import gym import logging import importlib.util import os from types import FunctionType from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union import ray from import ActorHandle from ray.exceptions import RayError from ray.rllib.evaluation.rollout_worker import RolloutWorker from ray.rllib.env.base_env import BaseEnv from ray.rllib.env.env_context import EnvContext from ray.rllib.offline import ( NoopOutput, JsonReader, MixedInput, JsonWriter, ShuffledInput, D4RLReader, DatasetReader, DatasetWriter, get_dataset_and_shards, ) from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy, PolicySpec from ray.rllib.utils import merge_dicts from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import DeveloperAPI from ray.rllib.utils.deprecation import Deprecated from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf from ray.rllib.utils.from_config import from_config from ray.rllib.utils.typing import ( EnvCreator, EnvType, PolicyID, SampleBatchType, TensorType, TrainerConfigDict, ) from ray.tune.registry import registry_contains_input, registry_get_input tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Generic type var for foreach_* methods. T = TypeVar("T") @DeveloperAPI class WorkerSet: """Set of RolloutWorkers with n @ray.remote workers and zero or one local worker. Where: n >= 0. """ def __init__( self, *, env_creator: Optional[EnvCreator] = None, validate_env: Optional[Callable[[EnvType], None]] = None, policy_class: Optional[Type[Policy]] = None, trainer_config: Optional[TrainerConfigDict] = None, num_workers: int = 0, local_worker: bool = True, logdir: Optional[str] = None, _setup: bool = True, ): """Initializes a WorkerSet instance. Args: env_creator: Function that returns env given env config. validate_env: Optional callable to validate the generated environment (only on worker=0). policy_class: An optional Policy class. If None, PolicySpecs can be generated automatically by using the Trainer's default class of via a given multi-agent policy config dict. trainer_config: Optional dict that extends the common config of the Trainer class. num_workers: Number of remote rollout workers to create. local_worker: Whether to create a local (non @ray.remote) worker in the returned set as well (default: True). If `num_workers` is 0, always create a local worker. logdir: Optional logging directory for workers. _setup: Whether to setup workers. This is only for testing. """ if not trainer_config: from ray.rllib.agents.trainer import COMMON_CONFIG trainer_config = COMMON_CONFIG self._env_creator = env_creator self._policy_class = policy_class self._remote_config = trainer_config self._remote_args = { "num_cpus": self._remote_config["num_cpus_per_worker"], "num_gpus": self._remote_config["num_gpus_per_worker"], "resources": self._remote_config["custom_resources_per_worker"], } self._cls = RolloutWorker.as_remote(**self._remote_args).remote self._logdir = logdir if _setup: # Force a local worker if num_workers == 0 (no remote workers). # Otherwise, this WorkerSet would be empty. self._local_worker = None if num_workers == 0: local_worker = True self._local_config = merge_dicts( trainer_config, {"tf_session_args": trainer_config["local_tf_session_args"]}, ) if trainer_config["input"] == "dataset": # Create the set of dataset readers to be shared by all the # rollout workers. self._ds, self._ds_shards = get_dataset_and_shards( trainer_config, num_workers, local_worker ) else: self._ds = None self._ds_shards = None # Create a number of @ray.remote workers. self._remote_workers = [] self.add_workers(num_workers) # Create a local worker, if needed. # If num_workers > 0 and we don't have an env on the local worker, # get the observation- and action spaces for each policy from # the first remote worker (which does have an env). if ( local_worker and self._remote_workers and not trainer_config.get("create_env_on_driver") and ( not trainer_config.get("observation_space") or not trainer_config.get("action_space") ) ): remote_spaces = ray.get( self.remote_workers()[0].foreach_policy.remote( lambda p, pid: (pid, p.observation_space, p.action_space) ) ) spaces = { e[0]: (getattr(e[1], "original_space", e[1]), e[2]) for e in remote_spaces } # Try to add the actual env's obs/action spaces. try: env_spaces = ray.get( self.remote_workers()[0].foreach_env.remote( lambda env: (env.observation_space, env.action_space) ) )[0] spaces["__env__"] = env_spaces except Exception: pass "Inferred observation/action spaces from remote " f"worker (local worker has no env): {spaces}" ) else: spaces = None if local_worker: self._local_worker = self._make_worker( cls=RolloutWorker, env_creator=env_creator, validate_env=validate_env, policy_cls=self._policy_class, worker_index=0, num_workers=num_workers, config=self._local_config, spaces=spaces, ) def local_worker(self) -> RolloutWorker: """Returns the local rollout worker.""" return self._local_worker def remote_workers(self) -> List[ActorHandle]: """Returns a list of remote rollout workers.""" return self._remote_workers def sync_weights( self, policies: Optional[List[PolicyID]] = None, from_worker: Optional[RolloutWorker] = None, global_vars: Optional[Dict[str, TensorType]] = None, ) -> None: """Syncs model weights from the local worker to all remote workers. Args: policies: Optional list of PolicyIDs to sync weights for. If None (default), sync weights to/from all policies. from_worker: Optional RolloutWorker instance to sync from. If None (default), sync from this WorkerSet's local worker. global_vars: An optional global vars dict to set this worker to. If None, do not update the global_vars. """ if self.local_worker() is None and from_worker is None: raise TypeError( "No `local_worker` in WorkerSet, must provide `from_worker` " "arg in `sync_weights()`!" ) # Only sync if we have remote workers or `from_worker` is provided. weights = None if self.remote_workers() or from_worker is not None: weights = (from_worker or self.local_worker()).get_weights(policies) # Put weights only once into object store and use same object # ref to synch to all workers. weights_ref = ray.put(weights) # Sync to all remote workers in this WorkerSet. for to_worker in self.remote_workers(): to_worker.set_weights.remote(weights_ref, global_vars=global_vars) # If `from_worker` is provided, also sync to this WorkerSet's # local worker. if from_worker is not None and self.local_worker() is not None: self.local_worker().set_weights(weights, global_vars=global_vars) # If `global_vars` is provided and local worker exists -> Update its # global_vars. elif self.local_worker() is not None and global_vars is not None: self.local_worker().set_global_vars(global_vars) def add_workers(self, num_workers: int) -> None: """Creates and adds a number of remote workers to this worker set. Can be called several times on the same WorkerSet to add more RolloutWorkers to the set. Args: num_workers: The number of remote Workers to add to this WorkerSet. """ old_num_workers = len(self._remote_workers) self._remote_workers.extend( [ self._make_worker( cls=self._cls, env_creator=self._env_creator, validate_env=None, policy_cls=self._policy_class, worker_index=old_num_workers + i + 1, num_workers=old_num_workers + num_workers, config=self._remote_config, ) for i in range(num_workers) ] ) def reset(self, new_remote_workers: List[ActorHandle]) -> None: """Hard overrides the remote workers in this set with the given one. Args: new_remote_workers: A list of new RolloutWorkers (as `ActorHandles`) to use as remote workers. """ self._remote_workers = new_remote_workers def remove_failed_workers(self): faulty_indices = self._worker_health_check() # Terminate faulty workers. for worker_index in faulty_indices: worker = self.remote_workers()[worker_index - 1]"Trying to terminate faulty worker {worker_index}.") try: worker.__ray_terminate__.remote() except Exception: logger.exception("Error terminating faulty worker.") # Remove all faulty workers from self._remote_workers. for worker_index in reversed(faulty_indices): del self._remote_workers[worker_index - 1] # TODO: Should we also change each healthy worker's num_workers counter and # worker_index property? if len(self.remote_workers()) == 0: raise RuntimeError( f"No healthy workers remaining (worker indices {faulty_indices} have " f"died)! Can't continue training." ) def recreate_failed_workers(self): faulty_indices = self._worker_health_check() for worker_index in faulty_indices: worker = self.remote_workers()[worker_index - 1]"Trying to recreate faulty worker {worker_index}") try: worker.