.. _train-user-guide: Ray Train User Guide ==================== .. tip:: Get in touch with us if you're using or considering using `Ray Train `_! Ray Train provides solutions for training machine learning models in a distributed manner on Ray. As of Ray 1.8, support for Deep Learning is available in ``ray.train`` (formerly :ref:`Ray SGD `). For other model types, distributed training support is available through other libraries: * **Reinforcement Learning:** :ref:`rllib-index` * **XGBoost:** :ref:`xgboost-ray` * **LightGBM:** :ref:`lightgbm-ray` * **Pytorch Lightning:** :ref:`ray-lightning` In this guide, we cover examples for the following use cases: * How do I :ref:`port my code ` to using Ray Train? * How do I :ref:`monitor ` my training? * How do I run my training on pre-emptible instances (:ref:`fault tolerance `)? * How do I use Ray Train to :ref:`train with a large dataset `? * How do I :ref:`tune ` my Ray Train model? .. _train-backends: Backends -------- Ray Train provides a thin API around different backend frameworks for distributed deep learning. At the moment, Ray Train allows you to perform training with: * **PyTorch:** Ray Train initializes your distributed process group, allowing you to run your ``DistributedDataParallel`` training script. See `PyTorch Distributed Overview `_ for more information. * **TensorFlow:** Ray Train configures ``TF_CONFIG`` for you, allowing you to run your ``MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy`` training script. See `Distributed training with TensorFlow `_ for more information. * **Horovod:** Ray Train configures the Horovod environment and Rendezvous server for you, allowing you to run your ``DistributedOptimizer`` training script. See `Horovod documentation `_ for more information. .. _train-porting-code: Porting code to Ray Train ------------------------- The following instructions assume you have a training function that can already be run on a single worker for one of the supported :ref:`backend ` frameworks. Update training function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, you'll want to update your training function to support distributed training. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: PyTorch Ray Train will set up your distributed process group for you and also provides utility methods to automatically prepare your model and data for distributed training. First, use the ``prepare_model`` function to automatically move your model to the right device and wrap it in ``DistributedDataParallel`` .. code-block:: diff import torch from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel +from ray import train def train_func(): - device = torch.device(f"cuda:{train.local_rank()}" if - torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") - torch.cuda.set_device(device) # Create model. model = NeuralNetwork() - model = model.to(device) - model = DistributedDataParallel(model, - device_ids=[train.local_rank()] if torch.cuda.is_available() else None) + model = train.torch.prepare_model(model) ... Then, use the ``prepare_data_loader`` function to automatically add a ``DistributedSampler`` to your ``DataLoader`` and move the batches to the right device. .. code-block:: diff import torch from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, DistributedSampler +from ray import train def train_func(): - device = torch.device(f"cuda:{train.local_rank()}" if - torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") - torch.cuda.set_device(device) ... - data_loader = DataLoader(my_dataset, sampler=DistributedSampler(dataset)) + data_loader = DataLoader(my_dataset) + data_loader = train.torch.prepare_data_loader(data_loader) for X, y in data_loader: - X = X.to_device(device) - y = y.to_device(device) .. group-tab:: TensorFlow .. note:: The current TensorFlow implementation supports ``MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy`` (and ``MirroredStrategy``). If there are other strategies you wish to see supported by Ray Train, please let us know by submitting a `feature request on GitHub `_. These instructions closely follow TensorFlow's `Multi-worker training with Keras `_ tutorial. One key difference is that Ray Train will handle the environment variable set up for you. **Step 1:** Wrap your model in ``MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy``. The `MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy `_ enables synchronous distributed training. The ``Model`` *must* be built and compiled within the scope of the strategy. .. code-block:: python with tf.distribute.MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy().scope(): model = ... # build model model.compile() **Step 2:** Update your ``Dataset`` batch size to the *global* batch size. The `batch `_ will be split evenly across worker processes, so ``batch_size`` should be set appropriately. .. code-block:: diff -batch_size = worker_batch_size +batch_size = worker_batch_size * num_workers .. group-tab:: Horovod If you have a training function that already runs with the `Horovod Ray Executor `_, you should not need to make any additional changes! To onboard onto Horovod, please visit the `Horovod guide `_. Create Ray Train Trainer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``Trainer`` is the primary Ray Train class that is used to manage state and execute training. You can create a simple ``Trainer`` for the backend of choice with one of the following: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: PyTorch .. code-block:: python from ray.train import Trainer trainer = Trainer(backend="torch", num_workers=2) .. group-tab:: TensorFlow .. code-block:: python from ray.train import Trainer trainer = Trainer(backend="tensorflow", num_workers=2) .. group-tab:: Horovod .. code-block:: python from ray.train import Trainer trainer = Trainer(backend="horovod", num_workers=2) To customize the ``backend`` setup, you can replace the string argument with a :ref:`train-api-backend-config` object. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: PyTorch .. code-block:: python from ray.train import Trainer from ray.train.torch import TorchConfig trainer = Trainer(backend=TorchConfig(...), num_workers=2) .. group-tab:: TensorFlow .. code-block:: python from ray.train import Trainer from ray.train.tensorflow import TensorflowConfig trainer = Trainer(backend=TensorflowConfig(...), num_workers=2) .. group-tab:: Horovod .. code-block:: python from ray.train import Trainer from ray.train.horovod import HorovodConfig trainer = Trainer(backend=HorovodConfig(...), num_workers=2) For more configurability, please reference the :ref:`train-api-trainer` API. Run training function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With a distributed training function and a Ray Train ``Trainer``, you are now ready to start training! .. code-block:: python trainer.start() # set up resources trainer.run(train_func) trainer.shutdown() # clean up resources Configuring Training -------------------- With Ray Train, you can execute a training function (``train_func``) in a distributed manner by calling ``trainer.run(train_func)``. To pass arguments into the training function, you can expose a single ``config`` dictionary parameter: .. code-block:: diff -def train_func(): +def train_func(config): Then, you can pass in the config dictionary as an argument to ``Trainer.run``: .. code-block:: diff -trainer.run(train_func) +config = {} # This should be populated. +trainer.run(train_func, config=config) Putting this all together, you can run your training function with different configurations. As an example: .. code-block:: python from ray.train import Trainer def train_func(config): results = [] for i in range(config["num_epochs"]): results.append(i) return results trainer = Trainer(backend="torch", num_workers=2) trainer.start() print(trainer.run(train_func, config={"num_epochs": 2})) # [[0, 1], [0, 1]] print(trainer.run(train_func, config={"num_epochs": 5})) # [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]] trainer.shutdown() A primary use-case for ``config`` is to try different hyperparameters. To perform hyperparameter tuning with Ray Train, please refer to the :ref:`Ray Tune integration `. .. TODO add support for with_parameters .. _train-log-dir: Log Directory Structure ----------------------- Each ``Trainer`` will have a local directory created for logs, and each call to ``Trainer.run`` will create its own sub-directory of logs. By default, the ``logdir`` will be created at ``~/ray_results/train_``. This can be overridden in the ``Trainer`` constructor to an absolute path or a path relative to ``~/ray_results``. Log directories are exposed through the following attributes: +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Attribute | Example | +========================+=====================================================+ | trainer.logdir | /home/ray_results/train_2021-09-01_12-00-00 | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | trainer.latest_run_dir | /home/ray_results/train_2021-09-01_12-00-00/run_001 | +------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ Logs will be written by: 1. :ref:`Logging Callbacks ` 2. :ref:`Checkpoints ` .. TODO link to Training Run Iterator API as a 3rd option for logging. .. _train-monitoring: Logging, Monitoring, and Callbacks ---------------------------------- Reporting intermediate results ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ray Train provides a ``train.report(**kwargs)`` API for reporting intermediate results from the training function (run on distributed workers) up to the ``Trainer`` (where your python script is executed). Using ``Trainer.run``, these results can be processed through :ref:`Callbacks ` with a ``handle_result`` method defined. The primary use-case for reporting is for metrics (accuracy, loss, etc.) at the end of each training