.. _datasets-examples-ref: ======== Examples ======== .. tip:: Check out the Datasets :ref:`User Guide ` to learn more about Datasets' features in-depth. .. _datasets-recipes: Simple Data Processing Examples ------------------------------- Ray Datasets is a data processing engine that supports multiple data modalities and types. Here you will find a few end-to-end examples of some basic data processing with Ray Datasets on tabular data, text (coming soon!), and imagery (coming soon!). .. panels:: :container: container pb-4 :column: col-md-4 px-2 py-2 :img-top-cls: pt-5 w-75 d-block mx-auto --- :img-top: /images/taxi.png +++ .. link-button:: nyc_taxi_basic_processing :type: ref :text: Processing NYC taxi data using Ray Datasets :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link Scaling Out Datasets Workloads ------------------------------ These examples demonstrate using Ray Datasets on large-scale data over a multi-node Ray cluster. .. panels:: :container: container pb-4 :column: col-md-4 px-2 py-2 :img-top-cls: pt-5 w-75 d-block mx-auto --- :img-top: /images/dataset-repeat-2.svg +++ .. link-button:: big_data_ingestion :type: ref :text: Large-scale ML Ingest :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link