import functools from math import log import numpy as np from ray.rllib.models.action_dist import ActionDistribution from ray.rllib.utils import try_import_tree from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_torch from ray.rllib.utils.numpy import SMALL_NUMBER, MIN_LOG_NN_OUTPUT, \ MAX_LOG_NN_OUTPUT from ray.rllib.utils.spaces.space_utils import get_base_struct_from_space from ray.rllib.utils.torch_ops import atanh torch, nn = try_import_torch() tree = try_import_tree() class TorchDistributionWrapper(ActionDistribution): """Wrapper class for torch.distributions.""" @override(ActionDistribution) def __init__(self, inputs, model): if not isinstance(inputs, torch.Tensor): inputs = torch.Tensor(inputs) super().__init__(inputs, model) # Store the last sample here. self.last_sample = None @override(ActionDistribution) def logp(self, actions): return self.dist.log_prob(actions) @override(ActionDistribution) def entropy(self): return self.dist.entropy() @override(ActionDistribution) def kl(self, other): return torch.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(self.dist, other.dist) @override(ActionDistribution) def sample(self): self.last_sample = self.dist.sample() return self.last_sample @override(ActionDistribution) def sampled_action_logp(self): assert self.last_sample is not None return self.logp(self.last_sample) class TorchCategorical(TorchDistributionWrapper): """Wrapper class for PyTorch Categorical distribution.""" @override(ActionDistribution) def __init__(self, inputs, model=None, temperature=1.0): if temperature != 1.0: assert temperature > 0.0, \ "Categorical `temperature` must be > 0.0!" inputs /= temperature super().__init__(inputs, model) self.dist = torch.distributions.categorical.Categorical( logits=self.inputs) @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self): self.last_sample = self.dist.probs.argmax(dim=1) return self.last_sample @staticmethod @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape(action_space, model_config): return action_space.n class TorchMultiCategorical(TorchDistributionWrapper): """MultiCategorical distribution for MultiDiscrete action spaces.""" @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def __init__(self, inputs, model, input_lens): super().__init__(inputs, model) # If input_lens is np.ndarray or list, force-make it a tuple. inputs_split = self.inputs.split(tuple(input_lens), dim=1) self.cats = [ torch.distributions.categorical.Categorical(logits=input_) for input_ in inputs_split ] @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def sample(self): arr = [cat.sample() for cat in self.cats] self.last_sample = torch.stack(arr, dim=1) return self.last_sample @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self): arr = [torch.argmax(cat.probs, -1) for cat in self.cats] self.last_sample = torch.stack(arr, dim=1) return self.last_sample @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def logp(self, actions): # # If tensor is provided, unstack it into list. if isinstance(actions, torch.Tensor): actions = torch.unbind(actions, dim=1) logps = torch.stack( [cat.log_prob(act) for cat, act in zip(self.cats, actions)]) return torch.sum(logps, dim=0) @override(ActionDistribution) def multi_entropy(self): return torch.stack([cat.entropy() for cat in self.cats], dim=1) @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def entropy(self): return torch.sum(self.multi_entropy(), dim=1) @override(ActionDistribution) def multi_kl(self, other): return torch.stack( [ torch.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(cat, oth_cat) for cat, oth_cat in zip(self.cats, other.cats) ], dim=1, ) @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def kl(self, other): return torch.sum(self.multi_kl(other), dim=1) @staticmethod @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape(action_space, model_config): return np.sum(action_space.nvec) class TorchDiagGaussian(TorchDistributionWrapper): """Wrapper class for PyTorch Normal distribution.""" @override(ActionDistribution) def __init__(self, inputs, model): super().