epoch. .. code-block:: python def train_func(): ... for i in range(num_epochs): results = model.train(...) train.report(results) return model For custom handling, the lower-level ``Trainer.run_iterator`` API produces a :ref:`train-api-iterator` which will iterate over the reported results. Autofilled metrics ++++++++++++++++++ In addition to user defined metrics, a few fields are automatically populated: .. code-block:: python # Unix epoch time in seconds when the data is reported. _timestamp # Time in seconds between iterations. _time_this_iter_s # The iteration ID, where each iteration is defined by one call to train.report(). # This is a 1-indexed incrementing integer ID. _training_iteration For debugging purposes, a more extensive set of metrics can be included in any run by setting the ``TRAIN_RESULT_ENABLE_DETAILED_AUTOFILLED_METRICS`` environment variable to ``1``. .. code-block:: python # The local date string when the data is reported. _date # The worker hostname (platform.node()). _hostname # The worker IP address. _node_ip # The worker process ID (os.getpid()). _pid # The cumulative training time of all iterations so far. _time_total_s .. _train-callbacks: Callbacks ~~~~~~~~~ You may want to plug in your training code with your favorite experiment management framework. Ray Train provides an interface to fetch intermediate results and callbacks to process/log your intermediate results. You can plug all of these into Ray Train with the following interface: .. code-block:: python from ray import train from ray.train import Trainer, TrainingCallback from typing import List, Dict class PrintingCallback(TrainingCallback): def handle_result(self, results: List[Dict], **info): print(results) def train_func(): for i in range(3): train.report(epoch=i) trainer = Trainer(backend="torch", num_workers=2) trainer.start() result = trainer.run( train_func, callbacks=[PrintingCallback()] ) # [{'epoch': 0, '_timestamp': 1630471763, '_time_this_iter_s': 0.0020279884338378906, '_training_iteration': 1}, {'epoch': 0, '_timestamp': 1630471763, '_time_this_iter_s': 0.0014922618865966797, '_training_iteration': 1}] # [{'epoch': 1, '_timestamp': 1630471763, '_time_this_iter_s': 0.0008401870727539062, '_training_iteration': 2}, {'epoch': 1, '_timestamp': 1630471763, '_time_this_iter_s': 0.0007486343383789062, '_training_iteration': 2}] # [{'epoch': 2, '_timestamp': 1630471763, '_time_this_iter_s': 0.0014500617980957031, '_training_iteration': 3}, {'epoch': 2, '_timestamp': 1630471763, '_time_this_iter_s': 0.0015292167663574219, '_training_iteration': 3}] trainer.shutdown() .. Here is a list of callbacks that are supported by Ray Train: .. * JsonLoggerCallback .. * TBXLoggerCallback .. * WandbCallback .. * MlflowCallback .. * CSVCallback .. _train-logging-callbacks: Logging Callbacks +++++++++++++++++ The following ``TrainingCallback``\s are available and will write to a file within the :ref:`log directory ` of each training run. 1. :ref:`train-api-json-logger-callback` 2. :ref:`train-api-tbx-logger-callback` Custom Callbacks ++++++++++++++++ If the provided callbacks do not cover your desired integrations or use-cases, you may always implement a custom callback by subclassing ``TrainingCallback``. If the callback is general enough, please feel welcome to `add it `_ to the ``ray`` `repository `_. A simple example for creating a callback that will print out results: .. code-block:: python from ray.train import TrainingCallback class PrintingCallback(TrainingCallback): def handle_result(self, results: List[Dict], **info): print(results) .. Advanced Customization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TODO add link to Run Iterator API and describe how to use it specifically for custom integrations. Example: PyTorch Distributed metrics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In real applications, you may want to calculate optimization metrics besides accuracy and loss: recall, precision, Fbeta, etc. Ray Train natively supports `TorchMetrics `_, which provides a collection of machine learning metrics for distributed, scalable Pytorch models. Here is an example: .. code-block:: python from ray import train from train.train import Trainer, TrainingCallback from typing import List, Dict import torch import torchmetrics class PrintingCallback(TrainingCallback): def handle_result(self, results: List[Dict], **info): print(results) def train_func(config): preds = torch.randn(10, 5).softmax(dim=-1) target = torch.randint(5, (10,)) accuracy = torchmetrics.functional.accuracy(preds, target).item() train.report(accuracy=accuracy) trainer = Trainer(backend="torch", num_workers=2) trainer.start() result = trainer.run( train_func, callbacks=[PrintingCallback()] ) # [{'accuracy': 0.20000000298023224, '_timestamp': 1630716913, '_time_this_iter_s': 0.0039408206939697266, '_training_iteration': 1}, # {'accuracy': 0.10000000149011612, '_timestamp': 1630716913, '_time_this_iter_s': 0.0030548572540283203, '_training_iteration': 1}] trainer.shutdown() .. _train-checkpointing: Checkpointing ------------- Ray Train provides a way to save state during the training process. This is useful for: 1. :ref:`Integration with Ray Tune ` to use certain Ray Tune schedulers. 