(serve-user-guides)= # User Guides If you’re new to Ray Serve, we recommend starting with the [Ray Serve Quick Start](getting_started). This user guide will help you navigate the Ray Serve project and show you how achieve several tasks. For instance you will learn: - [Handling Dependencies](handling-dependencies) - [Scaling and Resource Allocation](scaling-and-resource-allocation) - [Configuring HTTP and Bring Your own FastAPI app](http-guide) - [Using HTTP Adapters](http-guide) - [Composing Deployments](handle-guide) - [Serving Ray AIR Checkpoints](ray-air-serve-guide) - [Serving ML Models](ml-models) - [Use Request Batching](batching-guide) - [Using Deployment Graphs](serve-model-composition-deployment-graph) - [Deploying Ray Serve](deploying-serve) - [Monitoring Ray Serve](monitoring) - [Performance Tuning](performance)