import json import os import ray import ray._private.test_utils as test_utils from ray.util.placement_group import placement_group, remove_placement_group import time import tqdm if "SMOKE_TEST" in os.environ: MAX_PLACEMENT_GROUPS = 20 else: MAX_PLACEMENT_GROUPS = 1000 def test_many_placement_groups(): # @ray.remote(num_cpus=1, resources={"node": 0.02}) @ray.remote class C1: def ping(self): return "pong" # @ray.remote(num_cpus=1) @ray.remote class C2: def ping(self): return "pong" # @ray.remote(resources={"node": 0.02}) @ray.remote class C3: def ping(self): return "pong" bundle1 = {"node": 0.02, "CPU": 1} bundle2 = {"CPU": 1} bundle3 = {"node": 0.02} pgs = [] for _ in tqdm.trange(MAX_PLACEMENT_GROUPS, desc="Creating pgs"): pg = placement_group(bundles=[bundle1, bundle2, bundle3]) pgs.append(pg) for pg in tqdm.tqdm(pgs, desc="Waiting for pgs to be ready"): ray.get(pg.ready()) actors = [] for pg in tqdm.tqdm(pgs, desc="Scheduling tasks"): actors.append(C1.options(placement_group=pg).remote()) actors.append(C2.options(placement_group=pg).remote()) actors.append(C3.options(placement_group=pg).remote()) not_ready = [ for actor in actors] for _ in tqdm.trange(len(actors)): ready, not_ready = ray.wait(not_ready) assert ray.get(*ready) == "pong" for pg in tqdm.tqdm(pgs, desc="Cleaning up pgs"): remove_placement_group(pg) def no_resource_leaks(): return ray.available_resources() == ray.cluster_resources() ray.init(address="auto") test_utils.wait_for_condition(no_resource_leaks) start_time = time.time() test_many_placement_groups() end_time = time.time() test_utils.wait_for_condition(no_resource_leaks) rate = MAX_PLACEMENT_GROUPS / (end_time - start_time) print(f"Success! Started {MAX_PLACEMENT_GROUPS} pgs in " f"{end_time - start_time}s. ({rate} pgs/s)") if "TEST_OUTPUT_JSON" in os.environ: out_file = open(os.environ["TEST_OUTPUT_JSON"], "w") results = { "pgs_per_second": rate, "num_pgs": MAX_PLACEMENT_GROUPS, "time": end_time - start_time, "success": "1" } json.dump(results, out_file)