2. Running a long-running training job on a cluster of pre-emptible machines/pods. 3. Persisting trained model state to later use for serving/inference. 4. In general, storing any model artifacts. Saving checkpoints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Checkpoints can be saved by calling ``train.save_checkpoint(**kwargs)`` in the training function. This will cause the checkpoint state from the distributed workers to be saved on the ``Trainer`` (where your python script is executed). The latest saved checkpoint can be accessed through the ``Trainer``'s ``latest_checkpoint`` attribute. As a trivial example, let's create a "model" which is an integer value that is equivalent to the sum of the number of epochs. .. code-block:: python from ray import train from ray.train import Trainer def train_func(config): model = 0 # This should be replaced with a real model. for epoch in range(config["num_epochs"]): model += epoch # This should be replaced with training logic. train.save_checkpoint(epoch=epoch, model=model) trainer = Trainer(backend="torch", num_workers=2) trainer.start() trainer.run(train_func, config={"num_epochs": 1}) print(trainer.latest_checkpoint) # {'epoch': 0, 'model': 0} trainer.run(train_func, config={"num_epochs": 5}) print(trainer.latest_checkpoint) # {'epoch': 4, 'model': 10} trainer.run(train_func, config={"num_epochs": 3}) print(trainer.latest_checkpoint) # {'epoch': 2, 'model': 3} trainer.shutdown() By default, checkpoints will be persisted to local disk in the :ref:`log directory ` of each run. .. code-block:: python print(trainer.latest_checkpoint_dir) # /home/ray_results/train_2021-09-01_12-00-00/run_001/checkpoints # By default, the "best" checkpoint path will refer to the most recent one. # This can be configured by defining a CheckpointStrategy. print(trainer.best_checkpoint_path) # /home/ray_results/train_2021-09-01_12-00-00/run_001/checkpoints/checkpoint_000005 .. note:: Persisting checkpoints to durable storage (e.g. S3) is not yet supported. Configuring checkpoints +++++++++++++++++++++++ For more configurability of checkpointing behavior (specifically saving checkpoints to disk), a :ref:`train-api-checkpoint-strategy` can be passed into ``Trainer.run``. As an example, to completely disable writing checkpoints to disk: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 8,12 from ray import train from ray.train import CheckpointStrategy, Trainer def train_func(): for epoch in range(3): train.save_checkpoint(epoch=epoch) checkpoint_strategy = CheckpointStrategy(num_to_keep=0) trainer = Trainer(backend="torch", num_workers=2) trainer.start() trainer.run(train_func, checkpoint_strategy=checkpoint_strategy) trainer.shutdown() You may also config ``CheckpointStrategy`` to keep the "N best" checkpoints persisted to disk. The following example shows how you could keep the 2 checkpoints with the lowest "loss" value: .. code-block:: python from ray import train from ray.train import CheckpointStrategy, Trainer def train_func(): # first checkpoint train.save_checkpoint(loss=2) # second checkpoint train.save_checkpoint(loss=4) # third checkpoint train.save_checkpoint(loss=1) # fourth checkpoint train.save_checkpoint(loss=3) # Keep the 2 checkpoints with the smallest "loss" value. checkpoint_strategy = CheckpointStrategy(num_to_keep=2, checkpoint_score_attribute="loss", checkpoint_score_order="min") trainer = Trainer(backend="torch", num_workers=2) trainer.start() trainer.run(train_func, checkpoint_strategy=checkpoint_strategy) print(trainer.best_checkpoint_path) # /home/ray_results/train_2021-09-01_12-00-00/run_001/checkpoints/checkpoint_000003 print(trainer.latest_checkpoint_dir) # /home/ray_results/train_2021-09-01_12-00-00/run_001/checkpoints print([checkpoint_path for checkpoint_path in trainer.latest_checkpoint_dir.iterdir()]) # [PosixPath('/home/ray_results/train_2021-09-01_12-00-00/run_001/checkpoints/checkpoint_000003'), # PosixPath('/home/ray_results/train_2021-09-01_12-00-00/run_001/checkpoints/checkpoint_000001')] trainer.shutdown() Loading checkpoints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Checkpoints can be loaded into the training function in 2 steps: 1. From the training function, ``train.load_checkpoint()`` can be used to access the most recently saved checkpoint. This is useful to continue training even if there's a worker failure. 