import logging import math import numpy as np from collections import defaultdict import ray from ray.rllib.evaluation.metrics import LEARNER_STATS_KEY from ray.rllib.policy.tf_policy import TFPolicy from ray.rllib.optimizers.policy_optimizer import PolicyOptimizer from ray.rllib.optimizers.multi_gpu_impl import LocalSyncParallelOptimizer from ray.rllib.optimizers.rollout import collect_samples from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch, DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, \ MultiAgentBatch from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf from ray.rllib.utils.sgd import averaged from ray.rllib.utils.timer import TimerStat tf = try_import_tf() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class LocalMultiGPUOptimizer(PolicyOptimizer): """A synchronous optimizer that uses multiple local GPUs. Samples are pulled synchronously from multiple remote workers, concatenated, and then split across the memory of multiple local GPUs. A number of SGD passes are then taken over the in-memory data. For more details, see `multi_gpu_impl.LocalSyncParallelOptimizer`. This optimizer is Tensorflow-specific and requires the underlying Policy to be a TFPolicy instance that implements the `copy()` method for multi-GPU tower generation. Note that all replicas of the TFPolicy will merge their extra_compute_grad and apply_grad feed_dicts and fetches. This may result in unexpected behavior. """ def __init__(self, workers, sgd_batch_size=128, num_sgd_iter=10, rollout_fragment_length=200, num_envs_per_worker=1, train_batch_size=1024, num_gpus=0, standardize_fields=[], shuffle_sequences=True, _fake_gpus=False): """Initialize a synchronous multi-gpu optimizer. Arguments: workers (WorkerSet): all workers sgd_batch_size (int): SGD minibatch size within train batch size num_sgd_iter (int): number of passes to learn on per train batch rollout_fragment_length (int): size of batches to sample from workers. num_envs_per_worker (int): num envs in each rollout worker train_batch_size (int): size of batches to learn on num_gpus (int): number of GPUs to use for data-parallel SGD standardize_fields (list): list of fields in the training batch to normalize shuffle_sequences (bool): whether to shuffle the train batch prior to SGD to break up correlations _fake_gpus (bool): Whether to use fake-GPUs (CPUs) instead of actual GPUs (should only be used for testing on non-GPU machines). """ PolicyOptimizer.__init__(self, workers) self.batch_size = sgd_batch_size self.num_sgd_iter = num_sgd_iter self.num_envs_per_worker = num_envs_per_worker self.rollout_fragment_length = rollout_fragment_length self.train_batch_size = train_batch_size self.shuffle_sequences = shuffle_sequences # Collect actual devices to use. if not num_gpus: _fake_gpus = True num_gpus = 1 type_ = "cpu" if _fake_gpus else "gpu" self.devices = [ "/{}:{}".format(type_, i) for i in range(int(math.ceil(num_gpus))) ] self.batch_size = int(sgd_batch_size / len(self.devices)) * len( self.devices) assert self.batch_size % len(self.devices) == 0 assert self.batch_size >= len(self.devices), "batch size too small" self.per_device_batch_size = int(self.batch_size / len(self.devices)) self.sample_timer = TimerStat() self.load_timer = TimerStat() self.grad_timer = TimerStat() self.update_weights_timer = TimerStat() self.standardize_fields = standardize_fields"LocalMultiGPUOptimizer devices {}".format(self.devices)) self.policies = dict(self.workers.local_worker() .foreach_trainable_policy(lambda p, i: (i, p))) logger.debug("Policies to train: {}".format(self.policies)) for policy_id, policy in self.policies.items(): if not isinstance(policy, TFPolicy): raise ValueError( "Only TF graph policies are supported with multi-GPU. " "Try setting `simple_optimizer=True` instead.") # per-GPU graph copies created below must share vars with the policy # reuse is set to AUTO_REUSE because Adam nodes are created after # all of the device copies are created. self.optimizers = {} with self.workers.local_worker().tf_sess.graph.as_default(): with self.workers.local_worker().tf_sess.as_default(): for policy_id, policy in self.policies.items(): with tf.variable_scope(policy_id, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): if policy._state_inputs: rnn_inputs = policy._state_inputs + [ policy._seq_lens ] else: rnn_inputs = [] self.optimizers[policy_id] = ( LocalSyncParallelOptimizer( policy._optimizer, self.devices, [v for _, v in policy._loss_inputs], rnn_inputs, self.per_device_batch_size, policy.copy)) self.sess = self.workers.local_worker().tf_sess @override(PolicyOptimizer) def step(self): with self.update_weights_timer: if self.workers.remote_workers(): weights = ray.put(self.workers.local_worker().get_weights()) for e in self.workers.remote_workers(): e.set_weights.remote(weights) with self.sample_timer: if self.workers.remote_workers(): samples = collect_samples(self.workers.remote_workers(), self.rollout_fragment_length, self.num_envs_per_worker, self.train_batch_size) if samples.count > self.train_batch_size * 2: "Collected more training samples than expected " "(actual={}, train_batch_size={}). ".format( samples.count, self.train_batch_size) + "This may be because you have many workers or " "long episodes in 'complete_episodes' batch mode.") else: samples = [] while sum(s.count for s in samples) < self.train_batch_size: samples.append(self.workers.local_worker().sample()) samples = SampleBatch.concat_samples(samples) # Handle everything as if multiagent if isinstance(samples, SampleBatch): samples = MultiAgentBatch({ DEFAULT_POLICY_ID: samples }, samples.count) for policy_id, policy in self.policies.items(): if policy_id not in samples.policy_batches: continue batch = samples.policy_batches[policy_id] for field in self.standardize_fields: value = batch[field] standardized = (value - value.mean()) / max(1e-4, value.std()) batch[field] = standardized num_loaded_tuples = {} with self.load_timer: for policy_id, batch in samples.policy_batches.items(): if policy_id not in self.policies: continue policy = self.policies[policy_id] policy._debug_vars() tuples = policy._get_loss_inputs_dict( batch, shuffle=self.shuffle_sequences) data_keys = [ph for _, ph in policy._loss_inputs] if policy._state_inputs: state_keys = policy._state_inputs + [policy._seq_lens] else: state_keys = [] num_loaded_tuples[policy_id] = ( self.optimizers[policy_id].load_data( self.sess, [tuples[k] for k in data_keys], [tuples[k] for k in state_keys])) fetches = {} with self.grad_timer: for policy_id, tuples_per_device in num_loaded_tuples.items(): optimizer = self.optimizers[policy_id] num_batches = max( 1, int(tuples_per_device) // int(self.per_device_batch_size)) logger.debug("== sgd epochs for {} ==".format(policy_id)) for i in range(self.num_sgd_iter): iter_extra_fetches = defaultdict(list) permutation = np.random.permutation(num_batches) for batch_index in range(num_batches): batch_fetches = optimizer.optimize( self.sess, permutation[batch_index] * self.per_device_batch_size) for k, v in batch_fetches[LEARNER_STATS_KEY].items(): iter_extra_fetches[k].append(v) logger.debug("{} {}".format(i, averaged(iter_extra_fetches))) fetches[policy_id] = averaged(iter_extra_fetches) self.num_steps_sampled += samples.count self.num_steps_trained += tuples_per_device * len(self.devices) self.learner_stats = fetches return fetches @override(PolicyOptimizer) def stats(self): return dict( PolicyOptimizer.stats(self), **{ "sample_time_ms": round(1000 * self.sample_timer.mean, 3), "load_time_ms": round(1000 * self.load_timer.mean, 3), "grad_time_ms": round(1000 * self.grad_timer.mean, 3), "update_time_ms": round(1000 * self.update_weights_timer.mean, 3), "learner": self.learner_stats, })