import asyncio import concurrent.futures from datetime import datetime import enum import logging import hashlib import json import os from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional import aiohttp.web from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, Field, validator import ray from ray.dashboard.consts import RAY_CLUSTER_ACTIVITY_HOOK, GCS_RPC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS import ray.dashboard.optional_utils as dashboard_optional_utils import ray.dashboard.utils as dashboard_utils from ray._private import ray_constants from import _load_class from ray.core.generated import gcs_pb2, gcs_service_pb2, gcs_service_pb2_grpc from ray.dashboard.modules.job.common import JOB_ID_METADATA_KEY, JobInfoStorageClient from ray.job_submission import JobInfo from ray.runtime_env import RuntimeEnv logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) routes = dashboard_optional_utils.ClassMethodRouteTable class RayActivityStatus(str, enum.Enum): ACTIVE = "ACTIVE" INACTIVE = "INACTIVE" ERROR = "ERROR" class RayActivityResponse(BaseModel, extra=Extra.allow): """ Pydantic model used to inform if a particular Ray component can be considered active, and metadata about observation. """ is_active: RayActivityStatus = Field( ..., description=( "Whether the corresponding Ray component is considered active or inactive, " "or if there was an error while collecting this observation." ), ) reason: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Reason if Ray component is considered active or errored." ) timestamp: float = Field( ..., description=( "Timestamp of when this observation about the Ray component was made. " "This is in the format of seconds since unix epoch." ), ) last_activity_at: Optional[float] = Field( None, description=( "Timestamp when last actvity of this Ray component finished in format of " "seconds since unix epoch. This field does not need to be populated " "for Ray components where it is not meaningful." ), ) @validator("reason", always=True) def reason_required(cls, v, values, **kwargs): if "is_active" in values and values["is_active"] != RayActivityStatus.INACTIVE: if v is None: raise ValueError( 'Reason is required if is_active is "active" or "error"' ) return v class APIHead(dashboard_utils.DashboardHeadModule): def __init__(self, dashboard_head): super().__init__(dashboard_head) self._gcs_job_info_stub = None self._gcs_actor_info_stub = None self._dashboard_head = dashboard_head self._gcs_aio_client = dashboard_head.gcs_aio_client self._job_info_client = None # For offloading CPU intensive work. self._thread_pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=2, thread_name_prefix="api_head" ) @routes.get("/api/actors/kill") async def kill_actor_gcs(self, req) -> aiohttp.web.Response: actor_id = req.query.get("actor_id") force_kill = req.query.get("force_kill", False) in ("true", "True") no_restart = req.query.get("no_restart", False) in ("true", "True") if not actor_id: return dashboard_optional_utils.rest_response( success=False, message="actor_id is required." ) request = gcs_service_pb2.KillActorViaGcsRequest() request.actor_id = bytes.fromhex(actor_id) request.force_kill = force_kill request.no_restart = no_restart await self._gcs_actor_info_stub.KillActorViaGcs(request, timeout=5) message = ( f"Force killed actor with id {actor_id}" if force_kill else f"Requested actor with id {actor_id} to terminate. " + "It will exit once running tasks complete" ) return dashboard_optional_utils.rest_response(success=True, message=message) @routes.get("/api/snapshot") async def snapshot(self, req): actor_limit = int(req.query.get("actor_limit", "1000")) ( job_info, job_submission_data, actor_data, serve_data, session_name, ) = await asyncio.gather( self.get_job_info(), self.get_job_submission_info(), self.get_actor_info(actor_limit), self.get_serve_info(), self.get_session_name(), ) snapshot = { "jobs": job_info, "job_submission": job_submission_data, "actors": actor_data, "deployments": serve_data, "session_name": session_name, "ray_version": ray.__version__, "ray_commit": ray.