__ray_terminate__.remote() except Exception: logger.exception("Error terminating faulty worker.") # Try to recreate the failed worker (start a new one). new_worker = self._make_worker( cls=self._cls, env_creator=self._env_creator, validate_env=None, policy_cls=self._policy_class, worker_index=worker_index, num_workers=len(self._remote_workers), recreated_worker=True, config=self._remote_config, ) # Sync new worker from local one. new_worker.set_weights.remote( weights=self.local_worker().get_weights(), global_vars=self.local_worker().get_global_vars(), ) # Add new worker to list of remote workers. self._remote_workers[worker_index - 1] = new_worker def stop(self) -> None: """Calls `stop` on all rollout workers (including the local one).""" try: self.local_worker().stop() tids = [w.stop.remote() for w in self.remote_workers()] ray.get(tids) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to stop workers!") finally: for w in self.remote_workers(): w.__ray_terminate__.remote() @DeveloperAPI def is_policy_to_train( self, policy_id: PolicyID, batch: Optional[SampleBatchType] = None ) -> bool: """Whether given PolicyID (optionally inside some batch) is trainable.""" local_worker = self.local_worker() if local_worker: return local_worker.is_policy_to_train(policy_id, batch) else: raise NotImplementedError @DeveloperAPI def foreach_worker(self, func: Callable[[RolloutWorker], T]) -> List[T]: """Calls the given function with each worker instance as arg. Args: func: The function to call for each worker (as only arg). Returns: The list of return values of all calls to `func([worker])`. """ local_result = [] if self.local_worker() is not None: local_result = [func(self.local_worker())] remote_results = ray.get([w.apply.remote(func) for w in self.remote_workers()]) return local_result + remote_results @DeveloperAPI def foreach_worker_with_index( self, func: Callable[[RolloutWorker, int], T] ) -> List[T]: """Calls `func` with each worker instance and worker idx as args. The index will be passed as the second arg to the given function. Args: func: The function to call for each worker and its index (as args). The local worker has index 0, all remote workers have indices > 0. Returns: The list of return values of all calls to `func([worker, idx])`. The first entry in this list are the results of the local worker, followed by all remote workers' results. """ local_result = [] # Local worker: Index=0. if self.local_worker() is not None: local_result = [func(self.local_worker(), 0)] # Remote workers: Index > 0. remote_results = ray.get( [w.apply.remote(func, i + 1) for i, w in enumerate(self.remote_workers())] ) return local_result + remote_results @DeveloperAPI def foreach_policy(self, func: Callable[[Policy, PolicyID], T]) -> List[T]: """Calls `func` with each worker's (policy, PolicyID) tuple. Note that in the multi-agent case, each worker may have more than one policy. Args: func: A function - taking a Policy and its ID - that is called on all workers' Policies. Returns: The list of return values of func over all workers' policies. The length of this list is: (num_workers + 1 (local-worker)) * [num policies in the multi-agent config dict]. The local workers' results are first, followed by all remote workers' results """ results = [] if self.local_worker() is not None: results = self.local_worker().foreach_policy(func) ray_gets = [] for worker in self.remote_workers(): ray_gets.append(worker.apply.remote(lambda w: w.foreach_policy(func))) remote_results = ray.get(ray_gets) for r in remote_results: results.extend(r) return results @DeveloperAPI def foreach_policy_to_train(self, func: Callable[[Policy, PolicyID], T]) -> List[T]: """Apply `func` to all workers' Policies iff in `policies_to_train`. Args: func: A function - taking a Policy and its ID - that is called on all workers' Policies, for which `worker.is_policy_to_train()` returns True. Returns: List[any]: The list of n return values of all `func([trainable policy], [ID])`-calls. """ results = [] if self.local_worker() is not None: results = self.local_worker().foreach_policy_to_train(func) ray_gets = [] for worker in self.remote_workers(): ray_gets.append( worker.apply.remote(lambda w: w.foreach_policy_to_train(func)) ) remote_results = ray.get(ray_gets) for r in remote_results: results.extend(r) return results @DeveloperAPI def foreach_env(self, func: Callable[[EnvType], List[T]]) -> List[List[T]]: """Calls `func` with all workers' sub-environments as args. An "underlying sub environment" is a single