from typing import List import numpy as np import arrays.single as single import orchpy as op __all__ = ["BLOCK_SIZE", "DistArray", "assemble", "zeros", "ones", "copy", "eye", "triu", "tril", "blockwise_dot", "dot", "transpose", "add", "subtract", "eye2", "numpy_to_dist", "subblocks"] BLOCK_SIZE = 10 class DistArray(object): def construct(self, shape, objrefs=None): self.shape = shape self.ndim = len(shape) self.num_blocks = [int(np.ceil(1.0 * a / BLOCK_SIZE)) for a in self.shape] self.objrefs = objrefs if objrefs is not None else np.empty(self.num_blocks, dtype=object) if self.num_blocks != list(self.objrefs.shape): raise Exception("The fields `num_blocks` and `objrefs` are inconsistent, `num_blocks` is {} and `objrefs` has shape {}".format(self.num_blocks, list(self.objrefs.shape))) def deserialize(self, primitives): (shape, objrefs) = primitives self.construct(shape, objrefs) def serialize(self): return (self.shape, self.objrefs) def __init__(self, shape=None): if shape is not None: self.construct(shape) @staticmethod def compute_block_lower(index, shape): if len(index) != len(shape): raise Exception("The fields `index` and `shape` must have the same length, but `index` is {} and `shape` is {}.".format(index, shape)) return [elem * BLOCK_SIZE for elem in index] @staticmethod def compute_block_upper(index, shape): if len(index) != len(shape): raise Exception("The fields `index` and `shape` must have the same length, but `index` is {} and `shape` is {}.".format(index, shape)) upper = [] for i in range(len(shape)): upper.append(min((index[i] + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, shape[i])) return upper @staticmethod def compute_block_shape(index, shape): lower = DistArray.compute_block_lower(index, shape) upper = DistArray.compute_block_upper(index, shape) return [u - l for (l, u) in zip(lower, upper)] @staticmethod def compute_num_blocks(shape): return [int(np.ceil(1.0 * a / BLOCK_SIZE)) for a in shape] def assemble(self): """Assemble an array on this node from a distributed array object reference.""" first_block = op.pull(self.objrefs[(0,) * self.ndim]) dtype = first_block.dtype result = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=dtype) for index in np.ndindex(*self.num_blocks): lower = DistArray.compute_block_lower(index, self.shape) upper = DistArray.compute_block_upper(index, self.shape) result[[slice(l, u) for (l, u) in zip(lower, upper)]] = op.pull(self.objrefs[index]) return result def __getitem__(self, sliced): # TODO(rkn): fix this, this is just a placeholder that should work but is inefficient a = self.assemble() return a[sliced] @op.distributed([DistArray], [np.ndarray]) def assemble(a): return a.assemble() # TODO(rkn): what should we call this method @op.distributed([np.ndarray], [DistArray]) def numpy_to_dist(a): result = DistArray(a.shape) for index in np.ndindex(*result.num_blocks): lower = DistArray.compute_block_lower(index, a.shape) upper = DistArray.compute_block_upper(index, a.shape) result.objrefs[index] = op.push(a[[slice(l, u) for (l, u) in zip(lower, upper)]]) return result @op.distributed([List[int], str], [DistArray]) def zeros(shape, dtype_name): result = DistArray(shape) for index in np.ndindex(*result.num_blocks): result.objrefs[index] = single.zeros(DistArray.compute_block_shape(index, shape), dtype_name) return result @op.distributed([List[int], str], [DistArray]) def ones(shape, dtype_name): result = DistArray(shape) for index in np.ndindex(*result.num_blocks): result.objrefs[index] = single.ones(DistArray.compute_block_shape(index, shape), dtype_name) return result @op.distributed([DistArray], [DistArray]) def copy(a): result = DistArray(a.shape) for index in np.ndindex(*result.num_blocks): result.objrefs[index] = a.objrefs[index] # We don't need to actually copy the objects because cluster-level objects are assumed to be immutable. return result @op.distributed([int, str], [DistArray]) def eye(dim, dtype_name): shape = [dim, dim] result = DistArray(shape) for (i, j) in np.ndindex(*result.num_blocks): if i == j: result.objrefs[i, j] = single.eye(DistArray.compute_block_shape([i, j], shape)[0], dtype_name) else: result.objrefs[i, j] = single.zeros(DistArray.compute_block_shape([i, j], shape), dtype_name) return result # TODO(rkn): Support optional arguments so that we can make this part of eye. @op.distributed([int, int, str], [DistArray]) def eye2(dim1, dim2, dtype_name): shape = [dim1, dim2] result = DistArray(shape) for (i, j) in np.ndindex(*result.num_blocks): block_shape = DistArray.compute_block_shape([i, j], shape) if i == j: result.objrefs[i, j] = single.eye2(block_shape[0], block_shape[1], dtype_name) else: result.objrefs[i, j] = single.zeros(block_shape, dtype_name) return result @op.distributed([DistArray], [DistArray]) def triu(a): if a.ndim != 2: raise Exception("Input must have 2 dimensions, but a.ndim is " + str(a.ndim)) result = DistArray(a.shape) for (i, j) in np.ndindex(*result.num_blocks): if i < j: result.objrefs[i, j] = single.copy(a.objrefs[i, j]) elif i == j: result.objrefs[i, j] = single.triu(a.objrefs[i, j]) else: result.objrefs[i, j] = single.zeros_like(a.objrefs[i, j]) return result @op.distributed([DistArray], [DistArray]) def tril(a): if a.ndim != 2: raise Exception("Input must have 2 dimensions, but a.ndim is " + str(a.ndim)) result = DistArray(a.shape) for (i, j) in np.ndindex(*result.num_blocks): if i > j: result.objrefs[i, j] = single.copy(a.objrefs[i, j]) elif i == j: result.objrefs[i, j] = single.tril(a.objrefs[i, j]) else: result.objrefs[i, j] = single.zeros_like(a.objrefs[i, j]) return result @op.distributed([np.ndarray, None], [np.ndarray]) def blockwise_dot(*matrices): n = len(matrices) if n % 2 != 0: raise Exception("blockwise_dot expects an even number of arguments, but len(matrices) is {}.".format(n)) shape = (matrices[0].shape[0], matrices[n / 2].shape[1]) result = np.zeros(shape) for i in range(n / 2): result +=[i], matrices[n / 2 + i]) return result @op.distributed([DistArray, DistArray], [DistArray]) def dot(a, b): if a.ndim != 2: raise Exception("dot expects its arguments to be 2-dimensional, but a.ndim = {}.".format(a.ndim)) if b.ndim != 2: raise Exception("dot expects its arguments to be 2-dimensional, but b.ndim = {}.".format(b.ndim)) if a.shape[1] != b.shape[0]: raise Exception("dot expects a.shape[1] to equal b.shape[0], but a.shape = {} and b.shape = {}.".format(a.shape, b.shape)) shape = [a.shape[0], b.shape[1]] result = DistArray(shape) for (i, j) in np.ndindex(*result.num_blocks): args = list(a.objrefs[i, :]) + list(b.objrefs[:, j]) result.objrefs[i, j] = blockwise_dot(*args) return result # This is not in numpy, should we expose this? @op.distributed([DistArray, List[int], None], [DistArray]) def subblocks(a, *ranges): """ This function produces a distributed array from a subset of the blocks in the `a`. The result and `a` will have the same number of dimensions.For example, subblocks(a, [0, 1], [2, 4]) will produce a DistArray whose objrefs are [[a.objrefs[0, 2], a.objrefs[0, 4]], [a.objrefs[1, 2], a.objrefs[1, 4]]] We allow the user to pass in an empty list [] to indicate the full range. """ ranges = list(ranges) if len(ranges) != a.ndim: raise Exception("sub_blocks expects to receive a number of ranges equal to a.ndim, but it received {} ranges and a.ndim = {}.".format(len(ranges), a.ndim)) for i in range(len(ranges)): if ranges[i] == []: # We allow the user to pass in an empty list to indicate the full range ranges[i] = range(a.num_blocks[i]) if not np.alltrue(ranges[i] == np.sort(ranges[i])): raise Exception("Ranges passed to sub_blocks must be sorted, but the {}th range is {}.".format(i, ranges[i])) if ranges[i][0] < 0: raise Exception("Values in the ranges passed to sub_blocks must be at least 0, but the {}th range is {}.".format(i, ranges[i])) if ranges[i][-1] >= a.num_blocks[i]: raise Exception("Values in the ranges passed to sub_blocks must be less than the relevant number of blocks, but the {}th range is {}, and a.num_blocks = {}.".format(i, ranges[i], a.num_blocks)) last_index = [r[-1] for r in ranges] last_block_shape = DistArray.compute_block_shape(last_index, a.shape) shape = [(len(ranges[i]) - 1) * BLOCK_SIZE + last_block_shape[i] for i in range(a.ndim)] result = DistArray(shape) for index in np.ndindex(*result.num_blocks): print tuple([ranges[i][index[i]] for i in range(a.ndim)]) result.objrefs[index] = a.objrefs[tuple([ranges[i][index[i]] for i in range(a.ndim)])] return result @op.distributed([DistArray], [DistArray]) def transpose(a): if a.ndim != 2: raise Exception("transpose expects its argument to be 2-dimensional, but a.ndim = {}, a.shape = {}.".format(a.ndim, a.shape)) result = DistArray([a.shape[1], a.shape[0]]) for i in range(result.num_blocks[0]): for j in range(result.num_blocks[1]): result.objrefs[i, j] = single.transpose(a.objrefs[j, i]) return result # TODO(rkn): support broadcasting? @op.distributed([DistArray, DistArray], [DistArray]) def add(x1, x2): if x1.shape != x2.shape: raise Exception("add expects arguments `x1` and `x2` to have the same shape, but x1.shape = {}, and x2.shape = {}.".format(x1.shape, x2.shape)) result = DistArray(x1.shape) for index in np.ndindex(*result.num_blocks): result.objrefs[index] = single.add(x1.objrefs[index], x2.objrefs[index]) return result # TODO(rkn): support broadcasting? @op.distributed([DistArray, DistArray], [DistArray]) def subtract(x1, x2): if x1.shape != x2.shape: raise Exception("subtract expects arguments `x1` and `x2` to have the same shape, but x1.shape = {}, and x2.shape = {}.".format(x1.shape, x2.shape)) result = DistArray(x1.shape) for index in np.ndindex(*result.num_blocks): result.objrefs[index] = single.subtract(x1.objrefs[index], x2.objrefs[index]) return result