.. include:: /_includes/clusters/announcement.rst .. include:: we_are_hiring.rst .. _cluster-index: Ray Clusters Overview ===================== What is a Ray cluster? ---------------------- One of Ray's strengths is the ability to leverage multiple machines for distributed execution. Ray can, of course, be run on a single machine (and is done so often), but the real power is using Ray on a cluster of machines. Ray can automatically interact with the cloud provider to request or release instances. You can specify :ref:`a configuration ` to launch clusters on :ref:`AWS, GCP, Azure (community-maintained), Aliyun (community-maintained), on-premise, or even on your custom node provider `. Ray can also be run on :ref:`Kubernetes ` infrastructure. Your cluster can have a fixed size or :ref:`automatically scale up and down` depending on the demands of your application. Where to go from here? ---------------------- .. panels:: :container: text-center :column: col-lg-6 px-2 py-2 :card: **Quick Start** ^^^ In this quick start tutorial you will take a sample application designed to run on a laptop and scale it up in the cloud. +++ .. link-button:: ref-cluster-quick-start :type: ref :text: Ray Clusters Quick Start :classes: btn-outline-info btn-block --- **Key Concepts** ^^^ Understand the key concepts behind Ray Clusters. Learn about the main concepts and the different ways to interact with a cluster. +++ .. link-button:: cluster-key-concepts :type: ref :text: Learn Key Concepts :classes: btn-outline-info btn-block --- **Deployment Guide** ^^^ Learn how to set up a distributed Ray cluster and run your workloads on it. +++ .. link-button:: ref-deployment-guide :type: ref :text: Deploy on a Ray Cluster :classes: btn-outline-info btn-block --- **API** ^^^ Get more in-depth information about the various APIs to interact with Ray Clusters, including the :ref:`Ray cluster config YAML and CLI`, the :ref:`Ray Client API` and the :ref:`Ray job submission API`. +++ .. link-button:: ref-cluster-api :type: ref :text: Read the API Reference :classes: btn-outline-info btn-block .. include:: /_includes/clusters/announcement_bottom.rst