#!/bin/bash # Cause the script to exit if a single command fails. set -e # Show explicitly which commands are currently running. set -x # Much of this is taken from https://github.com/matthew-brett/multibuild. # This script uses "sudo", so you may need to type in a password a couple times. MACPYTHON_URL=https://www.python.org/ftp/python MACPYTHON_PY_PREFIX=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions DOWNLOAD_DIR=python_downloads PY_VERSIONS=("2.7.13" "3.4.4" "3.5.3" "3.6.1") PY_INSTS=("python-2.7.13-macosx10.6.pkg" "python-3.4.4-macosx10.6.pkg" "python-3.5.3-macosx10.6.pkg" "python-3.6.1-macosx10.6.pkg") PY_MMS=("2.7" "3.4" "3.5" "3.6") mkdir -p $DOWNLOAD_DIR mkdir -p .whl for ((i=0; i<${#PY_VERSIONS[@]}; ++i)); do PY_VERSION=${PY_VERSIONS[i]} PY_INST=${PY_INSTS[i]} PY_MM=${PY_MMS[i]} # The -f flag is passed twice to also run git clean in the arrow subdirectory. # The -d flag removes directories. The -x flag ignores the .gitignore file, # and the -e flag ensures that we don't remove the .whl directory. git clean -f -f -x -d -e .whl -e $DOWNLOAD_DIR # Install Python. INST_PATH=python_downloads/$PY_INST curl $MACPYTHON_URL/$PY_VERSION/$PY_INST > $INST_PATH sudo installer -pkg $INST_PATH -target / PYTHON_EXE=$MACPYTHON_PY_PREFIX/$PY_MM/bin/python$PY_MM PIP_CMD="$(dirname $PYTHON_EXE)/pip$PY_MM" pushd python # Install setuptools_scm because otherwise when building the wheel for # Python 3.6, we see an error. $PIP_CMD install -q setuptools_scm # Fix the numpy version because this will be the oldest numpy version we can # support. $PIP_CMD install -q numpy==1.10.4 cython # Install wheel to avoid the error "invalid command 'bdist_wheel'". $PIP_CMD install -q wheel # Add the correct Python to the path and build the wheel. This is only # needed so that the installation finds the cython executable. INCLUDE_UI=1 PATH=$MACPYTHON_PY_PREFIX/$PY_MM/bin:$PATH $PYTHON_EXE setup.py bdist_wheel mv dist/*.whl ../.whl/ popd done