from ray.rllib.models.utils import get_initializer from ray.rllib.policy import Policy from typing import List, Union import numpy as np from ray.rllib.models.catalog import ModelCatalog from ray.rllib.models.torch.torch_modelv2 import TorchModelV2 from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import DeveloperAPI from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_torch from ray.rllib.utils.typing import TensorType, ModelConfigDict torch, nn = try_import_torch() @DeveloperAPI class QRegTorchModel: """Pytorch implementation of the Q-Reg model from """ def __init__( self, policy: Policy, gamma: float, model: ModelConfigDict = None, n_iters: int = 160, lr: float = 1e-3, delta: float = 1e-4, clip_grad_norm: float = 100.0, batch_size: int = 32, ) -> None: """ Args: policy: Policy to evaluate. gamma: Discount factor of the environment. # The ModelConfigDict for self.q_model model = { "fcnet_hiddens": [8, 8], "fcnet_activation": "relu", "vf_share_layers": True, }, # Maximum number of training iterations to run on the batch n_iters = 160, # Learning rate for Q-function optimizer lr = 1e-3, # Early stopping if the mean loss < delta delta = 1e-4, # Clip gradients to this maximum value clip_grad_norm = 100.0, # Minibatch size for training Q-function batch_size = 32, """ self.policy = policy self.gamma = gamma self.observation_space = policy.observation_space self.action_space = policy.action_space if model is None: model = { "fcnet_hiddens": [8, 8], "fcnet_activation": "relu", "vf_share_layers": True, } self.device = self.policy.device self.q_model: TorchModelV2 = ModelCatalog.get_model_v2( self.observation_space, self.action_space, self.action_space.n, model, framework="torch", name="TorchQModel", ).to(self.device) self.n_iters = n_iters = lr = delta self.clip_grad_norm = clip_grad_norm self.batch_size = batch_size self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.q_model.variables(), initializer = get_initializer("xavier_uniform", framework="torch") def f(m): if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): initializer(m.weight) self.initializer = f def reset(self) -> None: """Resets/Reinintializes the model weights.""" self.q_model.apply(self.initializer) def train_q(self, batch: SampleBatch) -> TensorType: """Trains self.q_model using Q-Reg loss on given batch. Args: batch: A SampleBatch of episodes to train on Returns: A list of losses for each training iteration """ losses = [] obs = torch.tensor(batch[SampleBatch.OBS], device=self.device) actions = torch.tensor(batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], device=self.device) ps = torch.zeros([batch.count], device=self.device) returns = torch.zeros([batch.count], device=self.device) discounts = torch.zeros([batch.count], device=self.device) # Neccessary if policy uses recurrent/attention model num_state_inputs = 0 for k in batch.keys(): if k.startswith("state_in_"): num_state_inputs += 1 state_keys = ["state_in_{}".format(i) for i in range(num_state_inputs)] # get rewards, old_prob, new_prob rewards = batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS] old_log_prob = torch.tensor(batch[SampleBatch.ACTION_LOGP]) new_log_prob = ( self.policy.compute_log_likelihoods( actions=batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], obs_batch=batch[SampleBatch.OBS], state_batches=[batch[k] for k in state_keys], prev_action_batch=batch.get(SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS), prev_reward_batch=batch.get(SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS), actions_normalized=False, ) .detach() .cpu() ) prob_ratio = torch.exp(new_log_prob - old_log_prob) eps_begin = 0 for episode in batch.split_by_episode(): eps_end = eps_begin + episode.count # calculate importance ratios and returns for t in range(episode.count): discounts[eps_begin + t] = self.gamma ** t if t == 0: pt_prev = 1.0 else: pt_prev = ps[eps_begin + t - 1] ps[eps_begin + t] = pt_prev * prob_ratio[eps_begin + t] # O(n^3) # ret = 0 # for t_prime in range(t, episode.count): # gamma = self.gamma ** (t_prime - t) # rho_t_1_t_prime = 1.0 # for k in range(t + 1, min(t_prime + 1, episode.count)): # rho_t_1_t_prime = rho_t_1_t_prime * prob_ratio[eps_begin + k] # r = rewards[eps_begin + t_prime] # ret += gamma * rho_t_1_t_prime * r # O(n^2) ret = 0 rho = 1 for t_ in reversed(range(t, episode.count)): ret = rewards[eps_begin + t_] + self.gamma * rho * ret rho = prob_ratio[eps_begin + t_] returns[eps_begin + t] = ret # Update before next episode eps_begin = eps_end indices = np.arange(batch.count) for _ in range(self.n_iters): minibatch_losses = [] np.random.shuffle(indices) for idx in range(0, batch.count, self.batch_size): idxs = indices[idx : idx + self.batch_size] q_values, _ = self.q_model({"obs": obs[idxs]}, [], None) q_acts = torch.gather( q_values, -1, actions[idxs].unsqueeze(-1) ).squeeze(-1) loss = discounts[idxs] * ps[idxs] * (returns[idxs] - q_acts) ** 2 loss = torch.mean(loss) self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad.clip_grad_norm_( self.q_model.variables(), self.clip_grad_norm ) self.optimizer.step() minibatch_losses.append(loss.item()) iter_loss = sum(minibatch_losses) / len(minibatch_losses) losses.append(iter_loss) if iter_loss < break return losses def estimate_q( self, obs: Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]], actions: Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]] = None, ) -> TensorType: """Given `obs`, a list or array or tensor of observations, compute the Q-values for `obs` for all actions in the action space. If `actions` is not None, return the Q-values for the actions provided, else return Q-values for all actions for each observation in `obs`. """ obs = torch.tensor(obs, device=self.device) q_values, _ = self.q_model({"obs": obs}, [], None) if actions is not None: actions = torch.tensor(actions, device=self.device, dtype=int) q_values = torch.gather(q_values, -1, actions.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) return q_values.detach() def estimate_v( self, obs: Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]], action_probs: Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]], ) -> TensorType: """Given `obs`, compute q-values for all actions in the action space for each observations s in `obs`, then multiply this by `action_probs`, the probability distribution over actions for each state s to give the state value V(s) = sum_A pi(a|s)Q(s,a). """ q_values = self.estimate_q(obs) action_probs = torch.tensor(action_probs, device=self.device) v_values = torch.sum(q_values * action_probs, axis=-1) return v_values.detach()