sudo: required language: generic matrix: include: - os: linux dist: trusty env: PYTHON=2.7 - os: linux dist: trusty env: PYTHON=3.5 - os: osx osx_image: xcode7 env: PYTHON=2.7 - os: osx osx_image: xcode7 env: PYTHON=3.5 - os: linux dist: trusty env: LINT=1 before_install: # In case we ever want to use a different version of clang-format: #- wget -O - | sudo apt-key add - #- echo "deb llvm-toolchain-trusty main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install -qq clang-format-3.8 install: [] script: - .travis/ # Try generating Sphinx documentation. To do this, we need to install # Ray first. - ./.travis/ - export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH" - cd doc - pip install -q -r requirements-doc.txt - sphinx-build -W -b html -d _build/doctrees source _build/html - cd .. # Run Python linting. - flake8 --exclude=python/ray/core/src/common/flatbuffers_ep-prefix/,python/ray/core/generated/,src/common/format/,doc/source/,python/ray/cloudpickle/ - os: linux dist: trusty env: VALGRIND=1 PYTHON=2.7 before_install: - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install -qq valgrind install: - ./.travis/ - export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH" - ./.travis/ script: - cd python/ray/core - bash ../../../src/common/test/ - bash ../../../src/plasma/test/ - bash ../../../src/local_scheduler/test/ - cd ../../.. - python ./python/ray/plasma/test/ valgrind - python ./python/ray/local_scheduler/test/ valgrind - python ./python/ray/global_scheduler/test/ valgrind # Build Linux wheels. - os: linux dist: trusty env: LINUX_WHEELS=1 install: - ./.travis/ # This command should be kept in sync with ray/python/ - docker run --rm -w /ray -v `pwd`:/ray -ti /ray/python/ script: - ./.travis/ # Build MacOS wheels. - os: osx osx_image: xcode7 env: MAC_WHEELS=1 install: - ./.travis/ # This command should be kept in sync with ray/python/ - ./python/ script: - ./.travis/ # Test GCS integration - os: linux dist: trusty env: - PYTHON=3.5 - RAY_USE_NEW_GCS=on install: - ./.travis/ - export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH" - ./.travis/ - ./.travis/ - cd python/ray/core - bash ../../../src/ray/test/ - bash ../../../src/common/test/ - bash ../../../src/plasma/test/ - bash ../../../src/local_scheduler/test/ - cd ../../.. script: - export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH" - python python/ray/common/test/ - python python/ray/common/redis_module/ - python python/ray/plasma/test/ - python python/ray/local_scheduler/test/ - python python/ray/global_scheduler/test/ - python test/ - python test/ - python test/ - python test/ - python test/ - python test/ - python test/ - python test/ - python test/ - python test/ - python test/ - python test/ - python test/ # ray dataframe tests - python -m pytest python/ray/dataframe/test/ - python -m pytest python/ray/dataframe/test/ # ray tune tests - python -m pytest python/ray/tune/test/ - python -m pytest python/ray/tune/test/ - python -m pytest python/ray/tune/test/ # ray rllib tests - python -m pytest python/ray/rllib/test/ - python -m pytest python/ray/rllib/test/ - python -m pytest python/ray/rllib/test/ - python -m pytest python/ray/rllib/test/ deploy: - provider: s3 access_key_id: AKIAJ2L7XDUSZVTXI5QA secret_access_key: secure: 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 bucket: ray-wheels acl: public_read region: us-west-2 local_dir: .whl upload-dir: $TRAVIS_COMMIT skip_cleanup: true only: - master on: repo: ray-project/ray condition: $LINUX_WHEELS = 1 || $MAC_WHEELS = 1 - provider: s3 access_key_id: AKIAJ2L7XDUSZVTXI5QA secret_access_key: secure: 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 bucket: ray-wheels acl: public_read region: us-west-2 local_dir: .whl upload-dir: latest skip_cleanup: true only: - master on: repo: ray-project/ray condition: $LINUX_WHEELS = 1 || $MAC_WHEELS = 1