import ray from ray import serve import requests # __basic_example_start__ @serve.deployment class Deployment: def method1(self, arg): return f"Method1: {arg}" def __call__(self, arg): return f"__call__: {arg}" handle = ray.get(handle.remote("hi")) # Defaults to calling the __call__ method. ray.get(handle.method1.remote("hi")) # Call a different method. # __basic_example_end__ # __async_handle_start__ @serve.deployment(route_prefix="/api") class Deployment: def say_hello(self, name: str): return f"Hello {name}!" def __call__(self, request): return self.say_hello(request.query_params["name"]) handle = # __async_handle_end__ # __async_handle_print_start__ print(requests.get("http://localhost:8000/api?name=Alice")) # Hello Alice! print(ray.get(handle.say_hello.remote("Alice"))) # Hello Alice! # __async_handle_print_end__