from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Type import numpy as np import tree # dm_tree from ray.rllib.connectors.connector import ( AgentConnector, ConnectorContext, register_connector, ) from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch from ray.rllib.utils.typing import ( AgentConnectorDataType, AgentConnectorsOutput, TensorStructType, ) from ray.util.annotations import PublicAPI @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def register_lambda_agent_connector( name: str, fn: Callable[[Any], Any] ) -> Type[AgentConnector]: """A util to register any simple transforming function as an AgentConnector The only requirement is that fn should take a single data object and return a single data object. Args: name: Name of the resulting actor connector. fn: The function that transforms env / agent data. Returns: A new AgentConnector class that transforms data using fn. """ class LambdaAgentConnector(AgentConnector): def transform(self, ac_data: AgentConnectorDataType) -> AgentConnectorDataType: return AgentConnectorDataType( ac_data.env_id, ac_data.agent_id, fn( ) def to_config(self): return name, None @staticmethod def from_config(ctx: ConnectorContext, params: List[Any]): return LambdaAgentConnector(ctx) LambdaAgentConnector.__name__ = name LambdaAgentConnector.__qualname__ = name register_connector(name, LambdaAgentConnector) return LambdaAgentConnector @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def flatten_data(data: Dict[str, TensorStructType]): assert isinstance( data, dict ), "Single agent data must be of type Dict[str, TensorStructType]" flattened = {} for k, v in data.items(): if k in [SampleBatch.INFOS, SampleBatch.ACTIONS] or k.startswith("state_out_"): # Do not flatten infos, actions, and state_out_ columns. flattened[k] = v continue if v is None: # Keep the same column shape. flattened[k] = None continue flattened[k] = np.array(tree.flatten(v)) flattened = SampleBatch(flattened, is_training=False) return AgentConnectorsOutput(data, flattened) # Agent connector to build and return a flattened observation SampleBatch # in addition to the original input dict. FlattenDataAgentConnector = PublicAPI(stability="alpha")( register_lambda_agent_connector("FlattenDataAgentConnector", flatten_data) )