2. The checkpoint to start training with can be bootstrapped by passing in a ``checkpoint`` to ``trainer.run()``. .. code-block:: python from ray import train from ray.train import Trainer def train_func(config): checkpoint = train.load_checkpoint() or {} # This should be replaced with a real model. model = checkpoint.get("model", 0) start_epoch = checkpoint.get("epoch", -1) + 1 for epoch in range(start_epoch, config["num_epochs"]): model += epoch train.save_checkpoint(epoch=epoch, model=model) trainer = Trainer(backend="torch", num_workers=2) trainer.start() trainer.run(train_func, config={"num_epochs": 5}, checkpoint={"epoch": 2, "model": 3}) trainer.shutdown() print(trainer.latest_checkpoint) # {'epoch': 4, 'model': 10} .. Running on the cloud .. -------------------- .. Use Ray Train with the Ray cluster launcher by changing the following: .. .. code-block:: bash .. ray up cluster.yaml .. TODO. .. _train-fault-tolerance: Fault Tolerance & Elastic Training ---------------------------------- Ray Train has built-in fault tolerance to recover from worker failures (i.e. ``RayActorError``\s). When a failure is detected, the workers will be shut down and new workers will be added in. The training function will be restarted, but progress from the previous execution can be resumed through checkpointing. .. warning:: In order to retain progress when recovery, your training function **must** implement logic for both saving *and* loading :ref:`checkpoints `. Each instance of recovery from a worker failure is considered a retry. The number of retries is configurable through the ``max_retries`` argument of the ``Trainer`` constructor. .. note:: Elastic Training is not yet supported. .. Running on pre-emptible machines .. -------------------------------- .. You may want to .. TODO. .. _train-datasets: Distributed Data Ingest (Ray Datasets) -------------------------------------- Ray Train provides native support for :ref:`Ray Datasets ` to support the following use cases: 1. **Large Datasets**: With Ray Datasets, you can easily work with datasets that are too big to fit on a single node. Ray Datasets will distribute the dataset across the Ray Cluster and allow you to perform dataset operations (map, filter, etc.) on the distributed dataset. 2. **Automatic locality-aware sharding**: If provided a Ray Dataset, Ray Train will automatically shard the dataset and assign each shard to a training worker while minimizing cross-node data transfer. Unlike with standard Torch or TensorFlow datasets, each training worker will only load its assigned shard into memory rather than the entire ``Dataset``. 3. **Pipelined Execution**: Ray Datasets also supports pipelining, meaning that data processing operations can be run concurrently with training. Training is no longer blocked on expensive data processing operations (such as global shuffling) and this minimizes the amount of time your GPUs are idle. See :ref:`dataset-pipeline` for more information. To get started, pass in a Ray Dataset (or multiple) into ``Trainer.run``. Underneath the hood, Ray Train will automatically shard the given dataset. .. warning:: If you are doing distributed training with TensorFlow, you will need to disable TensorFlow's built-in autosharding as the data on each worker is already sharded. .. code-block:: python def train_func(): ... tf_dataset = ray.train.get_dataset_shard().to_tf() options = tf.data.Options() options.experimental_distribute.auto_shard_policy = \ tf.data.experimental.AutoShardPolicy.OFF tf_dataset = tf_dataset.with_options(options) **Simple Dataset Example** .. code-block:: python def train_func(config): # Create your model here. model = NeuralNetwork() batch_size = config["worker_batch_size"] train_data_shard = ray.train.get_dataset_shard("train") train_torch_dataset = train_data_shard.to_torch(label_column="label", batch_size=batch_size) validation_data_shard = ray.train.get_dataset_shard("validation") validation_torch_dataset = validation_data_shard.to_torch(label_column="label", batch_size=batch_size) for epoch in config["num_epochs"]: for X, y in train_torch_dataset: model.train() output = model(X) # Train on one batch. for X, y in validation_torch_dataset: model.eval() output = model(X) # Validate one batch. return model trainer = Trainer(num_workers=8, backend="torch") dataset = ray.data.read_csv("...") # Random split dataset into 80% training data and 20% validation data. split_index = int(dataset.count() * 0.8) train_dataset, validation_dataset = \ dataset.random_shuffle().split_at_indices([split_index]) result = trainer.run( train_func, config={"worker_batch_size": 64, "num_epochs": 2}, dataset={ "train": train_dataset, "validation": validation_dataset }) .. _train-dataset-pipeline: Pipelined Execution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For pipelined execution, you just need to convert your :ref:`Dataset ` into a :ref:`DatasetPipeline `. All operations after this conversion will be executed in a pipelined fashion. See :ref:`dataset-pipeline` for more semantics on pipelining. Example: Per-Epoch Shuffle Pipeline +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A common use case is to have a training pipeline that globally shuffles the dataset