi") self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "w hi") x = test_functions.keyword_fct2.remote(b="hi", a="w") self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "w hi") x = test_functions.keyword_fct2.remote(a="w") self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "w world") x = test_functions.keyword_fct2.remote(b="hi") self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "hello hi") x = test_functions.keyword_fct2.remote("w") self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "w world") x = test_functions.keyword_fct2.remote("w", "hi") self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "w hi") x = test_functions.keyword_fct3.remote(0, 1, c="w", d="hi") self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "0 1 w hi") x = test_functions.keyword_fct3.remote(0, 1, d="hi", c="w") self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "0 1 w hi") x = test_functions.keyword_fct3.remote(0, 1, c="w") self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "0 1 w world") x = test_functions.keyword_fct3.remote(0, 1, d="hi") self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "0 1 hello hi") x = test_functions.keyword_fct3.remote(0, 1) self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "0 1 hello world") ray.worker.cleanup() def testVariableNumberOfArgs(self): reload(test_functions) ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=1) x = test_functions.varargs_fct1.remote(0, 1, 2) self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "0 1 2") x = test_functions.varargs_fct2.remote(0, 1, 2) self.assertEqual(ray.get(x), "1 2") self.assertTrue(test_functions.kwargs_exception_thrown) self.assertTrue(test_functions.varargs_and_kwargs_exception_thrown) ray.worker.cleanup() def testNoArgs(self): reload(test_functions) ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=1) test_functions.no_op.remote() time.sleep(0.2) task_info = ray.task_info() self.assertEqual(len(task_info["failed_tasks"]), 0) self.assertEqual(len(task_info["running_tasks"]), 0) ray.worker.cleanup() def testDefiningRemoteFunctions(self): ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=2) # Test that we can define a remote function in the shell. @ray.remote([int], [int]) def f(x): return x + 1 self.assertEqual(ray.get(f.remote(0)), 1) # Test that we can redefine the remote function. @ray.remote([int], [int]) def f(x): return x + 10 self.assertEqual(ray.get(f.remote(0)), 10) # Test that we can close over plain old data. data = [np.zeros([3, 5]), (1, 2, "a"), [0.0, 1.0, 2L], 2L, {"a": np.zeros(3)}] @ray.remote([], [list]) def g(): return data ray.get(g.remote()) # Test that we can close over modules. @ray.remote([], [np.ndarray]) def h(): return np.zeros([3, 5]) assert_equal(ray.get(h.remote()), np.zeros([3, 5])) @ray.remote([], [float]) def j(): return time.time() ray.get(j.remote()) # Test that we can define remote functions that call other remote functions. @ray.remote([int], [int]) def k(x): return x + 1 @ray.remote([int], [int]) def l(x): return k.remote(x) @ray.remote([int], [int]) def m(x): return ray.get(l.remote(x)) self.assertEqual(ray.get(k.remote(1)), 2) self.assertEqual(ray.get(l.remote(1)), 2) self.assertEqual(ray.get(m.remote(1)), 2) ray.worker.cleanup() def testSelect(self): ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=4) @ray.remote([float], [int]) def f(delay): time.sleep(delay) return 1 objectids = [f.remote(1.5), f.remote(1.5), f.remote(1.0), f.remote(0.5)] self.assertEqual(, []) time.sleep(0.75) self.assertEqual(, [3]) time.sleep(0.5) self.assertEqual(, [2, 3]) time.sleep(0.5) self.assertEqual(, [0, 1, 2, 3]) ray.worker.cleanup() def testCachingReusables(self): # Test that we can define reusable variables before the driver is connected. def foo_initializer(): return 1 def bar_initializer(): return [] def bar_reinitializer(bar): return [] = ray.Reusable(foo_initializer) = ray.Reusable(bar_initializer, bar_reinitializer) @ray.remote([], [int]) def use_foo(): return @ray.remote([], [list]) def use_bar(): return ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=2) self.assertEqual(ray.get(use_foo.remote()), 1) self.assertEqual(ray.get(use_foo.remote()), 1) self.assertEqual(ray.get(use_bar.remote()), [1]) self.assertEqual(ray.get(use_bar.remote()), [1]) ray.worker.cleanup() def