import argparse import json import logging import numpy as np import os import threading import time from ray._private.test_utils import monitor_memory_usage from import ProgressBar from collections import namedtuple from queue import Queue import ray logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) PiResult = namedtuple("PiResult", ["samples", "pi"]) @ray.remote(num_cpus=0) class PiCalculator: def __init__(self, metadata): # -- Read only variables -- self.metadata = metadata self.sample_batch = 1000000 # -- Variables that are accessed by mulitple threads -- self.lock = threading.Lock() self.result_queue = Queue() self.is_running = False def ready(self): pass def run_compute(self): self.is_running = True sample_cnt = 0 while self.is_running: # Compute pi xs = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=self.sample_batch) ys = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=self.sample_batch) xys = np.stack((xs, ys), axis=-1) inside = xs * xs + ys * ys <= 1.0 xys_inside = xys[inside] in_circle = xys_inside.shape[0] approx_pi = 4.0 * in_circle / self.sample_batch # Put the result to the queue. sample_cnt += self.sample_batch with self.lock: self.result_queue.put(PiResult(samples=sample_cnt, pi=approx_pi)) def stop(self): self.is_running = False def get_metadata(self): return self.metadata def get_pi(self): result = None while not result: with self.lock: if not self.result_queue.empty(): result = self.result_queue.get(block=False) time.sleep(1) return result def start_actors(total_num_actors, num_nodes): """Create actors and run the computation loop.""" total_num_actors = int(total_num_actors) actors_per_node = int(total_num_actors / num_nodes) start = time.time() nodes = [] # Place an actor per node in round-robin. # It is added here to simulate the real user workload. while len(nodes) < num_nodes: nodes = [ next((r for r in n["Resources"] if "node" in r), None) for n in ray.nodes() if n["Alive"] ] nodes = [n for n in nodes if n is not None] pi_actors = [ PiCalculator.options(resources={n: 0.01}, max_concurrency=10).remote( {"meta": 1} ) for n in nodes for _ in range(actors_per_node) ] ray.get([actor.ready.remote() for actor in pi_actors]) print(f"Took {time.time() - start} to create {total_num_actors} actors") # Start the computation loop. for actor in pi_actors: actor.run_compute.remote() return pi_actors def parse_script_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--kill-interval_s", type=float, default=60) parser.add_argument("--test-runtime", type=float, default=3000) return parser.parse_known_args() def main(): """The test simulates the workload with many threaded actors. Test is doing 4 things for 1 hour. - It first creates actors as many as num_cpus with max_concurrency=10 - Each actor computes pi and put the result to the queue. - Driver keeps getting result & metadata from the actor. - Every X seconds, it kills all actors and restarts them. """ ray.init(address="auto") args, unknown = parse_script_args() num_cpus = ray.cluster_resources()["CPU"] num_nodes = sum(1 for n in ray.nodes() if n["Alive"]) print(f"Total number of actors: {num_cpus}, nodes: {num_nodes}") monitor_actor = monitor_memory_usage() start = time.time() while time.time() - start < args.test_runtime: # Step 1: Create actors and start computation loop. print("Create actors.") actors = start_actors(num_cpus, num_nodes) # Step 2: Get the pi result from actors. compute_start = time.time() print("Start computation.") while time.time() - compute_start < args.kill_interval_s: # Get the metadata. ray.get([actor.get_metadata.remote() for actor in actors]) # Get the result. pb = ProgressBar("Computing Pi", num_cpus) results = [actor.get_pi.remote() for actor in actors] pb.fetch_until_complete(results) pb.close() # Step 3: Kill actors. print("Kill all actors.") for actor in actors: ray.kill(actor) # Report the result. print("PASSED.") used_gb, usage = ray.get(monitor_actor.get_peak_memory_info.remote()) print("Memory usage with failures.") print(f"Peak memory usage: {round(used_gb, 2)}GB") print(f"Peak memory usage per processes:\n {usage}") # Report the result. ray.get(monitor_actor.stop_run.remote()) result = {"success": 0} with open(os.environ["TEST_OUTPUT_JSON"], "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(result)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()