import gym import numpy as np import unittest import ray import math from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch from ray.rllib.policy.view_requirement import ViewRequirement from ray.rllib.utils.test_utils import check from ray.rllib.evaluation.collectors.agent_collector import AgentCollector class TestAgentCollector(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls) -> None: ray.init() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls) -> None: ray.shutdown() def _simulate_env_steps(self, ac, n_steps=1): obses = [] obses.append(np.random.rand(4)) ac.add_init_obs( episode_id=0, agent_index=1, env_id=0, t=-1, init_obs=obses[-1], ) for t in range(n_steps): obses.append(np.random.rand(4)) ac.add_action_reward_next_obs( {SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS: obses[-1], SampleBatch.T: t} ) return obses def test_inference_vs_training_batch(self): """Test whether build_for_inference and build_for_training return the same batch when they have to.""" obs_space = gym.spaces.Box(-np.ones(4), np.ones(4)) ctx_len = 5 view_reqs = { SampleBatch.T: ViewRequirement(SampleBatch.T), SampleBatch.OBS: ViewRequirement("obs", space=obs_space), # include the current obs in the context "prev_obses": ViewRequirement("obs", shift=f"-{ctx_len - 1}:0"), } n_steps = 100 obses = np.random.rand(n_steps, 4) # list to store the last ctx_len obses for training_mode in [False, True]: ac = AgentCollector( view_reqs=view_reqs, is_policy_recurrent=True, max_seq_len=20, # default max_seq_len in lstm is_training=training_mode, ) obses_ctx = [] for t, obs in enumerate(obses): if t == 0: # e.g. state = env.reset() ac.add_init_obs( episode_id=0, agent_index=1, env_id=0, t=-1, init_obs=obs, ) obses_ctx.extend([obs for _ in range(ctx_len)]) else: # e.g. next_state = env.step() ac.add_action_reward_next_obs( {SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS: obs, SampleBatch.T: t - 1} ) # pop from front and add to the end obses_ctx.pop(0) obses_ctx.append(obs) eval_batch = ac.build_for_inference() # batch size should always be one self.assertEqual(eval_batch.count, 1) # shape of prev_obses should be (1, ctx_len, 4) self.assertEqual(eval_batch["prev_obses"].shape, (1, ctx_len, 4)) # obs should always be the last time step obs added check(eval_batch["obs"], obs[None]) # prev_obs should always be the last ctx_len time steps obs added # (excluding the current time step) check(eval_batch["prev_obses"], np.stack(obses_ctx, 0)[None]) # in inference mode the buffer length at the end should be just ctx_len if not training_mode: check(len(ac.buffers[SampleBatch.OBS][0]), ctx_len) else: # otherwise it should be n_steps + ctx_len - 1 check(len(ac.buffers[SampleBatch.OBS][0]), n_steps + ctx_len - 1) self.assertTrue(, "Training mode should be True.") train_batch = ac.build_for_training(view_reqs) self.assertEqual( len(train_batch["seq_lens"]), math.ceil(n_steps / ac.max_seq_len) ) self.assertEqual(train_batch["prev_obses"].shape, (n_steps - 1, ctx_len, 4)) self.assertEqual(train_batch[SampleBatch.OBS].shape, (n_steps - 1, 4)) def test_inference_respects_causality(self): obs_space = gym.spaces.Box(-np.ones(4), np.ones(4)) view_reqs = { SampleBatch.T: ViewRequirement(SampleBatch.T), SampleBatch.OBS: ViewRequirement("obs", space=obs_space), "future_obs": ViewRequirement("obs", shift=1), "past_obs": ViewRequirement("obs", shift=-1), } ac = AgentCollector(view_reqs=view_reqs, is_policy_recurrent=True) self._simulate_env_steps(ac, n_steps=10) # build_for_train should return all keys train_batch = ac.build_for_training(view_reqs) self.assertTrue(all(key in train_batch.keys() for key in view_reqs.keys())) # should