__commit__, } return dashboard_optional_utils.rest_response( success=True, message="hello", snapshot=snapshot ) @routes.get("/api/component_activities") async def get_component_activities(self, req) -> aiohttp.web.Response: timeout = req.query.get("timeout", None) if timeout and timeout.isdigit(): timeout = int(timeout) else: timeout = 5 # Get activity information for driver driver_activity_info = await self._get_job_activity_info(timeout=timeout) resp = {"driver": dict(driver_activity_info)} if RAY_CLUSTER_ACTIVITY_HOOK in os.environ: try: cluster_activity_callable = _load_class( os.environ[RAY_CLUSTER_ACTIVITY_HOOK] ) external_activity_output = cluster_activity_callable() assert isinstance(external_activity_output, dict), ( f"Output of hook {os.environ[RAY_CLUSTER_ACTIVITY_HOOK]} " "should be Dict[str, RayActivityResponse]. Got " f"output: {external_activity_output}" ) for component_type in external_activity_output: try: component_activity_output = external_activity_output[ component_type ] # Parse and validate output to type RayActivityResponse component_activity_output = RayActivityResponse( **dict(component_activity_output) ) resp[component_type] = dict(component_activity_output) except Exception as e: logger.exception( f"Failed to get activity status of {component_type} " f"from user hook {os.environ[RAY_CLUSTER_ACTIVITY_HOOK]}." ) resp[component_type] = { "is_active": RayActivityStatus.ERROR, "reason": repr(e), "timestamp":, } except Exception as e: logger.exception( "Failed to get activity status from user " f"hook {os.environ[RAY_CLUSTER_ACTIVITY_HOOK]}." ) resp["external_component"] = { "is_active": RayActivityStatus.ERROR, "reason": repr(e), "timestamp":, } return aiohttp.web.Response( text=json.dumps(resp), content_type="application/json", status=aiohttp.web.HTTPOk.status_code, ) async def _get_job_activity_info(self, timeout: int) -> RayActivityResponse: # Returns if there is Ray activity from drivers (job). # Drivers in namespaces that start with _ray_internal_ are not # considered activity. # This includes the _ray_internal_dashboard job that gets automatically # created with every cluster try: request = gcs_service_pb2.GetAllJobInfoRequest() reply = await self._gcs_job_info_stub.GetAllJobInfo( request, timeout=timeout ) num_active_drivers = 0 latest_job_end_time = 0 for job_table_entry in reply.job_info_list: is_dead = bool(job_table_entry.is_dead) in_internal_namespace = job_table_entry.config.ray_namespace.startswith( "_ray_internal_" ) latest_job_end_time = ( max(latest_job_end_time, job_table_entry.end_time) if job_table_entry.end_time else latest_job_end_time ) if not is_dead and not in_internal_namespace: num_active_drivers += 1 current_timestamp = # Latest job end time must be before or equal to the current timestamp. # Job end times may be provided in epoch milliseconds. Check if this # is true, and convert to seconds if latest_job_end_time > current_timestamp: latest_job_end_time = latest_job_end_time / 1000 assert current_timestamp >= latest_job_end_time, ( f"Most recent job end time {latest_job_end_time} must be " f"before or equal to the current timestamp {current_timestamp}" ) is_active = ( RayActivityStatus.ACTIVE if num_active_drivers > 0 else RayActivityStatus.INACTIVE ) return RayActivityResponse( is_active=is_active, reason=f"Number of active drivers: {num_active_drivers}" if num_active_drivers else None, timestamp=current_timestamp, # If latest_job_end_time == 0, no jobs have finished yet so don't # populate last_activity_at last_activity_at=latest_job_end_time if latest_job_end_time else None, ) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Failed to get activity status of Ray drivers.") return RayActivityResponse( is_active=RayActivityStatus.ERROR, reason=repr(e),, ) async def _get_job_info(self, metadata: Dict[str, str]) -> Optional[JobInfo]: # If a job submission ID has been added to a job, the status is # guaranteed to be returned. job_submission_id = metadata.get(JOB_ID_METADATA_KEY) return await self._job_info_client.get_info(job_submission_id) async def get_job_info(self): """Return info for each job. Here a job is a Ray driver.""" request = gcs_service_pb2.GetAllJobInfoRequest() reply = await self._gcs_job_info_stub.GetAllJobInfo(request, timeout=5) jobs = {} for job_table_entry in reply.job_info_list: job_id = job_table_entry.job_id.hex() metadata = dict(job_table_entry.config.metadata) config = { "namespace": job_table_entry.config.ray_namespace, "metadata": metadata, "runtime_env": RuntimeEnv.deserialize( job_table_entry.config.runtime_env_info.serialized_runtime_env ), } info = await self._get_job_info(metadata) entry = { "status": None if info is None else info.status, "status_message": None if info is None else info.message, "is_dead": job_table_entry.is_dead, "start_time": job_table_entry.start_time, "end_time": job_table_entry.end_time, "config": config, } jobs[job_id] = entry return jobs async def get_job_submission_info(self): """Info for Ray job submission. Here