#!/usr/bin/env bash # Push caller's shell options (quietly) { SHELLOPTS_STACK="${SHELLOPTS_STACK-}|$(set +o); set -$-"; } 2> /dev/null set -eo pipefail if [ -z "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST-}" ] || [ -n "${OSTYPE##darwin*}" ]; then set -ux; fi ROOT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}")"; pwd)" WORKSPACE_DIR="${ROOT_DIR}/../.." suppress_output() { "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/ci/suppress_output "$@" } keep_alive() { "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/ci/keep_alive "$@" } # Calls the provided command with set -x temporarily suppressed suppress_xtrace() { { local restore_shell_state="" if [ -o xtrace ]; then set +x; restore_shell_state="set -x"; fi } 2> /dev/null local status=0 "$@" || status=$? ${restore_shell_state} { return "${status}"; } 2> /dev/null } # If provided the names of one or more environment variables, returns 0 if any of them is triggered. # Usage: should_run_job [VAR_NAME]... should_run_job() { local skip=0 if [ -n "${1-}" ]; then # were any triggers provided? (if not, then the job will always run) local envvar active_triggers=() for envvar in "$@"; do if [ "${!envvar}" = 1 ]; then # success! we found at least one of the given triggers is occurring active_triggers+=("${envvar}=${!envvar}") fi done if [ 0 -eq "${#active_triggers[@]}" ]; then echo "Job is not triggered by any of $1; skipping job." sleep 15 # make sure output is flushed skip=1 else echo "Job is triggered by: ${active_triggers[*]}" fi fi return "${skip}" } # Idempotent environment loading reload_env() { # Try to only modify CI-specific environment variables here (TRAVIS_... or GITHUB_...), # e.g. for CI cross-compatibility. # Normal environment variables should be set up at software installation time, not here. if [ -n "${GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST-}" ]; then case "${GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST}" in [1-9]*) TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST="${GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST}";; *) TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST=false;; esac export TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST fi if [ "${GITHUB_ACTIONS-}" = true ] && [ -z "${TRAVIS_BRANCH-}" ]; then # Define TRAVIS_BRANCH to make Travis scripts run on GitHub Actions. TRAVIS_BRANCH="${GITHUB_BASE_REF:-${GITHUB_REF}}" # For pull requests, the base branch name TRAVIS_BRANCH="${TRAVIS_BRANCH#refs/heads/}" # Remove refs/... prefix # TODO(mehrdadn): Make TRAVIS_BRANCH be a named ref (e.g. 'master') like it's supposed to be. # For now we use a hash because GitHub Actions doesn't clone refs the same way as Travis does. TRAVIS_BRANCH="${GITHUB_HEAD_SHA:-${TRAVIS_BRANCH}}" export TRAVIS_BRANCH fi } need_wheels() { local error_code=1 case "${OSTYPE}" in linux*) if [ "${LINUX_WHEELS-}" = 1 ]; then error_code=0; fi;; darwin*) if [ "${MAC_WHEELS-}" = 1 ]; then error_code=0; fi;; msys*) if [ "${WINDOWS_WHEELS-}" = 1 ]; then error_code=0; fi;; esac return "${error_code}" } upload_wheels() { local branch="" commit commit="$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)" if [ -z "${branch}" ]; then branch="${GITHUB_BASE_REF-}"; fi if [ -z "${branch}" ]; then branch="${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}"; fi if [ -z "${branch}" ]; then branch="${TRAVIS_BRANCH-}"; fi if [ -z "${branch}" ]; then echo "Unable to detect branch name" 1>&2; return 1; fi local local_dir="python/dist" if [ -d "${local_dir}" ]; then ls -a -l -- "${local_dir}" local remote_dir for remote_dir in latest "${branch}/${commit}"; do if command -V aws; then aws s3 sync --acl public-read --no-progress "${local_dir}" "s3://ray-wheels/${remote_dir}" fi done fi ( cd "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/python if ! python -s -c "import ray, sys; sys.exit(0 if ray._raylet.OPTIMIZED else 1)"; then echo "ERROR: Uploading non-optimized wheels! Performance will suffer for users!" false fi ) } test_core() { local args=( "//:*" ) case "${OSTYPE}" in msys) args+=( -//:core_worker_test -//:event_test -//:gcs_pub_sub_test -//:gcs_server_test -//:gcs_server_rpc_test ) ;; esac # shellcheck disable=SC2046 bazel test --config=ci --build_tests_only $(./scripts/bazel_export_options) -- "${args[@]}" } test_python() { local pathsep=":" args=() if [ "${OSTYPE}" = msys ]; then pathsep=";" args+=( python/ray/serve/... python/ray/tests/... -python/ray/serve:test_api # segfault on windows? https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/12541 -python/ray/serve:test_router # timeout -python/ray/serve:test_handle # "fatal error" (?) https://github.com/ray-project/ray/pull/13695 -python/ray/serve:test_backend_worker # memory error -python/ray/tests:test_actor_advanced # timeout -python/ray/tests:test_actor_failures # flaky -python/ray/tests:test_advanced_2 -python/ray/tests:test_advanced_3 # test_invalid_unicode_in_worker_log() fails on Windows -python/ray/tests:test_autoscaler # We don't support Autoscaler on Windows -python/ray/tests:test_autoscaler_aws -python/ray/tests:test_component_failures -python/ray/tests:test_component_failures_3 # timeout -python/ray/tests:test_basic_2 # hangs on shared cluster tests -python/ray/tests:test_basic_2_client_mode -python/ray/tests:test_basic_3 # timeout -python/ray/tests:test_basic_3_client_mode -python/ray/tests:test_cli -python/ray/tests:test_client_init # timeout -python/ray/tests:test_command_runner # We don't support Autoscaler on Windows -python/ray/tests:test_failure -python/ray/tests:test_failure_2 -python/ray/tests:test_gcs_fault_tolerance # flaky -python/ray/tests:test_global_gc -python/ray/tests:test_job -python/ray/tests:test_memstat -python/ray/tests:test_metrics -python/ray/tests:test_metrics_agent # timeout -python/ray/tests:test_multi_node -python/ray/tests:test_multi_node_2 -python/ray/tests:test_multi_node_3 -python/ray/tests:test_multiprocessing # test_connect_to_ray() fails to connect to raylet -python/ray/tests:test_node_manager -python/ray/tests:test_object_manager -python/ray/tests:test_placement_group # timeout and OOM -python/ray/tests:test_ray_init # test_redis_port() seems to fail here, but pass in isolation -python/ray/tests:test_resource_demand_scheduler -python/ray/tests:test_stress # timeout -python/ray/tests:test_stress_sharded # timeout -python/ray/tests:test_k8s_operator_unit_tests -python/ray/tests:test_tracing # tracing not enabled on windows ) fi if [ 0 -lt "${#args[@]}" ]; then # Any targets to test? install_ray # TODO(mehrdadn): We set PYTHONPATH here to let Python find our pickle5 under pip install -e. # It's unclear to me if this should be necessary, but this is to make tests run for now. # Check why this issue doesn't arise on Linux/Mac. # Ideally importing ray.cloudpickle should import pickle5 automatically. # shellcheck disable=SC2046 bazel test --config=ci --build_tests_only $(./scripts/bazel_export_options) \ --test_env=PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH-}${pathsep}${WORKSPACE_DIR}/python/ray/pickle5_files" -- \ "${args[@]}"; fi } test_cpp() { bazel build --config=ci //cpp:all # shellcheck disable=SC2046 bazel test --config=ci $(./scripts/bazel_export_options) --test_strategy=exclusive //cpp:all --build_tests_only # run the cpp example bazel run //cpp/example:example } test_wheels() { local result=0 flush_logs=0 if need_wheels; then "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/ci/travis/test-wheels.sh || { result=$? && flush_logs=1; } fi if [ 0 -ne "${flush_logs}" ]; then cat -- /tmp/ray/session_latest/logs/* || true sleep 60 # Explicitly sleep 60 seconds for logs to go through fi return "${result}" } install_npm_project() { if [ "${OSTYPE}" = msys ]; then # Not Windows-compatible: https://github.com/npm/cli/issues/558#issuecomment-584673763 { echo "WARNING: Skipping NPM due to module incompatibilities with Windows"; } 2> /dev/null else npm i -g yarn yarn fi } build_dashboard_front_end() { if [ "${OSTYPE}" = msys ]; then { echo "WARNING: Skipping dashboard due to NPM incompatibilities with Windows"; } 2> /dev/null else ( cd ray/new_dashboard/client if [ -z "${BUILDKITE-}" ]; then set +x # suppress set -x since it'll get very noisy here . "${HOME}/.nvm/nvm.sh" nvm use --silent node fi install_npm_project yarn build ) fi } build_sphinx_docs() { ( cd "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/doc if [ "${OSTYPE}" = msys ]; then echo "WARNING: Documentation not built on Windows due to currently-unresolved issues" else sphinx-build -q -E -W -T -b html source _build/html fi ) } install_cython_examples() { ( cd "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/doc/examples/cython pip install scipy python setup.py install --user ) } install_go() { local gimme_url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/travis-ci/gimme/master/gimme" suppress_xtrace eval "$(curl -f -s -L "${gimme_url}" | GIMME_GO_VERSION=1.14.2 bash)" if [ -z "${GOPATH-}" ]; then GOPATH="${GOPATH:-${HOME}/go_dir}" export GOPATH fi } _bazel_build_before_install() { local target if [ "${OSTYPE}" = msys ]; then # On Windows, we perform as full of a build as possible, to ensure the repository always remains buildable on Windows. # (Pip install will not perform a full build.) target="//:*" else # Just build Python on other platforms. # This because pip install captures & suppresses the build output, which causes a timeout on CI. target="//:ray_pkg" fi # NOTE: Do not add build flags here. Use .bazelrc and --config instead. bazel build "${target}" } _bazel_build_protobuf() { bazel build "//:install_py_proto" } install_ray() { # TODO(mehrdadn): This function should be unified with the one in python/build-wheel-windows.sh. ( cd "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/python build_dashboard_front_end keep_alive pip install -v -e . ) } build_wheels() { case "${OSTYPE}" in linux*) # Mount bazel cache dir to the docker container. # For the linux wheel build, we use a shared cache between all # wheels, but not between different travis runs, because that # caused timeouts in the past. See the "cache: false" line below. local MOUNT_BAZEL_CACHE=( -v "${HOME}/ray-bazel-cache":/root/ray-bazel-cache -e "TRAVIS=true" -e "TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST=${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST:-false}" -e "encrypted_1c30b31fe1ee_key=${encrypted_1c30b31fe1ee_key-}" -e "encrypted_1c30b31fe1ee_iv=${encrypted_1c30b31fe1ee_iv-}" -e "TRAVIS_COMMIT=${TRAVIS_COMMIT}" -e "CI=${CI}" -e "RAY_INSTALL_JAVA=${RAY_INSTALL_JAVA:-}" -e "BUILDKITE=${BUILDKITE:-}" -e "BUILDKITE_BAZEL_CACHE_URL=${BUILDKITE_BAZEL_CACHE_URL:-}" ) if [ -z "${BUILDKITE-}" ]; then # This command should be kept in sync with ray/python/README-building-wheels.md, # except the "${MOUNT_BAZEL_CACHE[@]}" part. docker run --rm -w /ray -v "${PWD}":/ray "${MOUNT_BAZEL_CACHE[@]}" \ quay.io/pypa/manylinux2014_x86_64 /ray/python/build-wheel-manylinux2014.sh else cp -rT /ray /ray-mount ls /ray-mount docker run --rm -v /ray:/ray-mounted ubuntu:focal ls / docker run --rm -v /ray:/ray-mounted ubuntu:focal ls /ray-mounted docker run --rm -w /ray -v /ray:/ray "${MOUNT_BAZEL_CACHE[@]}" \ quay.io/pypa/manylinux2014_x86_64 /ray/python/build-wheel-manylinux2014.sh cp -rT /ray-mount /ray # copy new files back here find . | grep whl # testing fi ;; darwin*) # This command should be kept in sync with ray/python/README-building-wheels.md. # Remove suppress_output for now to avoid timeout "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/python/build-wheel-macos.sh ;; msys*) keep_alive "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/python/build-wheel-windows.sh ;; esac } lint_readme() { if python -s -c "import docutils" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then ( cd "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/python python setup.py check --restructuredtext --strict --metadata ) else echo "Skipping README lint because the docutils package is not installed" 1>&2 fi } lint_scripts() { FORMAT_SH_PRINT_DIFF=1 "${ROOT_DIR}"/format.sh --all } lint_bazel() { # Run buildifier without affecting external environment variables ( mkdir -p -- "${GOPATH}" export PATH="${GOPATH}/bin:${GOROOT}/bin:${PATH}" # Build buildifier go get github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/buildifier # Now run buildifier "${ROOT_DIR}"/bazel-format.sh ) } lint_web() { ( cd "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/python/ray/new_dashboard/client set +x # suppress set -x since it'll get very noisy here if [ -z "${BUILDKITE-}" ]; then . "${HOME}/.nvm/nvm.sh" nvm use --silent node fi install_npm_project local filenames # shellcheck disable=SC2207 filenames=($(find src -name "*.ts" -or -name "*.tsx")) node_modules/.bin/eslint --max-warnings 0 "${filenames[@]}" node_modules/.bin/prettier --check "${filenames[@]}" node_modules/.bin/prettier --check public/index.html ) } _lint() { local platform="" case "${OSTYPE}" in linux*) platform=linux;; esac if command -v clang-format > /dev/null; then "${ROOT_DIR}"/check-git-clang-format-output.sh else { echo "WARNING: Skipping linting C/C++ as clang-format is not installed."; } 2> /dev/null fi # Run script linting lint_scripts # Make sure that the README is formatted properly. lint_readme if [ "${platform}" = linux ]; then # Run Bazel linter Buildifier. lint_bazel # Run TypeScript and HTML linting. lint_web fi } lint() { install_go # Checkout a clean copy of the repo to avoid seeing changes that have been made to the current one ( WORKSPACE_DIR="$(TMPDIR="${WORKSPACE_DIR}/.." mktemp -d)" # shellcheck disable=SC2030 ROOT_DIR="${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/ci/travis git worktree add -q "${WORKSPACE_DIR}" pushd "${WORKSPACE_DIR}" . "${ROOT_DIR}"/ci.sh _lint popd # this is required so we can remove the worktree when we're done git worktree remove --force "${WORKSPACE_DIR}" ) } _check_job_triggers() { local job_names job_names="$1" local variable_definitions # shellcheck disable=SC2031 variable_definitions=($(python "${ROOT_DIR}"/determine_tests_to_run.py)) if [ 0 -lt "${#variable_definitions[@]}" ]; then local expression restore_shell_state="" if [ -o xtrace ]; then set +x; restore_shell_state="set -x;"; fi # Disable set -x (noisy here) { expression="$(printf "%q " "${variable_definitions[@]}")" printf "%s\n" "${expression}" >> ~/.bashrc } eval "${restore_shell_state}" "${expression}" # Restore set -x, then evaluate expression fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! (set +x && should_run_job ${job_names//,/ }); then if [ "${GITHUB_ACTIONS-}" = true ]; then # If this job is to be skipped, emit 'exit' into .bashrc to quickly exit all following steps. # This isn't needed on Travis (since everything runs in one shell), but is on GitHub Actions. cat <> ~/.bashrc cat <&2 Exiting shell as no triggers were active for this job: ${job_names//,/} The active triggers during job initialization were the following: ${variable_definitions[*]} EOF2 exit 0 EOF1 fi exit 0 fi } configure_system() { git config --global advice.detachedHead false git config --global core.askpass "" git config --global credential.helper "" git config --global credential.modalprompt false } # Initializes the environment for the current job. Performs the following tasks: # - Calls 'exit 0' in this job step and all subsequent steps to quickly exit if provided a list of # job names and none of them has been triggered. # - Sets variables to indicate the job names that have been triggered. # Note: Please avoid exporting these variables. Instead, source any callees that need to use them. # This helps reduce implicit coupling of callees to their parents, as they will be unable to run # when not sourced, (especially with set -u). # - Installs dependencies for the current job. # - Exports any environment variables necessary to run the build. # Usage: init [JOB_NAMES] # - JOB_NAMES (optional): Comma-separated list of job names to trigger on. init() { _check_job_triggers "${1-}" configure_system # shellcheck disable=SC2031 . "${ROOT_DIR}"/install-dependencies.sh # Script is sourced to propagate up environment changes } build() { if [ "${LINT-}" != 1 ]; then _bazel_build_before_install else _bazel_build_protobuf fi if ! need_wheels; then install_ray if [ "${LINT-}" = 1 ]; then # Try generating Sphinx documentation. To do this, we need to install Ray first. build_sphinx_docs fi fi if [ "${RAY_CYTHON_EXAMPLES-}" = 1 ]; then install_cython_examples fi if [ "${RAY_DEFAULT_BUILD-}" = 1 ] || [ "${LINT-}" = 1 ]; then install_go fi if need_wheels; then build_wheels fi } _main() { if [ "${GITHUB_ACTIONS-}" = true ]; then exec 2>&1 # Merge stdout and stderr to prevent out-of-order buffering issues reload_env fi "$@" } _main "$@" # Pop caller's shell options (quietly) { set -vx; eval "${SHELLOPTS_STACK##*|}"; SHELLOPTS_STACK="${SHELLOPTS_STACK%|*}"; } 2> /dev/null