import logging from ray.rllib.agents import with_common_config from ray.rllib.agents.ppo.ppo_policy import PPOTFPolicy from ray.rllib.agents.trainer_template import build_trainer from ray.rllib.optimizers import SyncSamplesOptimizer, LocalMultiGPUOptimizer from ray.rllib.utils import try_import_tf tf = try_import_tf() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # yapf: disable # __sphinx_doc_begin__ DEFAULT_CONFIG = with_common_config({ # If true, use the Generalized Advantage Estimator (GAE) # with a value function, see "use_gae": True, # The GAE(lambda) parameter. "lambda": 1.0, # Initial coefficient for KL divergence. "kl_coeff": 0.2, # Size of batches collected from each worker. "sample_batch_size": 200, # Number of timesteps collected for each SGD round. This defines the size # of each SGD epoch. "train_batch_size": 4000, # Total SGD batch size across all devices for SGD. This defines the # minibatch size within each epoch. "sgd_minibatch_size": 128, # Whether to shuffle sequences in the batch when training (recommended). "shuffle_sequences": True, # Number of SGD iterations in each outer loop (i.e., number of epochs to # execute per train batch). "num_sgd_iter": 30, # Stepsize of SGD. "lr": 5e-5, # Learning rate schedule. "lr_schedule": None, # Share layers for value function. If you set this to True, it's important # to tune vf_loss_coeff. "vf_share_layers": False, # Coefficient of the value function loss. IMPORTANT: you must tune this if # you set vf_share_layers: True. "vf_loss_coeff": 1.0, # Coefficient of the entropy regularizer. "entropy_coeff": 0.0, # Decay schedule for the entropy regularizer. "entropy_coeff_schedule": None, # PPO clip parameter. "clip_param": 0.3, # Clip param for the value function. Note that this is sensitive to the # scale of the rewards. If your expected V is large, increase this. "vf_clip_param": 10.0, # If specified, clip the global norm of gradients by this amount. "grad_clip": None, # Target value for KL divergence. "kl_target": 0.01, # Whether to rollout "complete_episodes" or "truncate_episodes". "batch_mode": "truncate_episodes", # Which observation filter to apply to the observation. "observation_filter": "NoFilter", # Uses the sync samples optimizer instead of the multi-gpu one. This is # usually slower, but you might want to try it if you run into issues with # the default optimizer. "simple_optimizer": False, }) # __sphinx_doc_end__ # yapf: enable def choose_policy_optimizer(workers, config): if config["simple_optimizer"]: return SyncSamplesOptimizer( workers, num_sgd_iter=config["num_sgd_iter"], train_batch_size=config["train_batch_size"], sgd_minibatch_size=config["sgd_minibatch_size"], standardize_fields=["advantages"]) return LocalMultiGPUOptimizer( workers, sgd_batch_size=config["sgd_minibatch_size"], num_sgd_iter=config["num_sgd_iter"], num_gpus=config["num_gpus"], sample_batch_size=config["sample_batch_size"], num_envs_per_worker=config["num_envs_per_worker"], train_batch_size=config["train_batch_size"], standardize_fields=["advantages"], shuffle_sequences=config["shuffle_sequences"]) def update_kl(trainer, fetches): if "kl" in fetches: # single-agent trainer.workers.local_worker().for_policy( lambda pi: pi.update_kl(fetches["kl"])) else: def update(pi, pi_id): if pi_id in fetches: pi.update_kl(fetches[pi_id]["kl"]) else: logger.debug("No data for {}, not updating kl".format(pi_id)) # multi-agent trainer.workers.local_worker().foreach_trainable_policy(update) def warn_about_bad_reward_scales(trainer, result): if result["policy_reward_mean"]: return # Punt on handling multiagent case. # Warn about excessively high VF loss. learner_stats = result["info"]["learner"] if "default_policy" in learner_stats: scaled_vf_loss = (trainer.config["vf_loss_coeff"] * learner_stats["default_policy"]["vf_loss"]) policy_loss = learner_stats["default_policy"]["policy_loss"] if trainer.config["vf_share_layers"] and scaled_vf_loss > 100: logger.warning( "The magnitude of your value function loss is extremely large " "({}) compared to the policy loss ({}). This can prevent the " "policy from learning. Consider scaling down the VF loss by " "reducing vf_loss_coeff, or disabling vf_share_layers.".format( scaled_vf_loss, policy_loss)) # Warn about bad clipping configs if trainer.config["vf_clip_param"] <= 0: rew_scale = float("inf") else: rew_scale = round( abs(result["episode_reward_mean"]) / trainer.config["vf_clip_param"], 0) if rew_scale > 200: logger.warning( "The magnitude of your environment rewards are more than " "{}x the scale of `vf_clip_param`. ".format(rew_scale) + "This means that it will take more than " "{} iterations for your value ".format(rew_scale) + "function to converge. If this is not intended, consider " "increasing `vf_clip_param`." ) def validate_config(config): # PyTorch check. if config["use_pytorch"]: raise ValueError("PPO does not support PyTorch yet! Use tf instead.") if config["entropy_coeff"] < 0: raise DeprecationWarning("entropy_coeff must be >= 0") if isinstance(config["entropy_coeff"], int): config["entropy_coeff"] = float(config["entropy_coeff"]) if config["sgd_minibatch_size"] > config["train_batch_size"]: raise ValueError( "Minibatch size {} must be <= train batch size {}.". format(config["sgd_minibatch_size"], config["train_batch_size"]) ) if config["batch_mode"] == "truncate_episodes" and not config["use_gae"]: raise ValueError( "Episode truncation is not supported without a value " "function. Consider setting batch_mode=complete_episodes.") if config["multiagent"]["policies"] and not config["simple_optimizer"]: "In multi-agent mode, policies will be optimized sequentially " "by the multi-GPU optimizer. Consider setting " "simple_optimizer=True if this doesn't work for you.") if config["simple_optimizer"]: logger.warning( "Using the simple minibatch optimizer. This will significantly " "reduce performance, consider simple_optimizer=False.") elif tf and tf.executing_eagerly(): config["simple_optimizer"] = True # multi-gpu not supported PPOTrainer = build_trainer( name="PPO", default_config=DEFAULT_CONFIG, default_policy=PPOTFPolicy, make_policy_optimizer=choose_policy_optimizer, validate_config=validate_config, after_optimizer_step=update_kl, after_train_result=warn_about_bad_reward_scales)