a job can have 0 or many drivers.""" jobs = {} fetched_jobs = await self._job_info_client.get_all_jobs() for ( job_submission_id, job_info, ) in fetched_jobs.items(): if job_info is not None: entry = { "job_submission_id": job_submission_id, "status": job_info.status, "message": job_info.message, "error_type": job_info.error_type, "start_time": job_info.start_time, "end_time": job_info.end_time, "metadata": job_info.metadata, "runtime_env": job_info.runtime_env, "entrypoint": job_info.entrypoint, } jobs[job_submission_id] = entry return jobs async def get_actor_info(self, limit: int = 1000): # TODO (Alex): GCS still needs to return actors from dead jobs. request = gcs_service_pb2.GetAllActorInfoRequest() request.show_dead_jobs = True request.limit = limit reply = await self._gcs_actor_info_stub.GetAllActorInfo(request, timeout=5) actors = {} for actor_table_entry in reply.actor_table_data: actor_id = actor_table_entry.actor_id.hex() runtime_env = json.loads(actor_table_entry.serialized_runtime_env) entry = { "job_id": actor_table_entry.job_id.hex(), "state": gcs_pb2.ActorTableData.ActorState.Name( actor_table_entry.state ), "name":, "namespace": actor_table_entry.ray_namespace, "runtime_env": runtime_env, "start_time": actor_table_entry.start_time, "end_time": actor_table_entry.end_time, "is_detached": actor_table_entry.is_detached, "resources": dict(actor_table_entry.required_resources), "actor_class": actor_table_entry.class_name, "current_worker_id": actor_table_entry.address.worker_id.hex(), "current_raylet_id": actor_table_entry.address.raylet_id.hex(), "ip_address": actor_table_entry.address.ip_address, "port": actor_table_entry.address.port, "metadata": dict(), } actors[actor_id] = entry deployments = await self.get_serve_info() for _, deployment_info in deployments.items(): for replica_actor_id, actor_info in deployment_info["actors"].items(): if replica_actor_id in actors: serve_metadata = dict() serve_metadata["replica_tag"] = actor_info["replica_tag"] serve_metadata["deployment_name"] = deployment_info["name"] serve_metadata["version"] = actor_info["version"] actors[replica_actor_id]["metadata"]["serve"] = serve_metadata return actors async def get_serve_info(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Conditionally import serve to prevent ModuleNotFoundError from serve # dependencies when only ray[default] is installed (#17712) try: from ray.serve._private.constants import SERVE_CONTROLLER_NAME from ray.serve.controller import SNAPSHOT_KEY as SERVE_SNAPSHOT_KEY except Exception: return {} # Serve wraps Ray's internal KV store and specially formats the keys. # These are the keys we are interested in: # SERVE_CONTROLLER_NAME(+ optional random letters):SERVE_SNAPSHOT_KEY serve_keys = await self._gcs_aio_client.internal_kv_keys( SERVE_CONTROLLER_NAME.encode(), namespace=ray_constants.KV_NAMESPACE_SERVE, timeout=GCS_RPC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, ) tasks = [ self._gcs_aio_client.internal_kv_get( key, namespace=ray_constants.KV_NAMESPACE_SERVE, timeout=GCS_RPC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, ) for key in serve_keys if SERVE_SNAPSHOT_KEY in key.decode() ] serve_snapshot_vals = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) deployments_per_controller: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [ json.loads(val.decode()) for val in serve_snapshot_vals ] # Merge the deployments dicts of all controllers. deployments: Dict[str, Any] = { k: v for d in deployments_per_controller for k, v in d.items() } # Replace the keys (deployment names) with their hashes to prevent # collisions caused by the automatic conversion to camelcase by the # dashboard agent. return { hashlib.sha1(name.encode()).hexdigest(): info for name, info in deployments.items() } async def get_session_name(self): session_name = await self._gcs_aio_client.internal_kv_get( b"session_name", namespace=ray_constants.KV_NAMESPACE_SESSION, timeout=GCS_RPC_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, ) return session_name.decode() async def run(self, server): self._gcs_job_info_stub = gcs_service_pb2_grpc.JobInfoGcsServiceStub( self._dashboard_head.aiogrpc_gcs_channel ) self._gcs_actor_info_stub = gcs_service_pb2_grpc.ActorInfoGcsServiceStub( self._dashboard_head.aiogrpc_gcs_channel ) # Lazily constructed because dashboard_head's gcs_aio_client # is lazily constructed if not self._job_info_client: self._job_info_client = JobInfoStorageClient( self._dashboard_head.gcs_aio_client ) @staticmethod def is_minimal_module(): return False