.. raw:: html Fork me on GitHub .. image:: https://github.com/ray-project/ray/raw/master/doc/source/images/ray_header_logo.png **Ray is a fast and simple framework for building and running distributed applications.** Ray accomplishes this mission by: 1. Providing simple primitives for building and running distributed applications. 2. Enabling end users to parallelize single machine code, with little to zero code changes. 3. Including a large ecosystem of applications, libraries, and tools on top of the core Ray to enable complex applications. **Ray Core** provides the simple primitives for application building. On top of **Ray Core** are several libraries for solving problems in machine learning: - :ref:`tune-index` - :ref:`rllib-index` - :ref:`sgd-index` - :ref:`rayserve` Ray also has a number of other community contributed libraries: - :doc:`../pandas_on_ray` - :doc:`../joblib` - :doc:`../multiprocessing`