check_get_deallocated(data): x = ray.put(data) ray.get(x) return def check_get_not_deallocated(data): x = ray.put(data) y = ray.get(x) return y, class ReferenceCountingTest(unittest.TestCase): def testDeallocation(self): reload(test_functions) for module in [ra.core, ra.random, ra.linalg, da.core, da.random, da.linalg]: reload(module) ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=1) x = test_functions.test_alias_f.remote() ray.get(x) time.sleep(0.1) objectid_val = self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid_val], 1) del x self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid_val], -1) # -1 indicates deallocated y = test_functions.test_alias_h.remote() ray.get(y) time.sleep(0.1) objectid_val = self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid_val:(objectid_val + 3)], [1, 0, 0]) del y self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid_val:(objectid_val + 3)], [-1, -1, -1]) z = da.zeros.remote([da.BLOCK_SIZE, 2 * da.BLOCK_SIZE]) time.sleep(0.1) objectid_val = self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid_val:(objectid_val + 3)], [1, 1, 1]) del z time.sleep(0.1) self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid_val:(objectid_val + 3)], [-1, -1, -1]) x = ra.zeros.remote([10, 10]) y = ra.zeros.remote([10, 10]) z =, y) objectid_val = time.sleep(0.1) self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid_val:(objectid_val + 3)], [1, 1, 1]) del x time.sleep(0.1) self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid_val:(objectid_val + 3)], [-1, 1, 1]) del y time.sleep(0.1) self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid_val:(objectid_val + 3)], [-1, -1, 1]) del z time.sleep(0.1) self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid_val:(objectid_val + 3)], [-1, -1, -1]) ray.worker.cleanup() def testGet(self): ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=3) for val in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS + [np.zeros((2, 2)), UserDefinedType()]: objectid_val = check_get_deallocated(val) self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid_val], -1) if not isinstance(val, bool) and not isinstance(val, np.generic) and val is not None: x, objectid_val = check_get_not_deallocated(val) self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid_val], 1) # The following currently segfaults: The second "result = " closes the # memory segment as soon as the assignment is done (and the first result # goes out of scope). # data = np.zeros([10, 20]) # objectid = ray.put(data) # result = worker.get(objectid) # result = worker.get(objectid) # assert_equal(result, data) ray.worker.cleanup() # @unittest.expectedFailure # def testGetFailing(self): # ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=3) # # This is failing, because for bool and None, we cannot track python # # refcounts and therefore cannot keep the refcount up # # (see 5281bd414f6b404f61e1fe25ec5f6651defee206). # # The resulting behavior is still correct however because True, False and # # None are returned by get "by value" and therefore can be reclaimed from # # the object store safely. # for val in [True, False, None]: # x, objectid_val = check_get_not_deallocated(val) # self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid_val], 1) # ray.worker.cleanup() class PythonModeTest(unittest.TestCase): def testPythonMode(self): reload(test_functions) ray.init(start_ray_local=True, driver_mode=ray.PYTHON_MODE) xref = test_functions.test_alias_h.remote() assert_equal(xref, np.ones([3, 4, 5])) # remote functions should return by value assert_equal(xref, ray.get(xref)) # ray.get should be the identity y = np.random.normal(size=[11, 12]) assert_equal(y, ray.put(y)) # ray.put should be the identity # make sure objects are immutable, this example is why we need to copy # arguments before passing them into remote functions in python mode aref = test_functions.python_mode_f.remote() assert_equal(aref, np.array([0, 0])) bref = test_functions.python_mode_g.remote(aref) assert_equal(aref, np.array([0, 0])) # python_mode_g should not mutate aref assert_equal(bref, np.array([1, 0])) ray.worker.cleanup() class PythonCExtensionTest(unittest.TestCase): def testReferenceCountNone(self): ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=1) # Make