import logging from pathlib import Path import sys import tempfile import requests import pytest from ray.dashboard.tests.conftest import * # noqa from ray._private.test_utils import (format_web_url, wait_for_condition, wait_until_server_available) from ray._private.job_manager import JobStatus from ray.dashboard.modules.job.sdk import JobSubmissionClient from ray.dashboard.modules.job.job_head import JOBS_API_ROUTE_SUBMIT logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @pytest.fixture def job_sdk_client(ray_start_with_dashboard, disable_aiohttp_cache, enable_test_module): address = ray_start_with_dashboard["webui_url"] assert wait_until_server_available(address) yield JobSubmissionClient(format_web_url(address)) def _check_job_succeeded(client: JobSubmissionClient, job_id: str) -> bool: status = client.get_job_status(job_id) if status == JobStatus.FAILED: logs = client.get_job_logs(job_id) raise RuntimeError(f"Job failed\nlogs:\n{logs}") return status == JobStatus.SUCCEEDED def _check_job_failed(client: JobSubmissionClient, job_id: str) -> bool: status = client.get_job_status(job_id) return status == JobStatus.FAILED def _check_job_stopped(client: JobSubmissionClient, job_id: str) -> bool: status = client.get_job_status(job_id) return status == JobStatus.STOPPED def _check_job_does_not_exist(client: JobSubmissionClient, job_id: str) -> bool: status = client.get_job_status(job_id) return status == JobStatus.DOES_NOT_EXIST @pytest.fixture( scope="function", params=["no_working_dir", "local_working_dir", "s3_working_dir"]) def working_dir_option(request): if request.param == "no_working_dir": yield { "runtime_env": {}, "entrypoint": "echo hello", "expected_logs": "hello\n", } elif request.param == "local_working_dir": with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: path = Path(tmp_dir) hello_file = path / "" with"w") as f: f.write("from test_module import run_test\n") f.write("print(run_test())") module_path = path / "test_module" module_path.mkdir(parents=True) test_file = module_path / "" with"w") as f: f.write("def run_test():\n") f.write(" return 'Hello from test_module!'\n") init_file = module_path / "" with"w") as f: f.write("from test_module.test import run_test\n") yield { "runtime_env": { "working_dir": tmp_dir }, "entrypoint": "python", "expected_logs": "Hello from test_module!\n", } elif request.param == "s3_working_dir": yield { "runtime_env": { "working_dir": "s3://runtime-env-test/", }, "entrypoint": "python", "expected_logs": "Executing main() from !!\n", } else: assert False, f"Unrecognized option: {request.param}." def test_submit_job(job_sdk_client, working_dir_option): client = job_sdk_client job_id = client.submit_job( entrypoint=working_dir_option["entrypoint"], runtime_env=working_dir_option["runtime_env"]) wait_for_condition(_check_job_succeeded, client=client, job_id=job_id) logs = client.get_job_logs(job_id) assert logs == working_dir_option["expected_logs"] def test_http_bad_request(job_sdk_client): """ Send bad requests to job http server and ensure right return code and error message is returned via http. """ client = job_sdk_client # 400 - HTTPBadRequest with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError) as e: _ = client._do_request( "POST", JOBS_API_ROUTE_SUBMIT, json_data={"key": "baaaad request"}, ) ex_message = str(e.value) assert "400 Client Error" in ex_message assert "TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument" in ex_message # noqa: E501 # 405 - HTTPMethodNotAllowed with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError) as e: _ = client._do_request( "GET", JOBS_API_ROUTE_SUBMIT, json_data={"key": "baaaad request"}, ) ex_message = str(e.value) assert "405 Client Error: Method Not Allowed" in ex_message # 500 - HTTPInternalServerError with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError) as e: _ = client.submit_job( entrypoint="echo hello", runtime_env={"working_dir": "s3://does_not_exist"}) ex_message = str(e.value) assert "500 Server Error" in ex_message assert "Only .zip files supported for S3 URIs" in ex_message def test_submit_job_with_exception_in_driver(job_sdk_client): """ Submit a job that's expected to throw exception while executing. """ client = job_sdk_client with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: path = Path(tmp_dir) driver_script = """ print('Hello !') raise RuntimeError('Intentionally failed.') """ test_script_file = path / "" with open(test_script_file, "w+") as file: file.write(driver_script) job_id = client.submit_job( entrypoint="python", runtime_env={"working_dir": tmp_dir}) wait_for_condition(_check_job_failed, client=client, job_id=job_id) logs = client.get_job_logs(job_id) assert "Hello !" in logs assert "RuntimeError: Intentionally failed." in logs def test_stop_long_running_job(job_sdk_client): """ Submit a job that runs for a while and stop it in the middle. """ client = job_sdk_client with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: path = Path(tmp_dir) driver_script = """ print('Hello !') import time time.sleep(300) # This should never finish raise RuntimeError('Intentionally failed.') """ test_script_file = path / "" with open(test_script_file, "w+") as file: file.write(driver_script) job_id = client.submit_job( entrypoint="python", runtime_env={"working_dir": tmp_dir}) assert client.stop_job(job_id) is True wait_for_condition(_check_job_stopped, client=client, job_id=job_id) def test_job_metadata(job_sdk_client): client = job_sdk_client print_metadata_cmd = ( "python -c\"" "import ray;" "ray.init();" "job_config=ray.worker.global_worker.core_worker.get_job_config();" "print(dict(sorted(job_config.metadata.items())))" "\"") job_id = client.submit_job( entrypoint=print_metadata_cmd, metadata={ "key1": "val1", "key2": "val2" }) wait_for_condition(_check_job_succeeded, client=client, job_id=job_id) assert str({ "job_submission_id": job_id, "key1": "val1", "key2": "val2" }) in client.get_job_logs(job_id) def test_pass_job_id(job_sdk_client): client = job_sdk_client job_id = "my_custom_id" returned_id = client.submit_job(entrypoint="echo hello", job_id=job_id) assert returned_id == job_id wait_for_condition(_check_job_succeeded, client=client, job_id=returned_id) # Test that a duplicate job_id is rejected. with pytest.raises(Exception, match=f"{job_id} already exists"): returned_id = client.submit_job(entrypoint="echo hello", job_id=job_id) def test_nonexistent_job(job_sdk_client): client = job_sdk_client _check_job_does_not_exist(client, "nonexistent_job") if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(pytest.main(["-v", __file__]))