before every epoch. This is very simple to do with Ray Datasets + Ray Train. .. code-block:: python def train_func(): # This is a dummy train function just iterating over the dataset. # You should replace this with your training logic. dataset_pipeline_shard = ray.train.get_dataset_shard() # Infinitely long iterator of randomly shuffled dataset shards. dataset_iterator = train_dataset_pipeline_shard.iter_epochs() for _ in range(config["num_epochs"]): # Single randomly shuffled dataset shard. train_dataset = next(dataset_iterator) # Convert shard to native Torch Dataset. train_torch_dataset = train_dataset.to_torch(label_column="label", batch_size=batch_size) # Train on your Torch Dataset here! # Create a pipeline that loops over its source dataset indefinitely, # with each repeat of the dataset randomly shuffled. dataset_pipeline: DatasetPipeline = ray.data \ .read_parquet(...) \ .repeat() \ .random_shuffle_each_window() # Pass in the pipeline to the Trainer. # The Trainer will automatically split the DatasetPipeline for you. trainer = Trainer(num_workers=8, backend="torch") result = trainer.run( train_func, config={"worker_batch_size": 64, "num_epochs": 2}, dataset=dataset_pipeline) You can easily set the working set size for the global shuffle by specifying the window size of the ``DatasetPipeline``. .. code-block:: python # Create a pipeline that loops over its source dataset indefinitely. pipe: DatasetPipeline = ray.data \ .read_parquet(...) \ .window(blocks_per_window=10) \ .repeat() \ .random_shuffle_each_window() See :ref:`dataset-pipeline-per-epoch-shuffle` for more info. .. _train-tune: Hyperparameter tuning (Ray Tune) -------------------------------- Hyperparameter tuning with :ref:`Ray Tune ` is natively supported with Ray Train. Specifically, you can take an existing training function and follow these steps: **Step 1: Convert to Tune Trainable** Instantiate your Trainer and call ``trainer.to_tune_trainable``, which will produce an object ("Trainable") that will be passed to Ray Tune. .. code-block:: python from ray import train from ray.train import Trainer def train_func(config): # In this example, nothing is expected to change over epochs, # and the output metric is equivalent to the input value. for _ in range(config["num_epochs"]): train.report(output=config["input"]) trainer = Trainer(backend="torch", num_workers=2) trainable = trainer.to_tune_trainable(train_func) **Step 2: Call tune.run** Call ``tune.run`` on the created ``Trainable`` to start multiple ``Tune`` "trials", each running a Ray Train job and each with a unique hyperparameter configuration. .. code-block:: python from ray import tune analysis = tune.run(trainable, config={ "num_epochs": 2, "input": tune.grid_search([1, 2, 3]) }) print(analysis.get_best_config(metric="output", mode="max")) # {'num_epochs': 2, 'input': 3} A couple caveats: * Tune will ignore the return value of ``train_func``. To save your best trained model, you will need to use the ``train.save_checkpoint`` API. * You should **not** call ``tune.report`` or ``tune.checkpoint_dir`` in your training function. Functional parity is achieved through ``train.report``, ``train.save_checkpoint``, and ``train.load_checkpoint``. This allows you to go from Ray Train to Ray Train+RayTune without changing any code in the training function. .. code-block:: python from ray import train, tune from ray.train import Trainer def train_func(config): # In this example, nothing is expected to change over epochs, # and the output metric is equivalent to the input value. for _ in range(config["num_epochs"]): train.report(output=config["input"]) trainer = Trainer(backend="torch", num_workers=2) trainable = trainer.to_tune_trainable(train_func) analysis = tune.run(trainable, config={ "num_epochs": 2, "input": tune.grid_search([1, 2, 3]) }) print(analysis.get_best_config(metric="output", mode="max")) # {'num_epochs': 2, 'input': 3} .. import ray from ray import tune def training_func(config): dataloader = ray.train.get_dataset()\ .get_shard(torch.rank())\ .to_torch(batch_size=config["batch_size"]) for i in config["epochs"]: ray.train.report(...) # use same intermediate reporting API # Declare the specification for training. trainer = Trainer(backend="torch", num_workers=12, use_gpu=True) dataset = ray.dataset.window() # Convert this to a trainable. trainable = trainer.to_tune_trainable(training_func, dataset=dataset) analysis = tune.run(trainable, config={ "lr": tune.uniform(), "batch_size": tune.randint(1, 2, 3)}, num_samples=12) .. Advanced APIs ------------- TODO Training Run Iterator API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TODO Stateful Class API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TODO .. _train-backwards-compatibility: Backwards Compatibility with Ray SGD ------------------------------------ If you are currently using :ref:`RaySGD `, you can migrate to Ray Train by following: :ref:`sgd-migration`.