import logging from typing import Dict, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING from ray.rllib.env.base_env import _DUMMY_AGENT_ID from ray.rllib.evaluation.episode import MultiAgentEpisode from ray.rllib.evaluation.per_policy_sample_collector import \ _PerPolicySampleCollector from ray.rllib.evaluation.sample_collector import _SampleCollector from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import MultiAgentBatch from ray.rllib.utils import force_list from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override from ray.rllib.utils.debug import summarize from ray.rllib.utils.typing import AgentID, EnvID, EpisodeID, PolicyID, \ TensorType from ray.util.debug import log_once if TYPE_CHECKING: from ray.rllib.agents.callbacks import DefaultCallbacks logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _MultiAgentSampleCollector(_SampleCollector): """Builds SampleBatches for each policy (and agent) in a multi-agent env. Note: This is an experimental class only used when `config._use_trajectory_view_api` = True. Once `_use_trajectory_view_api` becomes the default in configs: This class will deprecate the `SampleBatchBuilder` class. Input data is collected in central per-policy buffers, which efficiently pre-allocate memory (over n timesteps) and re-use the same memory even for succeeding agents and episodes. Input_dicts for action computations, SampleBatches for postprocessing, and train_batch dicts are - if possible - created from the central per-policy buffers via views to avoid copying of data). """ def __init__( self, policy_map: Dict[PolicyID, Policy], callbacks: "DefaultCallbacks", # TODO: (sven) make `num_agents` flexibly grow in size. num_agents: int = 100, num_timesteps=None, time_major: Optional[bool] = False): """Initializes a _MultiAgentSampleCollector object. Args: policy_map (Dict[PolicyID,Policy]): Maps policy ids to policy instances. callbacks (DefaultCallbacks): RLlib callbacks (configured in the Trainer config dict). Used for trajectory postprocessing event. num_agents (int): The max number of agent slots to pre-allocate in the buffer. num_timesteps (int): The max number of timesteps to pre-allocate in the buffer. time_major (Optional[bool]): Whether to preallocate buffers and collect samples in time-major fashion (TxBx...). """ self.policy_map = policy_map self.callbacks = callbacks if num_agents == float("inf") or num_agents is None: num_agents = 1000 self.num_agents = int(num_agents) # Collect SampleBatches per-policy in _PerPolicySampleCollectors. self.policy_sample_collectors = {} for pid, policy in policy_map.items(): # Figure out max-shifts (before and after). view_reqs = policy.training_view_requirements max_shift_before = 0 max_shift_after = 0 for vr in view_reqs.values(): shift = force_list(vr.shift) if max_shift_before > shift[0]: max_shift_before = shift[0] if max_shift_after < shift[-1]: max_shift_after = shift[-1] # Figure out num_timesteps and num_agents. kwargs = {"time_major": time_major} if policy.is_recurrent(): kwargs["num_timesteps"] = \ policy.config["model"]["max_seq_len"] kwargs["time_major"] = True elif num_timesteps is not None: kwargs["num_timesteps"] = num_timesteps self.policy_sample_collectors[pid] = _PerPolicySampleCollector( num_agents=self.num_agents, shift_before=-max_shift_before, shift_after=max_shift_after, **kwargs) # Internal agent-to-policy map. self.agent_to_policy = {} # Number of "inference" steps taken in the environment. # Regardless of the number of agents involved in each of these steps. self.count = 0 @override(_SampleCollector) def add_init_obs(self, episode_id: EpisodeID, agent_id: AgentID, env_id: EnvID, policy_id: PolicyID, obs: TensorType) -> None: # Make sure our mappings are up to date. if agent_id not in self.agent_to_policy: self.agent_to_policy[agent_id] = policy_id else: assert self.agent_to_policy[agent_id] == policy_id # Add initial obs to Trajectory. self.policy_sample_collectors[policy_id].add_init_obs( episode_id, agent_id, env_id, chunk_num=0, init_obs=obs) @override(_SampleCollector) def add_action_reward_next_obs(self, episode_id: EpisodeID, agent_id: AgentID, env_id: EnvID, policy_id: PolicyID, agent_done: bool, values: Dict[str, TensorType]) -> None: assert policy_id in self.policy_sample_collectors # Make sure our mappings are up to date. if agent_id