clone of an env within a vectorized environment. `func` takes a single underlying sub environment as arg, e.g. a gym.Env object. Args: func: A function - taking an EnvType (normally a gym.Env object) as arg and returning a list of lists of return values, one value per underlying sub-environment per each worker. Returns: The list (workers) of lists (sub environments) of results. """ local_results = [] if self.local_worker() is not None: local_results = [self.local_worker().foreach_env(func)] ray_gets = [] for worker in self.remote_workers(): ray_gets.append(worker.foreach_env.remote(func)) return local_results + ray.get(ray_gets) @DeveloperAPI def foreach_env_with_context( self, func: Callable[[BaseEnv, EnvContext], List[T]] ) -> List[List[T]]: """Calls `func` with all workers' sub-environments and env_ctx as args. An "underlying sub environment" is a single clone of an env within a vectorized environment. `func` takes a single underlying sub environment and the env_context as args. Args: func: A function - taking a BaseEnv object and an EnvContext as arg - and returning a list of lists of return values over envs of the worker. Returns: The list (1 item per workers) of lists (1 item per sub-environment) of results. """ local_results = [] if self.local_worker() is not None: local_results = [self.local_worker().foreach_env_with_context(func)] ray_gets = [] for worker in self.remote_workers(): ray_gets.append(worker.foreach_env_with_context.remote(func)) return local_results + ray.get(ray_gets) @staticmethod def _from_existing( local_worker: RolloutWorker, remote_workers: List[ActorHandle] = None ): workers = WorkerSet( env_creator=None, policy_class=None, trainer_config={}, _setup=False ) workers._local_worker = local_worker workers._remote_workers = remote_workers or [] return workers def _make_worker( self, *, cls: Callable, env_creator: EnvCreator, validate_env: Optional[Callable[[EnvType], None]], policy_cls: Type[Policy], worker_index: int, num_workers: int, recreated_worker: bool = False, config: TrainerConfigDict, spaces: Optional[ Dict[PolicyID, Tuple[gym.spaces.Space, gym.spaces.Space]] ] = None, ) -> Union[RolloutWorker, ActorHandle]: def session_creator(): logger.debug("Creating TF session {}".format(config["tf_session_args"])) return tf1.Session(config=tf1.ConfigProto(**config["tf_session_args"])) def valid_module(class_path): if ( isinstance(class_path, str) and not os.path.isfile(class_path) and "." in class_path ): module_path, class_name = class_path.rsplit(".", 1) try: spec = importlib.util.find_spec(module_path) if spec is not None: return True except (ModuleNotFoundError, ValueError): print( f"module {module_path} not found while trying to get " f"input {class_path}" ) return False # A callable returning an InputReader object to use. if isinstance(config["input"], FunctionType): input_creator = config["input"] # Use RLlib's Sampler classes (SyncSampler or AsynchSampler, depending # on `config.sample_async` setting). elif config["input"] == "sampler": input_creator = lambda ioctx: ioctx.default_sampler_input() # Ray Dataset input -> Use `config.input_config` to construct DatasetReader. elif config["input"] == "dataset": # Input dataset shards should have already been prepared. # We just need to take the proper shard here. input_creator = lambda ioctx: DatasetReader( ioctx, self._ds_shards[worker_index] ) # Dict: Mix of different input methods with different ratios. elif isinstance(config["input"], dict): input_creator = lambda ioctx: ShuffledInput( MixedInput(config["input"], ioctx), config["shuffle_buffer_size"] ) # A pre-registered input descriptor (str). elif isinstance(config["input"], str) and registry_contains_input( config["input"] ): input_creator = registry_get_input(config["input"]) # D4RL input. elif "d4rl" in config["input"]: env_name = config["input"].split(".")