from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import os import random import signal import subprocess import sys import threading import time import unittest import photon import plasma USE_VALGRIND = False ID_SIZE = 20 def random_object_id(): return photon.ObjectID(np.random.bytes(ID_SIZE)) def random_task_id(): return photon.ObjectID(np.random.bytes(ID_SIZE)) def random_function_id(): return photon.ObjectID(np.random.bytes(ID_SIZE)) class TestPhotonClient(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Start Plasma store. plasma_store_name, self.p1 = plasma.start_plasma_store() self.plasma_client = plasma.PlasmaClient(plasma_store_name) # Start a local scheduler. scheduler_name, self.p2 = photon.start_local_scheduler(plasma_store_name, use_valgrind=USE_VALGRIND) # Connect to the scheduler. self.photon_client = photon.PhotonClient(scheduler_name) def tearDown(self): # Kill Plasma. self.p1.kill() # Kill the local scheduler. if USE_VALGRIND: self.p2.send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) self.p2.wait() os._exit(self.p2.returncode) else: self.p2.kill() def test_submit_and_get_task(self): function_id = random_function_id() object_ids = [random_object_id() for i in range(256)] # Create and seal the objects in the object store so that we can schedule # all of the subsequent tasks. for object_id in object_ids: self.plasma_client.create(, 0) self.plasma_client.seal( # Define some arguments to use for the tasks. args_list = [ [], #{}, #(), 1 * [1], 10 * [1], 100 * [1], 1000 * [1], 1 * ["a"], 10 * ["a"], 100 * ["a"], 1000 * ["a"], [1, 1.3, 2L, 1L << 100, "hi", u"hi", [1, 2]], object_ids[:1], object_ids[:2], object_ids[:3], object_ids[:4], object_ids[:5], object_ids[:10], object_ids[:100], object_ids[:256], [1, object_ids[0]], [object_ids[0], "a"], [1, object_ids[0], "a"], [object_ids[0], 1, object_ids[1], "a"], object_ids[:3] + [1, "hi", 2.3] + object_ids[:5], object_ids + 100 * ["a"] + object_ids ] for args in args_list: for num_return_vals in [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 100]: task = photon.Task(function_id, args, num_return_vals, random_task_id(), 0) # Submit a task. self.photon_client.submit(task) # Get the task. new_task = self.photon_client.get_task() self.assertEqual(task.function_id().id(), new_task.function_id().id()) retrieved_args = new_task.arguments() returns = new_task.returns() self.assertEqual(len(args), len(retrieved_args)) self.assertEqual(num_return_vals, len(returns)) for i in range(len(retrieved_args)): if isinstance(args[i], photon.ObjectID): self.assertEqual(args[i].id(), retrieved_args[i].id()) else: self.assertEqual(args[i], retrieved_args[i]) # Submit all of the tasks. for args in args_list: for num_return_vals in [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 100]: task = photon.Task(function_id, args, num_return_vals, random_task_id(), 0) self.photon_client.submit(task) # Get all of the tasks. for args in args_list: for num_return_vals in [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 100]: new_task = self.photon_client.get_task() def test_scheduling_when_objects_ready(self): # Create a task and submit it. object_id = random_object_id() task = photon.Task(random_function_id(), [object_id], 0, random_task_id(), 0) self.photon_client.submit(task) # Launch a thread to get the task. def get_task(): self.photon_client.get_task() t = threading.Thread(target=get_task) t.start() # Sleep to give the thread time to call get_task. time.sleep(0.1) # Create and seal the object ID in the object store. This should trigger a # scheduling event. self.plasma_client.create(, 0) self.plasma_client.seal( # Wait until the thread finishes so that we know the task was scheduled. t.join() if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1: # pop the argument so we don't mess with unittest's own argument parser arg = sys.argv.pop() if arg == "valgrind": USE_VALGRIND = True print("Using valgrind for tests") unittest.main(verbosity=2)