not in self.agent_to_policy: self.agent_to_policy[agent_id] = policy_id else: assert self.agent_to_policy[agent_id] == policy_id # Include the current agent id for multi-agent algorithms. if agent_id != _DUMMY_AGENT_ID: values["agent_id"] = agent_id # Add action/reward/next-obs (and other data) to Trajectory. self.policy_sample_collectors[policy_id].add_action_reward_next_obs( episode_id, agent_id, env_id, agent_done, values) @override(_SampleCollector) def total_env_steps(self) -> int: return sum(a.timesteps_since_last_reset for a in self.policy_sample_collectors.values()) def total(self): # TODO: (sven) deprecate; use `self.total_env_steps`, instead. # Sampler is currently still using `total()`. return self.total_env_steps() @override(_SampleCollector) def get_inference_input_dict(self, policy_id: PolicyID) -> \ Dict[str, TensorType]: policy = self.policy_map[policy_id] view_reqs = policy.model.inference_view_requirements return self.policy_sample_collectors[ policy_id].get_inference_input_dict(view_reqs) @override(_SampleCollector) def has_non_postprocessed_data(self) -> bool: return self.total_env_steps() > 0 @override(_SampleCollector) def postprocess_trajectories_so_far( self, episode: Optional[MultiAgentEpisode] = None) -> None: # Loop through each per-policy collector and create a view (for each # agent as SampleBatch) from its buffers for post-processing all_agent_batches = {} for pid, rc in self.policy_sample_collectors.items(): policy = self.policy_map[pid] view_reqs = policy.training_view_requirements agent_batches = rc.get_postprocessing_sample_batches( episode, view_reqs) for agent_key, batch in agent_batches.items(): other_batches = None if len(agent_batches) > 1: other_batches = agent_batches.copy() del other_batches[agent_key] agent_batches[agent_key] = policy.postprocess_trajectory( batch, other_batches, episode) # Call the Policy's Exploration's postprocess method. if getattr(policy, "exploration", None) is not None: agent_batches[ agent_key] = policy.exploration.postprocess_trajectory( policy, agent_batches[agent_key], getattr(policy, "_sess", None)) # Add new columns' data to buffers. for col in agent_batches[agent_key].new_columns: data = agent_batches[agent_key].data[col] rc._build_buffers({col: data[0]}) timesteps = data.shape[0] rc.buffers[col][rc.shift_before:rc.shift_before + timesteps, rc.agent_key_to_slot[ agent_key]] = data all_agent_batches.update(agent_batches) if log_once("after_post"):"Trajectory fragment after postprocess_trajectory():" "\n\n{}\n".format(summarize(all_agent_batches))) # Append into policy batches and reset from ray.rllib.evaluation.rollout_worker import get_global_worker for agent_key, batch in sorted(all_agent_batches.items()): self.callbacks.on_postprocess_trajectory( worker=get_global_worker(), episode=episode, agent_id=agent_key[0], policy_id=self.agent_to_policy[agent_key[0]], policies=self.policy_map, postprocessed_batch=batch, original_batches=None) # TODO: (sven) do we really need this? @override(_SampleCollector) def check_missing_dones(self, episode_id: EpisodeID) -> None: for pid, rc in self.policy_sample_collectors.items(): for agent_key in rc.agent_key_to_slot.keys(): # Only check for given episode and only for last chunk # (all previous chunks for that agent in the episode are # non-terminal). if (agent_key[1] == episode_id and rc.agent_key_to_chunk_num[agent_key[:2]] == agent_key[2]): t = rc.agent_key_to_timestep[agent_key] - 1 b = rc.agent_key_to_slot[agent_key] if not rc.buffers["dones"][t][b]: raise ValueError( "Episode {} terminated for all agents, but we " "still don't have a last observation for " "agent {} (policy {}). ".format(agent_key[0], pid) + "Please ensure that you include the last " "observations of all live agents when setting " "'__all__' done to True. Alternatively, set " "no_done_at_end=True to allow this.") @override(_SampleCollector) def get_multi_agent_batch_and_reset(self): self.postprocess_trajectories_so_far() policy_batches = {} for pid, rc in self.policy_sample_collectors.items(): policy = self.policy_map[pid] view_reqs = policy.training_view_requirements policy_batches[pid] = rc.get_train_sample_batch_and_reset( view_reqs) ma_batch = MultiAgentBatch.wrap_as_needed(policy_batches, self.count) # Reset our across-all-agents env step count. self.count = 0 return ma_batch