name: ray

    # Head service.
        # There should only be one instance of the head node per cluster.
        instances: 1
            # The resources for the head node.
            vcores: 1
            memory: 2048
            # ray/doc/yarn/
        #     # A packaged python environment using `conda-pack`. Note that Skein
        #     # doesn't require any specific way of distributing files, but this
        #     # is a good one for python projects. This is optional.
        #     # See
        #     environment: environment.tar.gz
        script: |
            # Activate the packaged conda environment
            #  - source environment/bin/activate

            # This stores the Ray head address in the Skein key-value store so that the workers can retrieve it later.
            skein kv put current --key=RAY_HEAD_ADDRESS --value=$(hostname -i)

            # This command starts all the processes needed on the ray head node.
            # By default, we set object store memory and heap memory to roughly 200 MB. This is conservative
            # and should be set according to application needs.
            ray start --head --port=6379 --object-store-memory=200000000 --memory 200000000 --num-cpus=1

            # This executes the user script.

            # After the user script has executed, all started processes should also die.
            ray stop
            skein application shutdown current
    # Worker service.
        # The number of instances to start initially. This can be scaled
        # dynamically later.
        instances: 4
            # The resources for the worker node
            vcores: 1
            memory: 2048
        # files:
        #     environment: environment.tar.gz
            # Don't start any worker nodes until the head node is started
            - ray-head
        script: |
            # Activate the packaged conda environment
            #  - source environment/bin/activate

            # This command gets any addresses it needs (e.g. the head node) from
            # the skein key-value store.
            RAY_HEAD_ADDRESS=$(skein kv get --key=RAY_HEAD_ADDRESS current)

            # The below command starts all the processes needed on a ray worker node, blocking until killed with sigterm.
            # After sigterm, all started processes should also die (ray stop).
            ray start --object-store-memory=200000000 --memory 200000000 --num-cpus=1 --address=$RAY_HEAD_ADDRESS:6379 --block; ray stop