#!/usr/bin/env bash # Push caller's shell options (quietly) { SHELLOPTS_STACK="${SHELLOPTS_STACK-}|$(set +o); set -$-"; } 2> /dev/null set -euxo pipefail ROOT_DIR=$(builtin cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}")"; pwd) WORKSPACE_DIR="${ROOT_DIR}/../.." pkg_install_helper() { case "${OSTYPE}" in darwin*) brew install "$@" ;; linux*) sudo apt-get install -qq -o=Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 "$@" | { grep --line-buffered -v "^\(Preparing to unpack\|Unpacking\|Processing triggers for\) " } ;; *) false;; esac } install_bazel() { "${ROOT_DIR}"/install-bazel.sh if [ -f /etc/profile.d/bazel.sh ]; then . /etc/profile.d/bazel.sh fi } install_base() { case "${OSTYPE}" in linux*) # Expired apt key error: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/11470#issuecomment-633205152 curl -f -s -L -R https://bazel.build/bazel-release.pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add - || true sudo apt-get update -qq pkg_install_helper build-essential curl unzip libunwind-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools \ tmux gdb if [ "${LINUX_WHEELS-}" = 1 ]; then pkg_install_helper docker if [ -n "${TRAVIS-}" ]; then sudo usermod -a -G docker travis fi fi if [ -n "${PYTHON-}" ]; then "${ROOT_DIR}/install-strace.sh" || true fi ;; esac } install_miniconda() { local conda="${CONDA_EXE-}" # Try to get the activated conda executable if [ -z "${conda}" ]; then # If no conda is found, try to find it in PATH conda="$(command -v conda || true)" fi if [ ! -x "${conda}" ]; then # If no conda is found, install it local miniconda_dir # Keep directories user-independent, to help with Bazel caching case "${OSTYPE}" in linux*) miniconda_dir="/opt/miniconda";; darwin*) miniconda_dir="/usr/local/opt/miniconda";; msys) miniconda_dir="${ALLUSERSPROFILE}\Miniconda3";; # Avoid spaces; prefer the default path esac local miniconda_version="Miniconda3-py37_4.8.2" miniconda_platform="" exe_suffix=".sh" case "${OSTYPE}" in linux*) miniconda_platform=Linux;; darwin*) miniconda_platform=MacOSX;; msys*) miniconda_platform=Windows; exe_suffix=".exe";; esac local miniconda_url="https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/${miniconda_version}-${miniconda_platform}-${HOSTTYPE}${exe_suffix}" local miniconda_target="${HOME}/${miniconda_url##*/}" curl -f -s -L -o "${miniconda_target}" "${miniconda_url}" chmod +x "${miniconda_target}" case "${OSTYPE}" in msys*) # We set /AddToPath=0 because # (1) it doesn't take care of the current shell, and # (2) it's consistent with -b in the UNIX installers. MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL="*" "${miniconda_target}" \ /RegisterPython=0 /AddToPath=0 /InstallationType=AllUsers /S /D="${miniconda_dir}" conda="${miniconda_dir}\Scripts\conda.exe" ;; *) mkdir -p -- "${miniconda_dir}" # We're forced to pass -b for non-interactive mode. # Unfortunately it inhibits PATH modifications as a side effect. "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/ci/suppress_output "${miniconda_target}" -f -b -p "${miniconda_dir}" conda="${miniconda_dir}/bin/conda" ;; esac else case "${OSTYPE}" in darwin*) # When 'conda' is preinstalled on Mac (as on GitHub Actions), it uses this directory local miniconda_dir="/usr/local/miniconda" sudo mkdir -p -- "${miniconda_dir}" sudo chown -R "${USER}" "${miniconda_dir}" ;; esac fi if [ ! -x "${CONDA_PYTHON_EXE-}" ]; then # If conda isn't activated, activate it local restore_shell_state="" if [ -o xtrace ]; then set +x && restore_shell_state="set -x"; fi # Disable set -x (noisy here) # TODO(mehrdadn): conda activation is buggy on MSYS2; it adds C:/... to PATH, # which gets split on a colon. Is it necessary to work around this? eval "$("${conda}" shell."${SHELL##*/}" hook)" # Activate conda conda init "${SHELL##*/}" # Add to future shells ${restore_shell_state} # Restore set -x fi local python_version python_version="$(python -s -c "import sys; print('%s.%s' % sys.version_info[:2])")" if [ -n "${PYTHON-}" ] && [ "${PYTHON}" != "${python_version}" ]; then # Update Python version ( set +x echo "Updating Anaconda Python ${python_version} to ${PYTHON}..." "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/ci/suppress_output conda install -q -y python="${PYTHON}" ) fi command -V python test -x "${CONDA_PYTHON_EXE}" # make sure conda is activated } install_linters() { pip install flake8==3.7.7 flake8-comprehensions flake8-quotes==2.0.0 yapf==0.23.0 } install_nvm() { local NVM_HOME="${HOME}/.nvm" if [ "${OSTYPE}" = msys ]; then local ver="1.1.7" if [ ! -f "${NVM_HOME}/nvm.sh" ]; then mkdir -p -- "${NVM_HOME}" export NVM_SYMLINK="${PROGRAMFILES}\nodejs" ( cd "${NVM_HOME}" local target="./nvm-${ver}.zip" curl -f -s -L -o "${target}" \ "https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows/releases/download/${ver}/nvm-noinstall.zip" unzip -q -- "${target}" rm -f -- "${target}" printf "%s\r\n" "root: $(cygpath -w -- "${NVM_HOME}")" "path: ${NVM_SYMLINK}" > settings.txt ) printf "%s\n" \ "export NVM_HOME=\"$(cygpath -w -- "${NVM_HOME}")\"" \ 'nvm() { "${NVM_HOME}/nvm.exe" "$@"; }' \ > "${NVM_HOME}/nvm.sh" fi else test -f "${NVM_HOME}/nvm.sh" # double-check NVM is already available on other platforms fi } install_pip() { local python=python if command -v python3 > /dev/null; then python=python3 fi if "${python}" -m pip --version || "${python}" -m ensurepip; then # Configure pip if present "${python}" -m pip install --upgrade --quiet pip # If we're in a CI environment, do some configuration if [ "${CI-}" = true ]; then "${python}" -W ignore -m pip config -q --user set global.disable-pip-version-check True "${python}" -W ignore -m pip config -q --user set global.no-color True "${python}" -W ignore -m pip config -q --user set global.progress_bar off "${python}" -W ignore -m pip config -q --user set global.quiet True fi fi } install_node() { if [ "${OSTYPE}" = msys ]; then { echo "WARNING: Skipping running Node.js due to incompatibilities with Windows"; } 2> /dev/null else # Install the latest version of Node.js in order to build the dashboard. ( set +x # suppress set -x since it'll get very noisy here . "${HOME}/.nvm/nvm.sh" nvm install node nvm use --silent node npm config set loglevel warn # make NPM quieter ) fi } install_toolchains() { "${ROOT_DIR}"/install-toolchains.sh } install_dependencies() { install_bazel install_base install_toolchains install_nvm install_pip if [ -n "${PYTHON-}" ] || [ "${LINT-}" = 1 ]; then install_miniconda fi # Install modules needed in all jobs. pip install --no-clean dm-tree # --no-clean is due to: https://github.com/deepmind/tree/issues/5 if [ -n "${PYTHON-}" ]; then # PyTorch is installed first since we are using a "-f" directive to find the wheels. # We want to install the CPU version only. local torch_url="https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html" case "${OSTYPE}" in darwin*) pip install torch torchvision;; *) pip install torch==1.5.0+cpu torchvision==0.6.0+cpu -f "${torch_url}";; esac local tf_version case "${OSTYPE}" in msys) tf_version="${TF_VERSION:-2.2.0}";; *) tf_version="${TF_VERSION:-2.1.0}";; esac pip_packages+=(scipy tensorflow=="${tf_version}" cython==0.29.0 gym \ opencv-python-headless pyyaml pandas==1.0.5 requests feather-format lxml openpyxl xlrd \ py-spy pytest pytest-timeout networkx tabulate aiohttp uvicorn dataclasses pygments werkzeug \ kubernetes flask grpcio pytest-sugar pytest-rerunfailures pytest-asyncio scikit-learn==0.22.2 numba \ Pillow prometheus_client boto3) if [ "${OSTYPE}" != msys ]; then # These packages aren't Windows-compatible pip_packages+=(blist) # https://github.com/DanielStutzbach/blist/issues/81#issue-391460716 fi # Try n times; we often encounter OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError (or others) # that break the entire CI job: Simply retry installation in this case # after n seconds. local status="0"; local errmsg=""; for i in {1..3}; do errmsg=$(CC=gcc pip install "${pip_packages[@]}" 2>&1) && break; status=$errmsg && echo "'pip install ...' failed, will retry after n seconds!" && sleep 30; done if [ "$status" != "0" ]; then echo "${status}" && return 1 fi fi if [ "${LINT-}" = 1 ]; then install_linters # readthedocs has an antiquated build env. # This is a best effort to reproduce it locally to avoid doc build failures and hidden errors. local python_version python_version="$(python -s -c "import sys; print('%s.%s' % sys.version_info[:2])")" if [ "${OSTYPE}" = msys ] && [ "${python_version}" = "3.8" ]; then { echo "WARNING: Pillow binaries not available on Windows; cannot build docs"; } 2> /dev/null else pip install -r "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/doc/requirements-rtd.txt pip install -r "${WORKSPACE_DIR}"/doc/requirements-doc.txt fi fi # Additional RLlib dependencies. if [ "${RLLIB_TESTING-}" = 1 ]; then pip install tensorflow-probability=="${TFP_VERSION-0.8}" gast==0.2.2 \ torch=="${TORCH_VERSION-1.4}" torchvision atari_py gym[atari] lz4 smart_open fi # Additional streaming dependencies. if [ "${RAY_CI_STREAMING_PYTHON_AFFECTED}" = 1 ]; then pip install "msgpack>=1.0.0" fi if [ -n "${PYTHON-}" ] || [ -n "${LINT-}" ] || [ "${MAC_WHEELS-}" = 1 ]; then install_node fi CC=gcc pip install psutil setproctitle --target="${WORKSPACE_DIR}/python/ray/thirdparty_files" } install_dependencies "$@" # Pop caller's shell options (quietly) { set -vx; eval "${SHELLOPTS_STACK##*|}"; SHELLOPTS_STACK="${SHELLOPTS_STACK%|*}"; } 2> /dev/null