from ray.rllib.env.multi_agent_env import MultiAgentEnv class PettingZooEnv(MultiAgentEnv): """An interface to the PettingZoo MARL environment library. See: Inherits from MultiAgentEnv and exposes a given AEC (actor-environment-cycle) game from the PettingZoo project via the MultiAgentEnv public API. It reduces the class of AEC games to Partially Observable Markov (POM) games by imposing the following important restrictions onto an AEC environment: 1. Each agent steps in order specified in agents list (unless they are done, in which case, they should be skipped). 2. Agents act simultaneously (-> No hard-turn games like chess). 3. All agents have the same action_spaces and observation_spaces. Note: If, within your aec game, agents do not have homogeneous action / observation spaces, apply SuperSuit wrappers to apply padding functionality: SuperSuit#built-in-multi-agent-only-functions 4. Environments are positive sum games (-> Agents are expected to cooperate to maximize reward). This isn't a hard restriction, it just that standard algorithms aren't expected to work well in highly competitive games. Examples: >>> from pettingzoo.gamma import prison_v0 >>> env = POMGameEnv(env_creator=prison_v0}) >>> obs = env.reset() >>> print(obs) { "0": [110, 119], "1": [105, 102], "2": [99, 95], } >>> obs, rewards, dones, infos = env.step( action_dict={ "0": 1, "1": 0, "2": 2, }) >>> print(rewards) { "0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 0, } >>> print(dones) { "0": False, # agent 0 is still running "1": True, # agent 1 is done "__all__": False, # the env is not done } >>> print(infos) { "0": {}, # info for agent 0 "1": {}, # info for agent 1 } """ def __init__(self, env): """ Parameters: ----------- env: AECenv object. """ self.aec_env = env # agent idx list self.agents = self.aec_env.agents # Get dictionaries of obs_spaces and act_spaces self.observation_spaces = self.aec_env.observation_spaces self.action_spaces = self.aec_env.action_spaces # Get first observation space, assuming all agents have equal space self.observation_space = self.observation_spaces[self.agents[0]] # Get first action space, assuming all agents have equal space self.action_space = self.action_spaces[self.agents[0]] assert all(obs_space == self.observation_space for obs_space in self.aec_env.observation_spaces.values()), \ "Observation spaces for all agents must be identical. Perhaps " \ "SuperSuit's pad_observations wrapper can help (useage: " \ "`supersuit.aec_wrappers.pad_observations(env)`" assert all(act_space == self.action_space for act_space in self.aec_env.action_spaces.values()), \ "Action spaces for all agents must be identical. Perhaps " \ "SuperSuit's pad_action_space wrapper can help (useage: " \ "`supersuit.aec_wrappers.pad_action_space(env)`" self.rewards = {} self.dones = {} self.obs = {} self.infos = {} _ = self.reset() def _init_dicts(self): # initialize with zero self.rewards = dict(zip(self.agents, [0 for _ in self.agents])) # initialize with False self.dones = dict(zip(self.agents, [False for _ in self.agents])) self.dones["__all__"] = False # initialize with None info object self.infos = dict(zip(self.agents, [{} for _ in self.agents])) # initialize empty observations self.obs = dict(zip(self.agents, [None for _ in self.agents])) def reset(self): """ Resets the env and returns observations from ready agents. Returns: obs (dict): New observations for each ready agent. """ # 1. Reset environment; agent pointer points to first agent. self.aec_env.reset() # 2. Copy agents from environment self.agents = self.aec_env.agents # 3. Reset dictionaries self._init_dicts() # 4. Get initial observations for agent in self.agents: # For each agent get initial observations self.obs[agent] = self.aec_env.observe(agent) return self.obs def step(self, action_dict): """ Executes input actions from RL agents and returns observations from environment agents. The returns are dicts mapping from agent_id strings to values. The number of agents in the env can vary over time. Returns ------- obs (dict): New observations for each ready agent. rewards (dict): Reward values for each ready agent. If the episode is just started, the value will be None. dones (dict): Done values for each ready agent. The special key "__all__" (required) is used to indicate env termination. infos (dict): Optional info values for each agent id. """ stepped_agents = set() while self.aec_env.agent_selection not in stepped_agents: agent = self.aec_env.agent_selection assert agent in action_dict, \ "Live environment agent is not in actions dictionary" self.aec_env.step(action_dict[agent]) stepped_agents.add(agent) assert all(agent in stepped_agents or self.aec_env.dones[agent] for agent in action_dict), \ "environment has a nontrivial ordering, and cannot be used with"\ " the POMGameEnv wrapper" self.obs = {} self.rewards = {} self.dones = {} self.infos = {} # update self.agents self.agents = list(action_dict.keys()) for agent in self.agents: self.obs[agent] = self.aec_env.observe(agent) self.dones[agent] = self.aec_env.dones[agent] self.rewards[agent] = self.aec_env.rewards[agent] self.infos[agent] = self.aec_env.infos[agent] self.dones["__all__"] = all(self.aec_env.dones.values()) return self.obs, self.rewards, self.dones, self.infos def render(self, mode="human"): return self.aec_env.render(mode=mode) def close(self): self.aec_env.close() def seed(self, seed=None): self.aec_env.seed(seed) def with_agent_groups(self, groups, obs_space=None, act_space=None): raise NotImplementedError class ParallelPettingZooEnv(MultiAgentEnv): def __init__(self, env): self.par_env = env # agent idx list self.agents = self.par_env.agents # Get dictionaries of obs_spaces and act_spaces self.observation_spaces = self.par_env.observation_spaces self.action_spaces = self.par_env.action_spaces # Get first observation space, assuming all agents have equal space self.observation_space = self.observation_spaces[self.agents[0]] # Get first action space, assuming all agents have equal space self.action_space = self.action_spaces[self.agents[0]] assert all(obs_space == self.observation_space for obs_space in self.par_env.observation_spaces.values()), \ "Observation spaces for all agents must be identical. Perhaps " \ "SuperSuit's pad_observations wrapper can help (useage: " \ "`supersuit.aec_wrappers.pad_observations(env)`" assert all(act_space == self.action_space for act_space in self.par_env.action_spaces.values()), \ "Action spaces for all agents must be identical. Perhaps " \ "SuperSuit's pad_action_space wrapper can help (useage: " \ "`supersuit.aec_wrappers.pad_action_space(env)`" self.reset() def reset(self): return self.par_env.reset() def step(self, action_dict): for agent in self.agents: action_dict[agent] = self.action_space.sample() obs, rew, dones, info = self.par_env.step(action_dict) dones["__all__"] = all(dones.values()) return obs, rew, dones, info def close(self): self.par_env.close() def seed(self, seed=None): self.par_env.seed(seed) def render(self, mode="human"): return self.par_env.render(mode)