# The deploy Docker image build a self-contained Ray instance suitable # for end users. FROM ray-project/base-deps ADD ray.tar /ray ADD git-rev /ray/git-rev RUN cd /ray && git init && ./ci/travis/install-bazel.sh --system ENV PATH=$PATH:/root/bin RUN echo 'build --remote_cache="https://storage.googleapis.com/ray-bazel-cache"' >> $HOME/.bazelrc RUN echo 'build --remote_upload_local_results=false' >> $HOME/.bazelrc WORKDIR /ray/ # The result of bazel build is reused in pip install. It if run first to allow # for failover to serial build if parallel build requires too much resources. RUN bazel build //:ray_pkg || bazel build --jobs 1 //:ray_pkg WORKDIR /ray/python/ RUN pip install -e . WORKDIR /ray