__init__(inputs, model) mean, log_std = torch.chunk(self.inputs, 2, dim=1) self.dist = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(mean, torch.exp(log_std)) @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self): self.last_sample = self.dist.mean return self.last_sample @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def logp(self, actions): return super().logp(actions).sum(-1) @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def entropy(self): return super().entropy().sum(-1) @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def kl(self, other): return super().kl(other).sum(-1) @staticmethod @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape(action_space, model_config): return * 2 class TorchSquashedGaussian(TorchDistributionWrapper): """A tanh-squashed Gaussian distribution defined by: mean, std, low, high. The distribution will never return low or high exactly, but `low`+SMALL_NUMBER or `high`-SMALL_NUMBER respectively. """ def __init__(self, inputs, model, low=-1.0, high=1.0): """Parameterizes the distribution via `inputs`. Args: low (float): The lowest possible sampling value (excluding this value). high (float): The highest possible sampling value (excluding this value). """ super().__init__(inputs, model) # Split inputs into mean and log(std). mean, log_std = torch.chunk(self.inputs, 2, dim=-1) # Clip `scale` values (coming from NN) to reasonable values. log_std = torch.clamp(log_std, MIN_LOG_NN_OUTPUT, MAX_LOG_NN_OUTPUT) std = torch.exp(log_std) self.dist = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(mean, std) assert np.all(np.less(low, high)) self.low = low self.high = high @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self): self.last_sample = self._squash(self.dist.mean) return self.last_sample @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def sample(self): # Use the reparameterization version of `dist.sample` to allow for # the results to be backprop'able e.g. in a loss term. normal_sample = self.dist.rsample() self.last_sample = self._squash(normal_sample) return self.last_sample @override(ActionDistribution) def logp(self, x): # Unsquash values (from [low,high] to ]-inf,inf[) unsquashed_values = self._unsquash(x) # Get log prob of unsquashed values from our Normal. log_prob_gaussian = self.dist.log_prob(unsquashed_values) # For safety reasons, clamp somehow, only then sum up. log_prob_gaussian = torch.clamp(log_prob_gaussian, -100, 100) log_prob_gaussian = torch.sum(log_prob_gaussian, dim=-1) # Get log-prob for squashed Gaussian. unsquashed_values_tanhd = torch.tanh(unsquashed_values) log_prob = log_prob_gaussian - torch.sum( torch.log(1 - unsquashed_values_tanhd**2 + SMALL_NUMBER), dim=-1) return log_prob def _squash(self, raw_values): # Returned values are within [low, high] (including `low` and `high`). squashed = ((torch.tanh(raw_values) + 1.0) / 2.0) * \ (self.high - self.low) + self.low return torch.clamp(squashed, self.low, self.high) def _unsquash(self, values): normed_values = (values - self.low) / (self.high - self.low) * 2.0 - \ 1.0 # Stabilize input to atanh. save_normed_values = torch.clamp(normed_values, -1.0 + SMALL_NUMBER, 1.0 - SMALL_NUMBER) unsquashed = atanh(save_normed_values) return unsquashed @staticmethod @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape(action_space, model_config): return * 2 class TorchBeta(TorchDistributionWrapper): """ A Beta distribution is defined on the interval [0, 1] and parameterized by shape parameters alpha and beta (also called concentration parameters). PDF(x; alpha, beta) = x**(alpha - 1) (1 - x)**(beta - 1) / Z with Z = Gamma(alpha) Gamma(beta) / Gamma(alpha + beta) and Gamma(n) = (n - 1)! """ def __init__(self, inputs, model, low=0.0, high=1.0): super().__init__(inputs, model) # Stabilize input parameters (possibly coming from a linear layer). self.inputs = torch.clamp(self.inputs, log(SMALL_NUMBER), -log(SMALL_NUMBER)) self.inputs = torch.log(torch.exp(self.inputs) + 1.0) + 1.0 self.low = low self.high = high alpha, beta = torch.chunk(self.inputs, 2, dim=-1) # Note: concentration0==beta, concentration1=alpha (!) self.dist = torch.distributions.Beta( concentration1=alpha, concentration0=beta) @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self): self.last_sample = self._squash(self.dist.mean) return self.last_sample @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def sample(self): # Use the reparameterization version of `dist.sample` to allow for # the results to be backprop'able e.g. in a loss term. normal_sample = self.dist.rsample() self.last_sample = self._squash(normal_sample) return self.last_sample @override(ActionDistribution) def