# This is an example ray config file. # To use this file, copy it to your classpath and rename it to 'ray.conf'. # For all available config items and default values, # see 'java/runtime/src/main/resources/ray.default.conf'. # For config file format, see 'https://github.com/lightbend/config/blob/master/HOCON.md'. ray { // Run mode, available options are: // // `SINGLE_PROCESS`: Ray is running in one single Java process, without Raylet backend, // object store, and GCS. It's useful for debug. // `CLUSTER`: Ray is running on one or more nodes, with multiple processes. run-mode = CLUSTER // Available resources on this node. resources: "CPU:4" // The address of the redis server to connect, in format `ip:port`. // If not provided, Ray processes will be started locally, including // Redis server, Raylet and object store. redis.address = "" }