import gym from gym.spaces import Discrete, MultiDiscrete import numpy as np import os import tree # pip install dm_tree from typing import Dict, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING import warnings from ray.rllib.models.repeated_values import RepeatedValues from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import Deprecated, PublicAPI from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_torch from ray.rllib.utils.numpy import SMALL_NUMBER from ray.rllib.utils.typing import ( LocalOptimizer, SpaceStruct, TensorType, TensorStructType, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from ray.rllib.policy.torch_policy import TorchPolicy torch, nn = try_import_torch() # Limit values suitable for use as close to a -inf logit. These are useful # since -inf / inf cause NaNs during backprop. FLOAT_MIN = -3.4e38 FLOAT_MAX = 3.4e38 @PublicAPI def apply_grad_clipping( policy: "TorchPolicy", optimizer: LocalOptimizer, loss: TensorType ) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: """Applies gradient clipping to already computed grads inside `optimizer`. Args: policy: The TorchPolicy, which calculated `loss`. optimizer: A local torch optimizer object. loss: The torch loss tensor. Returns: An info dict containing the "grad_norm" key and the resulting clipped gradients. """ info = {} if policy.config["grad_clip"]: for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: # Make sure we only pass params with grad != None into torch # clip_grad_norm_. Would fail otherwise. params = list(filter(lambda p: p.grad is not None, param_group["params"])) if params: grad_gnorm = nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( params, policy.config["grad_clip"] ) if isinstance(grad_gnorm, torch.Tensor): grad_gnorm = grad_gnorm.cpu().numpy() info["grad_gnorm"] = grad_gnorm return info @Deprecated( old="ray.rllib.utils.torch_utils.atanh", new="torch.math.atanh", error=False ) def atanh(x: TensorType) -> TensorType: """Atanh function for PyTorch.""" return 0.5 * torch.log( (1 + x).clamp(min=SMALL_NUMBER) / (1 - x).clamp(min=SMALL_NUMBER) ) @PublicAPI def concat_multi_gpu_td_errors(policy: "TorchPolicy") -> Dict[str, TensorType]: """Concatenates multi-GPU (per-tower) TD error tensors given TorchPolicy. TD-errors are extracted from the TorchPolicy via its tower_stats property. Args: policy: The TorchPolicy to extract the TD-error values from. Returns: A dict mapping strings "td_error" and "mean_td_error" to the corresponding concatenated and mean-reduced values. """ td_error = [ t.tower_stats.get("td_error", torch.tensor([0.0])).to(policy.device) for t in policy.model_gpu_towers ], dim=0, ) policy.td_error = td_error return { "td_error": td_error, "mean_td_error": torch.mean(td_error), } @Deprecated(new="ray/rllib/utils/", error=False) def convert_to_non_torch_type(stats: TensorStructType) -> TensorStructType: """Converts values in `stats` to non-Tensor numpy or python types. Args: stats (any): Any (possibly nested) struct, the values in which will be converted and returned as a new struct with all torch tensors being converted to numpy types. Returns: Any: A new struct with the same structure as `stats`, but with all values converted to non-torch Tensor types. """ # The mapping function used to numpyize torch Tensors. def mapping(item): if isinstance(item, torch.Tensor): return ( item.cpu().item() if len(item.size()) == 0 else item.detach().cpu().numpy() ) else: return item return tree.map_structure(mapping, stats) @PublicAPI def convert_to_torch_tensor(x: TensorStructType, device: Optional[str] = None): """Converts any struct to torch.Tensors. x (any): Any (possibly nested) struct, the values in which will be converted and returned as a new struct with all leaves converted to torch tensors. Returns: Any: A new struct with the same structure as `stats`, but with all values converted to torch Tensor types. """ def mapping(item): # Already torch tensor -> make sure it's on right device. if torch.is_tensor(item): return item if device is None else # Special handling of "Repeated" values. elif isinstance(item, RepeatedValues): return RepeatedValues( tree.map_structure(mapping, item.values), item.lengths, item.max_len ) # Numpy arrays. if isinstance(item, np.ndarray): # Object type (e.g. info dicts in train batch): leave as-is. if item.dtype == object: return item # Non-writable numpy-arrays will cause PyTorch warning. elif item.flags.writeable is False: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") tensor = torch.from_numpy(item) # Already numpy: Wrap as torch tensor. else: tensor = torch.from_numpy(item) # Everything else: Convert to numpy, then wrap as torch tensor. else: tensor = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(item)) # Floatify all float64 tensors. if tensor.dtype == torch.double: tensor = tensor.float() return tensor if device is None else return tree.map_structure(mapping, x) @PublicAPI def explained_variance(y: TensorType, pred: TensorType) -> TensorType: """Computes the explained variance for a pair of labels and predictions. The formula used is: max(-1.0, 1.0 - (std(y - pred)^2 / std(y)^2)) Args: y: The labels. pred: The predictions. Returns: The explained variance given a pair of labels and predictions. """ y_var = torch.var(y, dim=[0]) diff_var = torch.var(y - pred, dim=[0]) min_ = torch.tensor([-1.0]).to(pred.device) return torch.max(min_, 1 - (diff_var / y_var))[0] @PublicAPI def flatten_inputs_to_1d_tensor( inputs: TensorStructType, spaces_struct: Optional[SpaceStruct] = None, time_axis: bool = False, ) -> TensorType: """Flattens arbitrary input structs according to the given spaces struct. Returns a single 1D tensor resulting from the different input components' values. Thereby: - Boxes (any shape) get flattened to (B, [T]?, -1). Note that image boxes are not treated differently from other types of Boxes and get flattened as well. - Discrete (int) values are one-hot'd, e.g. a batch of [1, 0, 3] (B=3 with Discrete(4) space) results in [[0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]. - MultiDiscrete values are multi-one-hot'd, e.g. a batch of [[0, 2], [1, 4]] (B=2 with MultiDiscrete([2, 5]) space) results in [[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]. Args: inputs: The inputs to be flattened. spaces_struct: The structure of the spaces that behind the input time_axis: Whether all inputs have a time-axis (after the batch axis). If True, will keep not only the batch axis (0th), but the time axis (1st) as-is and flatten everything from the 2nd axis up. Returns: A single 1D tensor resulting from concatenating all flattened/one-hot'd input components. Depending on the time_axis flag, the shape is (B, n) or (B, T, n). Examples: >>> # B=2 >>> from ray.rllib.utils.tf_utils import flatten_inputs_to_1d_tensor >>> from gym.spaces import Discrete, Box >>> out = flatten_inputs_to_1d_tensor( # doctest: +SKIP ... {"a": [1, 0], "b": [[[0.0], [0.1]], [1.0], [1.1]]}, ... spaces_struct=dict(a=Discrete(2), b=Box(shape=(2, 1)))) ... ) # doctest: +SKIP >>> print(out) # doctest: +SKIP [[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.1], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.1]] # B=2 n=4 >>> # B=2; T=2 >>> out = flatten_inputs_to_1d_tensor( # doctest: +SKIP ... ([[1, 0], [0, 1]], ... [[[0.0, 0.1], [1.0, 1.1]], [[2.0, 2.1], [3.0, 3.1]]]), ... spaces_struct=tuple([Discrete(2), Box(shape=(2, ))]), ... time_axis=True ... ) # doctest: +SKIP >>> print(out) # doctest: +SKIP [[[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.1], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.1]],\ [[1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 2.1], [0.0, 1.0, 3.0, 3.1]]] # B=2 T=2 n=4 """ flat_inputs = tree.flatten(inputs) flat_spaces = ( tree.flatten(spaces_struct) if spaces_struct is not None else [None] * len(flat_inputs) ) B = None T = None out = [] for input_, space in zip(flat_inputs, flat_spaces): # Store batch and (if applicable) time dimension. if B is None: B = input_.shape[0] if time_axis: T = input_.shape[1] # One-hot encoding. if isinstance(space, Discrete): if time_axis: input_ = torch.reshape(input_, [B * T]) out.append(one_hot(input_, space).float()) # Multi one-hot encoding. elif isinstance(space, MultiDiscrete): if time_axis: input_ = torch.reshape(input_, [B * T, -1]) out.append(one_hot(input_, space).float()) # Box: Flatten. else: if time_axis: input_ = torch.reshape(input_, [B * T, -1]) else: input_ = torch.reshape(input_, [B, -1]) out.append(input_.float()) merged =, dim=-1) # Restore the time-dimension, if applicable. if time_axis: merged = torch.reshape(merged, [B, T, -1]) return merged @PublicAPI def global_norm(tensors: List[TensorType]) -> TensorType: """Returns the global L2 norm over a list of tensors. output = sqrt(SUM(t ** 2 for t in tensors)), where SUM reduces over all tensors and over all elements in tensors. Args: tensors: The list of tensors to calculate the global norm over. Returns: The global L2 norm over the given tensor list. """ # List of single tensors' L2 norms: SQRT(SUM(xi^2)) over all xi in tensor. single_l2s = [torch.pow(torch.sum(torch.pow(t, 2.0)), 0.5) for t in tensors] # Compute global norm from all single tensors' L2 norms. return torch.pow(sum(torch.pow(l2, 2.0) for l2 in single_l2s), 0.5) @PublicAPI def huber_loss(x: TensorType, delta: float = 1.0) -> TensorType: """Computes the huber loss for a given term and delta parameter. Reference: Note that the factor of 0.5 is implicitly included in the calculation. Formula: L = 0.5 * x^2 for small abs x (delta threshold) L = delta * (abs(x) - 0.5*delta) for larger abs x (delta threshold) Args: x: The input term, e.g. a TD error. delta: The delta parmameter in the above formula. Returns: The Huber loss resulting from `x` and `delta`. """ return torch.where( torch.abs(x) < delta, torch.pow(x, 2.0) * 0.5, delta * (torch.abs(x) - 0.5 * delta), ) @PublicAPI def