logp(self, x): unsquashed_values = self._unsquash(x) return torch.sum(self.dist.log_prob(unsquashed_values), dim=-1) def _squash(self, raw_values): return raw_values * (self.high - self.low) + self.low def _unsquash(self, values): return (values - self.low) / (self.high - self.low) @staticmethod @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape(action_space, model_config): return * 2 class TorchDeterministic(TorchDistributionWrapper): """Action distribution that returns the input values directly. This is similar to DiagGaussian with standard deviation zero (thus only requiring the "mean" values as NN output). """ @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self): return self.inputs @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def sampled_action_logp(self): return 0.0 @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def sample(self): return self.deterministic_sample() @staticmethod @override(ActionDistribution) def required_model_output_shape(action_space, model_config): return class TorchMultiActionDistribution(TorchDistributionWrapper): """Action distribution that operates on multiple, possibly nested actions. """ def __init__(self, inputs, model, *, child_distributions, input_lens, action_space): """Initializes a TorchMultiActionDistribution object. Args: inputs (torch.Tensor): A single tensor of shape [BATCH, size]. model (ModelV2): The ModelV2 object used to produce inputs for this distribution. child_distributions (any[torch.Tensor]): Any struct that contains the child distribution classes to use to instantiate the child distributions from `inputs`. This could be an already flattened list or a struct according to `action_space`. input_lens (any[int]): A flat list or a nested struct of input split lengths used to split `inputs`. action_space (Union[gym.spaces.Dict,gym.spaces.Tuple]): The complex and possibly nested action space. """ if not isinstance(inputs, torch.Tensor): inputs = torch.Tensor(inputs) super().__init__(inputs, model) self.action_space_struct = get_base_struct_from_space(action_space) input_lens = tree.flatten(input_lens) flat_child_distributions = tree.flatten(child_distributions) split_inputs = torch.split(inputs, input_lens, dim=1) self.flat_child_distributions = tree.map_structure( lambda dist, input_: dist(input_, model), flat_child_distributions, list(split_inputs)) @override(ActionDistribution) def logp(self, x): if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x = torch.Tensor(x) # Single tensor input (all merged). if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): split_indices = [] for dist in self.flat_child_distributions: if isinstance(dist, TorchCategorical): split_indices.append(1) else: split_indices.append(dist.sample().size()[1]) split_x = list(torch.split(x, split_indices, dim=1)) # Structured or flattened (by single action component) input. else: split_x = tree.flatten(x) def map_(val, dist): # Remove extra categorical dimension. if isinstance(dist, TorchCategorical): val = torch.squeeze(val, dim=-1).int() return dist.logp(val) # Remove extra categorical dimension and take the logp of each # component. flat_logps = tree.map_structure(map_, split_x, self.flat_child_distributions) return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, flat_logps) @override(ActionDistribution) def kl(self, other): kl_list = [ d.kl(o) for d, o in zip(self.flat_child_distributions, other.flat_child_distributions) ] return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, kl_list) @override(ActionDistribution) def entropy(self): entropy_list = [d.entropy() for d in self.flat_child_distributions] return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, entropy_list) @override(ActionDistribution) def sample(self): child_distributions = tree.unflatten_as(self.action_space_struct, self.flat_child_distributions) return tree.map_structure(lambda s: s.sample(), child_distributions) @override(ActionDistribution) def deterministic_sample(self): child_distributions = tree.unflatten_as(self.action_space_struct, self.flat_child_distributions) return tree.map_structure(lambda s: s.deterministic_sample(), child_distributions) @override(TorchDistributionWrapper) def sampled_action_logp(self): p = self.flat_child_distributions[0].sampled_action_logp() for c in self.flat_child_distributions[1:]: p += c.sampled_action_logp() return p