error out since future_obs has used_for_compute_actions=True but # depends on future with self.assertRaises(ValueError): ac.build_for_inference() view_reqs["future_obs"] = ViewRequirement( "obs", shift=1, used_for_compute_actions=False ) # since future_obs is shoulld not be used in inference, it should not be in the # batch eval_batch = ac.build_for_inference() self.assertTrue( all( k in eval_batch.keys() for k, vr in view_reqs.items() if vr.used_for_compute_actions ) ) def test_slice_with_repeat_value_1(self): obs_space = gym.spaces.Box(-np.ones(4), np.ones(4)) ctx_len = 5 view_reqs = { SampleBatch.T: ViewRequirement(SampleBatch.T), SampleBatch.OBS: ViewRequirement("obs", space=obs_space), "prev_obses": ViewRequirement("obs", shift=f"-{ctx_len}:-1"), } ac = AgentCollector(view_reqs=view_reqs, is_policy_recurrent=True) obses = self._simulate_env_steps(ac, n_steps=10) sample_batch = ac.build_for_training(view_reqs) # exclude the last one since these are the next_obses expected_obses = np.stack(obses[:-1]) check(expected_obses, sample_batch[SampleBatch.OBS]) for t in range(10): # no padding if t > ctx_len - 1: check(sample_batch["prev_obses"][t], expected_obses[t - ctx_len : t]) else: # with padding for offset in range(ctx_len): if offset < ctx_len - t: # check the padding check(sample_batch["prev_obses"][t, offset], expected_obses[0]) else: # check the rest of the data check( sample_batch["prev_obses"][t, offset:], expected_obses[t - ctx_len + offset : t], ) break def test_slice_with_repeat_value_larger_1(self): obs_space = gym.spaces.Box(-np.ones(4), np.ones(4)) ctx_len = 5 view_reqs = { SampleBatch.T: ViewRequirement(SampleBatch.T), SampleBatch.OBS: ViewRequirement("obs", space=obs_space), "prev_obses": ViewRequirement( "obs", shift=f"-{ctx_len}:-1", batch_repeat_value=ctx_len ), } ac = AgentCollector(view_reqs=view_reqs, is_policy_recurrent=True) obses = self._simulate_env_steps(ac, n_steps=10) sample_batch = ac.build_for_training(view_reqs) # exclude the last one since these are the next_obses expected_obses = np.stack(obses[:-1]) check(expected_obses, sample_batch[SampleBatch.OBS]) self.assertEqual(sample_batch["prev_obses"].shape, (2, ctx_len, 4)) # the first prev_obses should be just the first obses repeated ctx_len times check(sample_batch["prev_obses"][0], np.ones((ctx_len, 1)) * expected_obses[0]) # the second prev_obses should be ctx_len slice of obses started at index 0 check(sample_batch["prev_obses"][1], expected_obses[:ctx_len]) def test_shift_by_one_with_repeat_value_larger_1(self): obs_space = gym.spaces.Box(-np.ones(4), np.ones(4)) ctx_len = 5 view_reqs = { SampleBatch.T: ViewRequirement(SampleBatch.T), SampleBatch.OBS: ViewRequirement("obs", space=obs_space), "prev_obses": ViewRequirement("obs", shift=-1, batch_repeat_value=ctx_len), } ac = AgentCollector(view_reqs=view_reqs, is_policy_recurrent=True) obses = self._simulate_env_steps(ac, n_steps=10) sample_batch = ac.build_for_training(view_reqs) # exclude the last one since these are the next_obses expected_obses = np.stack(obses[:-1]) self.assertEqual(sample_batch["prev_obses"].shape, (2, 4)) # should be the same as padding check(sample_batch["prev_obses"][0], expected_obses[0]) # should be the same as index ctx_len - 1 check(sample_batch["prev_obses"][1], expected_obses[ctx_len - 1]) def test_shift_by_one_with_repeat_1(self): obs_space = gym.spaces.Box(-np.ones(4), np.ones(4)) view_reqs = { SampleBatch.T: ViewRequirement(SampleBatch.T), SampleBatch.OBS: ViewRequirement("obs", space=obs_space), "prev_obses": ViewRequirement("obs", shift=-1), } ac = AgentCollector(view_reqs=view_reqs, is_policy_recurrent=True) obses = self._simulate_env_steps(ac, n_steps=10) sample_batch = ac.build_for_training(view_reqs) # exclude the last one since these are the next_obses expected_obses = np.stack(obses[:-1]) # check the padding check(sample_batch["prev_obses"][0], expected_obses[0]) # check the data check(sample_batch["prev_obses"][1:], expected_obses[:-1]) def test_shift_positive_one_with_repeat_1(self): obs_space = gym.spaces.Box(-np.ones(4), np.ones(4)) view_reqs = { SampleBatch.T: ViewRequirement(SampleBatch.T), SampleBatch.OBS: ViewRequirement("obs", space=obs_space), SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS: ViewRequirement("obs", shift=1), } ac = AgentCollector(view_reqs=view_reqs, is_policy_recurrent=True) obses = self._simulate_env_steps(ac, n_steps=10) sample_batch = ac.build_for_training(view_reqs) check(sample_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS], np.stack(obses)[1:]) def test_shift_positive_one_with_repeat_larger_1(self): obs_space = gym.spaces.Box(-np.ones(4), np.ones(4)) ctx_len = 5 view_reqs = { SampleBatch.T: ViewRequirement(SampleBatch.T), SampleBatch.OBS: ViewRequirement("obs", space=obs_space), SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS: ViewRequirement( "obs", shift=1, batch_repeat_value=ctx_len ), } ac = AgentCollector(view_reqs=view_reqs, is_policy_recurrent=True) obses = self._simulate_env_steps(ac, n_steps=10) sample_batch = ac.build_for_training(view_reqs) expected_obses = np.stack(obses) self.assertEqual(sample_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS].shape, (2, 4)) # next_obs at index = 0 should be equal to obs at index = 1 check(sample_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS][0], expected_obses[1]) # next_obs at index = 1 should be equal to next_obs at index = ctx_len - 1 # which is obs at index = ctx_len check(sample_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS][1], expected_obses[ctx_len + 1]) def test_slice_with_array(self): obs_space = gym.spaces.Box(-np.ones(4), np.ones(4)) view_reqs = { SampleBatch.T: ViewRequirement(SampleBatch.T), SampleBatch.OBS: ViewRequirement("obs", space=obs_space), "prev_obses": ViewRequirement("obs", shift=[-3, -1]), } ac = AgentCollector(view_reqs=view_reqs, is_policy_recurrent=True) obses = self._simulate_env_steps(ac, n_steps=10) sample_batch = ac.build_for_training(view_reqs) # exclude the last one since these are the next_obses expected_obses = np.stack(obses[:-1]) self.assertEqual(sample_batch["prev_obses"].shape, (10, 2, 4)) # check if the last time step is correct check(sample_batch["prev_obses"][-1], expected_obses[-4:-1:2]) # check if the padding in the beginning is correct check(sample_batch["prev_obses"][0], np.ones((2, 1)) * expected_obses[0]) def test_view_requirement_with_shfit_step(self): obs_space = gym.spaces.Box(-np.ones(4), np.ones(4)) view_reqs = { SampleBatch.T: ViewRequirement(SampleBatch.T), SampleBatch.OBS: ViewRequirement("obs", space=obs_space), "prev_obses": ViewRequirement("obs", shift="-5:-1:2"), # [-5, -3, -1] } ac = AgentCollector(view_reqs=view_reqs, is_policy_recurrent=True) obses = self._simulate_env_steps(ac, n_steps=10) sample_batch = ac.build_for_training(view_reqs) # exclude the last one since these are the next_obses expected_obses = np.stack(obses[:-1]) self.assertEqual(sample_batch["prev_obses"].shape, (10, 3, 4)) # check if the last time step is correct check(sample_batch["prev_obses"][-1], expected_obses[-6:-1:2]) # check if the padding in the beginning is correct check(sample_batch["prev_obses"][0], np.ones((3, 1)) * expected_obses[0]) if __name__ == "__main__": import pytest import sys sys.exit(pytest.main(["-v", __file__]))