l2_loss(x: TensorType) -> TensorType: """Computes half the L2 norm over a tensor's values without the sqrt. output = 0.5 * sum(x ** 2) Args: x: The input tensor. Returns: 0.5 times the L2 norm over the given tensor's values (w/o sqrt). """ return 0.5 * torch.sum(torch.pow(x, 2.0)) @PublicAPI def minimize_and_clip( optimizer: "torch.optim.Optimizer", clip_val: float = 10.0 ) -> None: """Clips grads found in `optimizer.param_groups` to given value in place. Ensures the norm of the gradients for each variable is clipped to `clip_val`. Args: optimizer: The torch.optim.Optimizer to get the variables from. clip_val: The global norm clip value. Will clip around -clip_val and +clip_val. """ # Loop through optimizer's variables and norm per variable. for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: for p in param_group["params"]: if p.grad is not None: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(p.grad, clip_val) @PublicAPI def one_hot(x: TensorType, space: gym.Space) -> TensorType: """Returns a one-hot tensor, given and int tensor and a space. Handles the MultiDiscrete case as well. Args: x: The input tensor. space: The space to use for generating the one-hot tensor. Returns: The resulting one-hot tensor. Raises: ValueError: If the given space is not a discrete one. Examples: >>> import torch >>> import gym >>> from ray.rllib.utils.torch_utils import one_hot >>> x = torch.IntTensor([0, 3]) # batch-dim=2 >>> # Discrete space with 4 (one-hot) slots per batch item. >>> s = gym.spaces.Discrete(4) >>> one_hot(x, s) # doctest: +SKIP tensor([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) >>> x = torch.IntTensor([[0, 1, 2, 3]]) # batch-dim=1 >>> # MultiDiscrete space with 5 + 4 + 4 + 7 = 20 (one-hot) slots >>> # per batch item. >>> s = gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete([5, 4, 4, 7]) >>> one_hot(x, s) # doctest: +SKIP tensor([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]]) """ if isinstance(space, Discrete): return nn.functional.one_hot(x.long(), space.n) elif isinstance(space, MultiDiscrete): return [ nn.functional.one_hot(x[:, i].long(), n) for i, n in enumerate(space.nvec) ], dim=-1, ) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported space for `one_hot`: {}".format(space)) @PublicAPI def reduce_mean_ignore_inf(x: TensorType, axis: Optional[int] = None) -> TensorType: """Same as torch.mean() but ignores -inf values. Args: x: The input tensor to reduce mean over. axis: The axis over which to reduce. None for all axes. Returns: The mean reduced inputs, ignoring inf values. """ mask =, float("-inf")) x_zeroed = torch.where(mask, x, torch.zeros_like(x)) return torch.sum(x_zeroed, axis) / torch.sum(mask.float(), axis) @PublicAPI def sequence_mask( lengths: TensorType, maxlen: Optional[int] = None, dtype=None, time_major: bool = False, ) -> TensorType: """Offers same behavior as tf.sequence_mask for torch. Thanks to Dimitris Papatheodorou ( 39036). Args: lengths: The tensor of individual lengths to mask by. maxlen: The maximum length to use for the time axis. If None, use the max of `lengths`. dtype: The torch dtype to use for the resulting mask. time_major: Whether to return the mask as [B, T] (False; default) or as [T, B] (True). Returns: The sequence mask resulting from the given input and parameters. """ # If maxlen not given, use the longest lengths in the `lengths` tensor. if maxlen is None: maxlen = int(lengths.max()) mask = ~( torch.ones((len(lengths), maxlen)).to(lengths.device).cumsum(dim=1).t() > lengths ) # Time major transformation. if not time_major: mask = mask.t() # By default, set the mask to be boolean. mask.type(dtype or torch.bool) return mask @PublicAPI def set_torch_seed(seed: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Sets the torch random seed to the given value. Args: seed: The seed to use or None for no seeding. """ if seed is not None and torch: torch.manual_seed(seed) # See cuda_version = torch.version.cuda if cuda_version is not None and float(torch.version.cuda) >= 10.2: os.environ["CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG"] = "4096:8" else: # Not all Operations support this. torch.use_deterministic_algorithms(True) # This is only for Convolution no problem. torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True @PublicAPI def softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits: TensorType, labels: TensorType, ) -> TensorType: """Same behavior as tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits. Args: x: The input predictions. labels: The labels corresponding to `x`. Returns: The resulting softmax cross-entropy given predictions and labels. """ return torch.sum(-labels * nn.functional.log_softmax(logits, -1), -1) @PublicAPI class Swish(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._beta = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(1.0)) def forward(self, input_tensor): return input_tensor * torch.sigmoid(self._beta * input_tensor)