[-1] input_creator = lambda ioctx: D4RLReader(env_name, ioctx) # Valid python module (class path) -> Create using `from_config`. elif valid_module(config["input"]): input_creator = lambda ioctx: ShuffledInput( from_config(config["input"], ioctx=ioctx) ) # JSON file or list of JSON files -> Use JsonReader (shuffled). else: input_creator = lambda ioctx: ShuffledInput( JsonReader(config["input"], ioctx), config["shuffle_buffer_size"] ) if isinstance(config["output"], FunctionType): output_creator = config["output"] elif config["output"] is None: output_creator = lambda ioctx: NoopOutput() elif config["output"] == "dataset": output_creator = lambda ioctx: DatasetWriter( ioctx, compress_columns=config["output_compress_columns"] ) elif config["output"] == "logdir": output_creator = lambda ioctx: JsonWriter( ioctx.log_dir, ioctx, max_file_size=config["output_max_file_size"], compress_columns=config["output_compress_columns"], ) else: output_creator = lambda ioctx: JsonWriter( config["output"], ioctx, max_file_size=config["output_max_file_size"], compress_columns=config["output_compress_columns"], ) if config["input"] == "sampler": input_evaluation = [] else: input_evaluation = config["input_evaluation"] # Assert everything is correct in "multiagent" config dict (if given). ma_policies = config["multiagent"]["policies"] if ma_policies: for pid, policy_spec in ma_policies.copy().items(): assert isinstance(policy_spec, PolicySpec) # Class is None -> Use `policy_cls`. if policy_spec.policy_class is None: ma_policies[pid] = ma_policies[pid]._replace( policy_class=policy_cls ) policies = ma_policies # Create a policy_spec (MultiAgentPolicyConfigDict), # even if no "multiagent" setup given by user. else: policies = policy_cls if worker_index == 0: extra_python_environs = config.get("extra_python_environs_for_driver", None) else: extra_python_environs = config.get("extra_python_environs_for_worker", None) worker = cls( env_creator=env_creator, validate_env=validate_env, policy_spec=policies, policy_mapping_fn=config["multiagent"]["policy_mapping_fn"], policies_to_train=config["multiagent"]["policies_to_train"], tf_session_creator=(session_creator if config["tf_session_args"] else None), rollout_fragment_length=config["rollout_fragment_length"], count_steps_by=config["multiagent"]["count_steps_by"], batch_mode=config["batch_mode"], episode_horizon=config["horizon"], preprocessor_pref=config["preprocessor_pref"], sample_async=config["sample_async"], compress_observations=config["compress_observations"], num_envs=config["num_envs_per_worker"], observation_fn=config["multiagent"]["observation_fn"], observation_filter=config["observation_filter"], clip_rewards=config["clip_rewards"], normalize_actions=config["normalize_actions"], clip_actions=config["clip_actions"], env_config=config["env_config"], policy_config=config, worker_index=worker_index, num_workers=num_workers, recreated_worker=recreated_worker, log_dir=self._logdir, log_level=config["log_level"], callbacks=config["callbacks"], input_creator=input_creator, input_evaluation=input_evaluation, output_creator=output_creator, remote_worker_envs=config["remote_worker_envs"], remote_env_batch_wait_ms=config["remote_env_batch_wait_ms"], soft_horizon=config["soft_horizon"], no_done_at_end=config["no_done_at_end"], seed=(config["seed"] + worker_index) if config["seed"] is not None else None, fake_sampler=config["fake_sampler"], extra_python_environs=extra_python_environs, spaces=spaces, disable_env_checking=config["disable_env_checking"], ) return worker def _worker_health_check(self) -> List[int]: """Performs a health-check on each remote worker. Returns: List of indices (into `self._remote_workers` list) of faulty workers. Note that index=1 is the 0th item in `self._remote_workers`. """"Health checking all workers ...") checks = [] for worker in self.remote_workers(): # TODO: Maybe find a better way to probe for healthiness. Performing an # entire `sample()` step may be costly. Then again, we only do this # upon any worker failure during the `step_attempt()`, not regularly. _, obj_ref = worker.sample_with_count.remote() checks.append(obj_ref) faulty_worker_indices = [] for i, obj_ref in enumerate(checks): try: ray.get(obj_ref)"Worker {} looks healthy.".format(i + 1)) except RayError: logger.exception("Worker {} is faulty.".format(i + 1)) faulty_worker_indices.append(i + 1) return faulty_worker_indices @Deprecated(new="WorkerSet.foreach_policy_to_train", error=False) def foreach_trainable_policy(self, func): return self.foreach_policy_to_train(func) @Deprecated(new="WorkerSet.is_policy_to_train([pid], [batch]?)", error=False) def trainable_policies(self): local_worker = self.local_worker() if local_worker is not None: return [ pid for pid in local_worker.policy_map.keys() if local_worker.is_policy_to_train(pid, None) ] else: raise NotImplementedError