sure that we aren't accidentally messing up Python's reference counts. @ray.remote([], [int]) def f(): return sys.getrefcount(None) first_count = ray.get(f.remote()) second_count = ray.get(f.remote()) self.assertEqual(first_count, second_count) ray.worker.cleanup() def testReferenceCountNone(self): ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=1) # Make sure that we aren't accidentally messing up Python's reference counts. @ray.remote([], [int]) def f(): return sys.getrefcount(True) first_count = ray.get(f.remote()) second_count = ray.get(f.remote()) self.assertEqual(first_count, second_count) ray.worker.cleanup() def testReferenceCountNone(self): ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=1) # Make sure that we aren't accidentally messing up Python's reference counts. @ray.remote([], [int]) def f(): return sys.getrefcount(False) first_count = ray.get(f.remote()) second_count = ray.get(f.remote()) self.assertEqual(first_count, second_count) ray.worker.cleanup() class ReusablesTest(unittest.TestCase): def testReusables(self): ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=1) # Test that we can add a variable to the key-value store. def foo_initializer(): return 1 def foo_reinitializer(foo): return foo = ray.Reusable(foo_initializer, foo_reinitializer) self.assertEqual(, 1) @ray.remote([], [int]) def use_foo(): return self.assertEqual(ray.get(use_foo.remote()), 1) self.assertEqual(ray.get(use_foo.remote()), 1) self.assertEqual(ray.get(use_foo.remote()), 1) # Test that we can add a variable to the key-value store, mutate it, and reset it. def bar_initializer(): return [1, 2, 3] = ray.Reusable(bar_initializer) @ray.remote([], [list]) def use_bar(): return self.assertEqual(ray.get(use_bar.remote()), [1, 2, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual(ray.get(use_bar.remote()), [1, 2, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual(ray.get(use_bar.remote()), [1, 2, 3, 4]) # Test that we can use the reinitializer. def baz_initializer(): return np.zeros([4]) def baz_reinitializer(baz): for i in range(len(baz)): baz[i] = 0 return baz ray.reusables.baz = ray.Reusable(baz_initializer, baz_reinitializer) @ray.remote([int], [np.ndarray]) def use_baz(i): baz = ray.reusables.baz baz[i] = 1 return baz assert_equal(ray.get(use_baz.remote(0)), np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])) assert_equal(ray.get(use_baz.remote(1)), np.array([0, 1, 0, 0])) assert_equal(ray.get(use_baz.remote(2)), np.array([0, 0, 1, 0])) assert_equal(ray.get(use_baz.remote(3)), np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])) # Make sure the reinitializer is actually getting called. Note that this is # not the correct usage of a reinitializer because it does not reset qux to # its original state. This is just for testing. def qux_initializer(): return 0 def qux_reinitializer(x): return x + 1 ray.reusables.qux = ray.Reusable(qux_initializer, qux_reinitializer) @ray.remote([], [int]) def use_qux(): return ray.reusables.qux self.assertEqual(ray.get(use_qux.remote()), 0) self.assertEqual(ray.get(use_qux.remote()), 1) self.assertEqual(ray.get(use_qux.remote()), 2) ray.worker.cleanup() class ClusterAttachingTest(unittest.TestCase): def testAttachingToCluster(self): node_ip_address = "" scheduler_port = np.random.randint(40000, 50000) scheduler_address = "{}:{}".format(node_ip_address, scheduler_port), cleanup=True) time.sleep(0.1), node_ip_address, num_workers=1, cleanup=True) ray.init(node_ip_address=node_ip_address, scheduler_address=scheduler_address) @ray.remote([int], [int]) def f(x): return x + 1 self.assertEqual(ray.get(f.remote(0)), 1) ray.worker.cleanup() def testAttachingToClusterWithMultipleObjectStores(self): node_ip_address = "" scheduler_port = np.random.randint(40000, 50000) scheduler_address = "{}:{}".format(node_ip_address, scheduler_port), cleanup=True) time.sleep(0.1), node_ip_address, num_workers=5, cleanup=True), node_ip_address, num_workers=5, cleanup=True), node_ip_address, num_workers=5, cleanup=True) ray.init(node_ip_address=node_ip_address, scheduler_address=scheduler_address) @ray.remote([int], [int]) def f(x): return x + 1 self.assertEqual(ray.get(f.remote(0)), 1) ray.worker.cleanup() if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main(verbosity=2)