from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import os import random import redis import signal import subprocess import sys import threading import time import unittest import global_scheduler import photon import plasma from plasma.utils import random_object_id, generate_metadata, write_to_data_buffer, create_object_with_id, create_object USE_VALGRIND = False PLASMA_STORE_MEMORY = 1000000000 ID_SIZE = 20 # These constants must match the scheduling state enum in task.h. TASK_STATUS_WAITING = 1 TASK_STATUS_SCHEDULED = 2 TASK_STATUS_RUNNING = 4 TASK_STATUS_DONE = 8 # These constants are an implementation detail of ray_redis_module.c, so this # must be kept in sync with that file. DB_CLIENT_PREFIX = "CL:" TASK_PREFIX = "TT:" def random_task_id(): return photon.ObjectID(np.random.bytes(ID_SIZE)) def random_function_id(): return photon.ObjectID(np.random.bytes(ID_SIZE)) def new_port(): return random.randint(10000, 65535) class TestGlobalScheduler(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Start a Redis server. redis_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "../../core/src/common/thirdparty/redis/src/redis-server") redis_module = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "../../core/src/common/redis_module/") assert os.path.isfile(redis_path) assert os.path.isfile(redis_module) node_ip_address = "" redis_port = new_port() redis_address = "{}:{}".format(node_ip_address, redis_port) self.redis_process = subprocess.Popen([redis_path, "--port", str(redis_port), "--loglevel", "warning", "--loadmodule", redis_module]) time.sleep(0.1) # Create a Redis client. self.redis_client = redis.StrictRedis(host=node_ip_address, port=redis_port) # Start the global scheduler. self.p1 = global_scheduler.start_global_scheduler(redis_address, use_valgrind=USE_VALGRIND) # Start the Plasma store. plasma_store_name, self.p2 = plasma.start_plasma_store() # Start the Plasma manager. plasma_manager_name, self.p3, plasma_manager_port = plasma.start_plasma_manager(plasma_store_name, redis_address) self.plasma_address = "{}:{}".format(node_ip_address, plasma_manager_port) self.plasma_client = plasma.PlasmaClient(plasma_store_name, plasma_manager_name) # Start the local scheduler. local_scheduler_name, self.p4 = photon.start_local_scheduler( plasma_store_name, plasma_manager_name=plasma_manager_name, plasma_address=self.plasma_address, redis_address=redis_address) # Connect to the scheduler. self.photon_client = photon.PhotonClient(local_scheduler_name) def tearDown(self): # Check that the processes are still alive. self.assertEqual(self.p1.poll(), None) self.assertEqual(self.p2.poll(), None) self.assertEqual(self.p3.poll(), None) self.assertEqual(self.p4.poll(), None) self.assertEqual(self.redis_process.poll(), None) # Kill the global scheduler. if USE_VALGRIND: self.p1.send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) self.p1.wait() if self.p1.returncode != 0: os._exit(-1) else: self.p1.kill() self.p2.kill() self.p3.kill() self.p4.kill() # Kill Redis. In the event that we are using valgrind, this needs to happen # after we kill the global scheduler. self.redis_process.kill() def get_plasma_manager_id(self): """Get the db_client_id with client_type equal to plasma_manager. Iterates over all the client table keys, gets the db_client_id for the client with client_type matching plasma_manager. Strips the client table prefix. TODO(atumanov): write a separate function to get all plasma manager client IDs. Returns: The db_client_id if one is found and otherwise None. """ db_client_id = None client_list = self.redis_client.keys("{}*".format(DB_CLIENT_PREFIX)) for client_id in client_list: response = self.redis_client.hget(client_id, b"client_type") if response == b"plasma_manager": db_client_id = client_id break return db_client_id def test_redis_only_single_task(self): """ Tests global scheduler functionality by interacting with Redis and checking task state transitions in Redis only. TODO(atumanov): implement. """ # Check precondition for this test: # There should be three db clients, the global scheduler, the local # scheduler, and the plasma manager. self.assertEqual(len(self.redis_client.keys("{}*".format(DB_CLIENT_PREFIX))), 3) db_client_id = self.get_plasma_manager_id() assert(db_client_id != None) assert(db_client_id.startswith(b"CL:")) db_client_id = db_client_id[len(b"CL:"):] # Remove the CL: prefix. def test_integration_single_task(self): # There should be three db clients, the global scheduler, the local # scheduler, and the plasma manager. self.assertEqual(len(self.redis_client.keys("{}*".format(DB_CLIENT_PREFIX))), 3) num_return_vals = [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10] # There should not be anything else in Redis yet. self.assertEqual(len(self.redis_client.keys("*")), 3) # Insert the object into Redis. data_size = 0xf1f0 metadata_size = 0x40 object_dep, memory_buffer, metadata = create_object(self.plasma_client, data_size, metadata_size, seal=True) # Sleep before submitting task to photon. time.sleep(0.1) # Submit a task to Redis. task = photon.Task(random_function_id(), [photon.ObjectID(object_dep)], num_return_vals[0], random_task_id(), 0) self.photon_client.submit(task) time.sleep(0.1) # There should now be a task in Redis, and it should get assigned to the # local scheduler num_retries = 10 while num_retries > 0: task_entries = self.redis_client.keys("{}*".format(TASK_PREFIX)) self.assertLessEqual(len(task_entries), 1) if len(task_entries) == 1: task_contents = self.redis_client.hgetall(task_entries[0]) task_status = int(task_contents[b"state"]) self.assertTrue(task_status in [TASK_STATUS_WAITING, TASK_STATUS_SCHEDULED]) if task_status == TASK_STATUS_SCHEDULED: break else: print(task_status) print("The task has not been scheduled yet, trying again.") num_retries -= 1 time.sleep(1) if num_retries <= 0 and task_status != TASK_STATUS_SCHEDULED: # Failed to submit and schedule a single task -- bail. self.tearDown() sys.exit(1) def integration_many_tasks_helper(self, timesync=True): # There should be three db clients, the global scheduler, the local # scheduler, and the plasma manager. self.assertEqual(len(self.redis_client.keys("{}*".format(DB_CLIENT_PREFIX))), 3) num_return_vals = [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10] # Submit a bunch of tasks to Redis. num_tasks = 1000 for _ in range(num_tasks): # Create a new object for each task. data_size = np.random.randint(1 << 20) metadata_size = np.random.randint(1 << 10) object_dep, memory_buffer, metadata = create_object(self.plasma_client, data_size, metadata_size, seal=True) if timesync: # Give 10ms for object info handler to fire (long enough to yield CPU). time.sleep(0.010) task = photon.Task(random_function_id(), [photon.ObjectID(object_dep)], num_return_vals[0], random_task_id(), 0) self.photon_client.submit(task) # Check that there are the correct number of tasks in Redis and that they # all get assigned to the local scheduler. num_retries = 10 num_tasks_done = 0 while num_retries > 0: task_entries = self.redis_client.keys("{}*".format(TASK_PREFIX)) self.assertLessEqual(len(task_entries), num_tasks) # First, check if all tasks made it to Redis. if len(task_entries) == num_tasks: task_contents = [self.redis_client.hgetall(task_entries[i]) for i in range(len(task_entries))] task_statuses = [int(contents[b"state"]) for contents in task_contents] self.assertTrue(all([status in [TASK_STATUS_WAITING, TASK_STATUS_SCHEDULED] for status in task_statuses])) num_tasks_done = task_statuses.count(TASK_STATUS_SCHEDULED) num_tasks_waiting = task_statuses.count(TASK_STATUS_WAITING) print("tasks in Redis = {}, tasks waiting = {}, tasks scheduled = {}, retries left = {}" .format(len(task_entries), num_tasks_waiting, num_tasks_done, num_retries)) if all([status == TASK_STATUS_SCHEDULED for status in task_statuses]): # We're done, so pass. break num_retries -= 1 time.sleep(0.1) if num_tasks_done != num_tasks: # At least one of the tasks failed to schedule. self.tearDown() sys.exit(2) def test_integration_many_tasks_handler_sync(self): self.integration_many_tasks_helper(timesync=True) def test_integration_many_tasks(self): # More realistic case: should handle out of order object and task # notifications. self.integration_many_tasks_helper(timesync=False) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: # Pop the argument so we don't mess with unittest's own argument parser. arg = sys.argv.pop() if arg == "valgrind": USE_VALGRIND = True print("Using valgrind for tests") unittest.main(verbosity=2)