.. include:: /_includes/rllib/announcement.rst .. include:: /_includes/rllib/we_are_hiring.rst .. _rllib-guides: =========== User Guides =========== .. _rllib-feature-guide: RLlib Feature Guides -------------------- .. panels:: :container: container pb-4 full-width :column: col-md-4 px-2 py-2 :img-top-cls: pt-5 w-75 d-block mx-auto --- :img-top: /rllib/images/rllib-logo.svg +++ .. link-button:: rllib-models :type: ref :text: Working With Models, Preprocessors and Action Distributions :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: /rllib/images/rllib-logo.svg +++ .. link-button:: rllib-concepts :type: ref :text: How To Customize Your Policies? :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: /rllib/images/rllib-logo.svg +++ .. link-button:: rllib-sample-collection :type: ref :text: How To Use Sample Collections and Trajectory Views? :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: /rllib/images/rllib-logo.svg +++ .. link-button:: rllib-offline :type: ref :text: Working With Offline Data :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link --- :img-top: /rllib/images/rllib-logo.svg +++ .. link-button:: rllib-dev :type: ref :text: How To Contribute To RLlib? :classes: btn-link btn-block stretched-link .. include:: /_includes/rllib/announcement_bottom.rst